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Everything posted by RCampbell

  1. I deleted StationScience and reinstalled it - and the menus came back. Everything working now.
  2. If your station has reaction wheels and the ship you dock also has reaction wheels, especially at different angles, it's easy to end up with an argument about which way is up and who should be pointing where. I've had stations tear themselves apart over this sort of thing. Two things you can do - one is to make sure you don't have SAS turned on for your station when you dock to it (the ISS does this), and the other is to disable reaction wheels and turn off RCS on your docked ship the moment you dock, before the argument can begin.
  3. I've kept one machine running 1.1.2 and everything is working fine. On a separate machine I have 1.1.3 and the context menus related to research are missing from the Station Science components. So for the experiments themselves, that means no menus at all. On the labs, the "Start Research" menu items are missing, but other items pertaining to being a Kerbal container are there. So something to do with how the science portion of the mod connecting to the menu system has gone sideways.
  4. I have taken it out for a spin in 1.1.3, and the context menus for the experiments are disabled - right-click does nothing. As a result, you can't start any experiments. Dunno if it's just my installation (many, many mods), but it was working in 1.1.2 for me.
  5. I removed OreTanksFix.cfg and my game loaded fine... who needs holding tanks for aluminum anyway?
  6. Is anyone else using Interstellar with Procedural Tanks? Since the last update today, my copy of KSP hangs when loading the Procedural Ore tanks... Sad KSP is sad.
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