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Everything posted by Delfinus

  1. Unless it continues snowing during Spring like it is where I live...
  2. Yeah, just a complete change of the game engine (Which means KSP will now run more smoothly with large ships and mods) and UI, aswell as a bunch of other stuff like new wheel mechanics... the KSPedia (Which will give you all the helpful info you need in-game)... that sorta stuff... Y'know, nothing important.
  3. You forgot non-SSTO Spaceplanes, like Space Shuttles or Spaceplanes that drop fuel tanks and/or engines.
  4. Banned for going on another posting spree.
  5. Granted, but it's in Dolphinese currency. I wish clouds and light pollution wouldn't be so common.
  6. Banned because my fins are superior to your puny human hands and legs.
  7. Banned for having a tree growing on your head.
  8. Hello! @Jolly_Roger, can ya gimme some tips on Space Piracy over here?
  9. These planets are awesome, In my opinion Mios is unique and helps make the Kerbol system less like the Sol system for people like me who don't want the Kerbol system to just be a slightly different scaled down version of our own. And the moons of Eeloo makes Eeloo a more interesting destination, and both of them feel stock-ish. overall good work. Some suggestions though, first could you make this mod compatible with EVE and scatterer? It'd be nice to see clouds over the oceans of Mios. And could you improve the texture of Alu? Right now it seems a little featureless when seen from Space, although I have yet to view it from the surface, as I've only seen these planets from the tracking station so far. Lastly could you make Eeloo's atmosphere more visible? Right now it's pretty much invisible from space. As I said before, these are great, thanks for your work developing these mods, looking forward to any other mods you may make. -Dolphin.
  10. 7/10, nice combination of modern Aircraft technology with propeller-based propulsion, I'm guessing it's good for short and maybe medium distance travel, but it's probably inferior to Jets at long distance travel.
  11. Banned for being a Cowboy, a job useless in Space.
  12. 8/10 Fast and highly maneuverable.
  13. Banned for being on Earth despite profile picture and name implying you are on Mars.
  14. Nope, looks like he currently isn't on a massive posting spree. Hey @TedwinKnockman66, where are ya?
  15. When simple course adjustments are the most dramatic, epic thing in the world for you.
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