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    1st Lunar Colonist
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  1. As steuben said, each CB has a different "autodeletion altitude". If your hunk of trash has a Pe below that number, it will get autodeleted when it reaches that altitude. I think the number is 25Km for Kerbin. Aero effects only apply within the physics bubble, which is a small region around the currently active craft.
  2. Looks like you have it attached to a docking port? If so, you should just be able to use the docking port's menu to detach it.
  3. As Anth12 said, it's entirely a matter of your friction settings on low gravity worlds. Yes, in low gravity you have low traction, and your rovers will tend to slide around. As far as slow rotations of landed craft go, that's an effect I call "microbouncing" and is a fundamental feature of the way the Unity game engine models collisions (resting on the surface of a CB is a neverending sequence of collisions).
  4. And the two ships being rendezvoused must be launched separately.
  5. If you got your game from Steam, it's always a good idea to validate your game download when really odd things like this happen.
  6. Yeah, ground targets are extremely small in radius (especially if it's a 3-star contract). You have to target each of the waypoints, then follow those targets on the navball until they blink and you get a notification on the screen.
  7. In the Debug Menu there is a button to Reload the Database.
  8. After a few hours of gametime, they will suddenly reappear in your Astronaut Complex. No need for a rescue.
  9. When a rocket launches through the atmosphere, it needs to have low drag. When the same rocket comes back down to land, it needs to have high drag, or it will slam into the ground before the parachutes deploy. So, while it is in space, its aerodynamics need to change completely -- from low drag to high drag. "Deploying" any and all types of aero control surfaces can really help with that. I like to set the surfaces up so they deploy in opposite directions. It's extra nice because aero control surfaces tend to be extremely heat resistant.
  10. There are many possible sources of a veering problem for airplanes. In fact, veering is so common that it's in the FAQ for this forum. However, one of the easiest (and most likely to work) solutions for veering is to turn on Advanced Tweakables, select the front wheel in the editor, look at its context menu, switch "friction" from auto to manual, then reduce the friction setting down very low (.1 to .4 is usually good enough).
  11. 4 is the maximum, and almost always what you need. Only really tiny things need 1.
  12. Did you forget to put any Kerbals into your craft before you tried to launch it?
  13. Well, there's a difference between "orbital direction" and "rotational axis" -- venus orbits the same way as all the others, but rotates backwards.
  14. Yes, all the planets in our solar system have a counter clockwise orbital direction when viewed from above the Sun's (or Earth's) North pole. Because they all formed from one single accretion disk that was spinning in that direction, and North is defined so that the orbital direction is counter clockwise. Of course the planetary rotational axes in our Solar system are much more random, instead of all being perfectly aligned as in the Kerbol system.
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