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Everything posted by bewing

  1. There's a Jool Aerobraking scenario in the game's tutorials. That one hits at over 7km/s.
  2. Welcome to the forums. Minmus is nice because the deltaV cost to get into a return trajectory to Kerbin is so low. However, it takes a long time to get from Minmus to Kerbin. So the advantage to mining on the Mun and returning the fuel from there to Kerbin is that it's a 1-day trip. You can easily do six round trips to the Mun in the time it takes to do one to Minmus. If you aren't timewarping, then the travel time can become an important factor. I prefer as low an orbit as possible for my LKO stations. Often, this means a 74km x 70.5km orbit. First, because I use it as a deorbit platform and I use passive deorbiting. That is, I lower my station's Pe to 65km, decouple the thing to be deorbited, and then raise my station's Pe back just over 70km again. This works best if I'm orbiting just above the atmosphere in the first place. Also, of course, the lower the orbit, the easier it is to reach. Also, my fuel tankers that come from Minmus use aerobraking to capture themselves at Kerbin. Since the aerobraking is free, it works best to make it as low as possible.
  3. Welcome to the forums. I'm pretty certain that it will work, yes. I think it depends on steam. If steam will download the expansion to your computer, then the expansion should work. And steam considers the DLC to be an independent product, so it should download it.
  4. I think the ore tanks all have approximately the same density/buoyancy. Under almost all circumstances MK2 parts have the worst drag in both air and water, vs. their frontal area. MK3 parts are second worst, but if you want to make large craft for aesthetic reasons -- go with MK3. MK1 parts have the lowest drag, and will give you the best overall performance. Of course, if you just want more speed, simply add moar engines.
  5. There is no way to make a decoupler vanish after decoupling. The only way to decouple from both sides at the same time is with a separator, rather than a decoupler. Then the separator will fall away by itself. It can still hit things on the way down, of course. However, if you are having problems with the spent SRBs impacting the main rocket after decoupling, then it generally works better to A) move the decoupler up the side of the SRB, so that it forces the top of the SRB away from the core rocket, B) use aerodynamics (fins) to make the SRB fly even further away from the main rocket after it is decoupled.
  6. Take off the engine, attach the bottom stage to the decoupler node, and then put the engine back in again.
  7. Because, to function properly as launch sites, both those sites needed to have minimal power (5km) antennas built into them. Feel free to file a feedback on the bugtracker to disable the antennas whenever the launch sites themselves are disabled.
  8. Advanced Tweakables, Rigid Attachment, and Autostruts are all stock features -- and I'm nearly certain they are all available in the current console version of the game. But (as said above) you need to enable it in your Main settings menu.
  9. If you look in your "messaging app" (where all the contract stuff shows up in flight), it does actually contain all the payouts. However, you have to dig through it to find all of them. That log does not contain contract penalties, or conversions due to "strategies" that are active in your admin building. To get the full list of payments and debits, I think you either have to read your KSP.log text file, or look at the "Console" in the debug menu.
  10. SOME end hatches on some capsules are real, and some are fake, and there is no rhyme or reason to it. I've begged the devs to make them all work, but no dice so far.
  11. What the wiki describes is the way the average ore concentration for the biome is calculated. Geschosskopf is probably on the right track when it comes to variations within a particular biome -- altitude probably does make a difference.
  12. Speed is mostly irrelevant for Klaw grabbings. All you need to do is orient the Klaw to be exactly perpendicular to the surface when you grab -- then you can move as slow as you want. The only reason people think they need speed is because their Klaws are not oriented correctly.
  13. I set my SAS to Normal in Surface mode once I no longer need the heatshield. This almost always causes the craft to start to oscillate wildly. During an oscillation, when it is in an orientation with the heatshield above the craft, I decouple the heatshield. It then flies away upward and I never see it again. Then I can open my parachutes.
  14. Hmmmmm. The visible colors are shown based on biome size. So if the biomes that had ore were tiny, I'd expect that you wouldn't see any color. But If you see color now, that's not good. I'll try looking into it, but ISRU is late career stuff, so I'm not sure I'll be able to confirm what you are seeing.
  15. This is powered by 6 whiplashes. It's not mine, but I made an improved version of it.
  16. Use_underbars_instead_of_spaces? But I can't reproduce your bug. Are you on the console version, by chance? When I go to "Rename Vessel", my staging light turns purple and the input locks turn on.
  17. For tourists, I think they are allowed to do little spacewalks, provided they remain securely tethered to the craft at all times. So that's how they get around. And the claw has a remotely operated robotic fuel hose that connects with valves placed at regular intervals on all craft. :p
  18. The precise wording of the contract is very important. Where are you required to ferry the tourist to? Kerbin Orbit? Suborbital on Kerbin?
  19. 400 m/s and yes. It can also take off, fly, and land back on the water.
  20. At a dead stop, it works better to use one of the intakes that has a hell of a lot of suction power, such as the nacelle -- rather than a passive intake like a radial.
  21. I had it happen to me once, and reported it directly to the devs. So they've seen it reported at least once, but I don't know if I gave them enough info to fix it. It happened to me in ver. 1.6.0, so it's not DLC related. I certainly encourage you to report it again on the public tracker with your savegame. My flag exploded on Minmus when I reached about 7 to 9km distance. So it's not exactly related to physics range.
  22. Deploy direction and deflection is based on the offset from the CoM of the craft to your control surface -- relative to the current orientation of the control surface. As your rotors spin, they are moving closer to, and then further away from the CoM. This causes their deflection angle to change (and perhaps even reverse) which is causing your lift vectors to change. What you want is to preset your control surfaces to the proper deflection with the rotate gizmo in the editor, and then reduce your authority limiter down to almost nothing. This will give you lift vectors that are always proper, plus allow you a small amount of additional control.
  23. There are 9 biomes on Minmus. I think 5th Horseman is right -- the localization team got lazy on the translation on Great and Greater Flats. But your second picture shows 7 different biome names, not 5. Tierras Bajas (lowlands) Polos (poles) Faldas (probably slopes) Interior (probably midlands) you are missing highlands (montes) for this type of experiment Then there are 4 different kinds of Flats that are all different biomes: Regular flats (Llanuras) Lesser flats (Llanuras minores) Great flats (Grandes llanuras) Greater flats (Mucho Grandes llanuras, I'd call it. -- I suspect this is where the translation error is)
  24. Did you have any DLC robotics parts in this craft? Is it a pure stock craft? If so, could you post it on KerbalX or pastebin or some other file sharing service?
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