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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. What was crazy about the explosion was that it lifted itself a full body length (or more) into the air.
  2. That landing sequence is not quite what I would expect - there is a lot of lateral movement for something so heavy. I would have expected every frame to be moved up one spot with the final frame before landing being directly above the landed photo. Also - am I wrong to assume SX can recycle all the steel recovered from the past SNs?
  3. Follow up on my previous question: When we look at the sun at zenith, it's bright yellowwhite. When we look at the sun at either end of the day we get the oranges and reds. So if we presume that the spectral lines above are from the Sun at zenith, if we were to take measurements again at sunset /sunrise would the atmospheric scattering result in the blue and green portions of the plot just not printing? (lower half of the image cut off?) Edit - apologies to FruiGoose... Apparently we were typing at the same time. Answer his first if you can!
  4. What is the heat profile in the skirt during spaceflight, I wonder. Would any in skirt legs survive?
  5. Oof (but it was also cool) Like - I was uncomfortable with the LeaningTowerOfSN10... and kind of expected it to topple... but blow up and go for a second flight? Not so much
  6. Having pretty much watched this all day: I'm pretty stoked. My kids gave up after the two crashes - but when I started yelling? Oh yeah. Of course, my 13 y.o. was like 'what's the big deal, Dad?' ...History, Son. History.
  7. Why in the world would someone at SX think it was a good idea to cut the neighbor's feed? This is free PR. Mui estupido
  8. Deep sea, they pump mud into the drill pipe sleeve to push out the rock and other material they don't want.
  9. Oh I get that. Let me invite you to look at this: The topography of Jezero crater – landing site of NASA's Mars 2020 mission - DLR Portal - the 'false color' image of Jezero. Specifically, focus on the Neretva Vallis. The Neretva Vallis, in this picture, is the riverbed like structure to the far left of the image. The delta sediments in the crater which everyone is interested in flowed into the lake from here. If you look to the terrain on any side of the smooth bottom of the creek / river / glacier bed, you will see significant cratering. Cratering that does not exist on the bed of the feature. This tells me that the area was subject to significant cratering before the liquid (whether liquid water, water ice/glacier, or carbon dioxide ice -- or some mix thereof) flowed and cut the bed into the surrounding rock. For that cratering to happen, Mars already had to have shed the significant portion of its atmosphere that would have protected the surface from impacts. So when the impact event that created Jezero Crater occurred, Mars was already dry and subject to intense cratering. Thus, what it looks like to me, is that Jezero is an event that liquidated / liberated subterranean (water, ice, or CO2 ice) from the surrounding terrain that then flowed, cut through the rock, creating the Neretva Vallis and filling the 'lake' --- but that kind of event would not result in 'a vibrant ecosystem' where we might find signs of life (beyond, maybe, bacteria). I suggest the liquid was subterranean not only because of the cratering - but also because there's not a significant nearby mountain range or high plateau that would force atmospheric vapor to precipitate (resulting in surface runoff). On the other hand - the Kasei Channels look like they come from an area where atmospheric vapor might well have precipitated, and look like surface water flows could have created them... I presume the structure to be significantly older than Jezero's Neretva Vallis. And given the elevation map above... they look like a more likely location to search for ancient 'wet Mars' evidence.
  10. Physics is fascinating - partly because the specificity of meanings used defy the common understanding of the use of the same words. I wonder if it is the same with German. Are, perhaps, Einstein's ideas better expressed in German? Certainly, the maths are universal (you have to learn that language to converse in it)... but my Internetting without the language of maths tends to leave me with a remarkably incomplete understanding. Again - thanks for 'splaining.
  11. Your post reminds me of a lecture that I had on black body emissions, God, 30 years ago. Okay - so all the breaks shift together? That would certainly discount what I was thinking.
  12. Moving this discussion over here from me getting jiggy with the wrong thread: Question is, effectively, why they chose this location rather than the canyons to the west of where Viking 1 landed. Those channels to the west of Viking 1 look like a long-term water feature, and one that would have originated from precipitation at the nearby high elevations... seems to me that if we are looking for evidence of wet Mars / life... a long established watershed feature might be better than what looks like an impact-driven melt/flow that occurred after Mars lost most of its atmosphere (Jezero Crater flow features).
  13. @K^2Thanks for the explanation! Okay - I think I understand my confusion. I was trying analogize 'background' to a visual background rather than 'background noise'. Background noise makes sense - especially given how Penzias and Wilson discovered it. So the CMB photons are everywhere - and, effectively, always have been. On to the thing I'm curious about: Given the vast distances, and that the greater the distance the higher the chances of admittedly rare photon-photon scattering... Is it possible that our current measure of the redshift of distant galaxies might be less due to expansion (and/or rate) and possibly due to photon scattering? b/c from what I can tell, the more scattering you have, the redder light appears. https://www.optics4kids.org/what-is-optics/scattering/why-is-the-sky-blue-why-are-sunsets-red#:~:text=Within the visible range of,red and yellow light remaining. (note: this mathematically challenged jarhead is not discounting some tenured physisists' conclusions - but rather asking whether photon scatter is accounted for in the explanation of expansion rate / redshift - or a gentle explanation of why it would not, could not contribute to redshift)
  14. So - I spent some time looking at the Isidis Basin - and there's a lot to be excited about by that site. I'm wondering, however (having scanned around a bit) why something in the Chryse Planitia wasn't chosen. The Kasei channels look like they had much greater (and probably earlier) hydro features. Kasei Valles topolabled - Chryse Planitia - Wikipedia Anyone know if there are any planned missions going here?
  15. Not on that map... and why is Tian? It has not left orbit. Edit - sorry - it's the spot listed as Mars 2020, right? Another site shows it being between Opportunity and Viking 2. Edit, again: yes... it is in the Isidis basin - what is listed as Planitia on this map. Still - why are there Chinese landers there; I thought the currently orbiting mission was China's first. Am I wrong about that? Being in the blue-green makes sense if you are searching for a shoreline. This map really gives an idea of where the oceans might have been. Mons is the white circle all by itself? Holy frijoles! That would have been a worldkiller. I figured it was part of the old hotspot. The deep blue is Hellas? I'll have to look into that; another world-killer impact? Would have become an enormous sea. Edit: ZHEESH! Hellas is 9k meters deep. That thing had to have happened after Mars lost its atmosphere and most of its water. Insane crater! Hellas Planitia - Wikipedia
  16. This info about the CMB being as close to a rest frame as possible is intriguing. I had seen papers describe the apparent temperature differences - but not described as us moving in relation to it. If we have calculated that the sun, and presumably our galaxy is moving at such high speed relative to the CMB, have we also made measurements of say Andromeda or any other galaxy's speed / direction relative to it? Also - if it is merely left over heat... does it permeate the visible universe (like a fog or like heat in an oven), or is it properly described as existing beyond the galaxies we can see? ... If it does permeate... what impact would photon scattering (mentioned above) have on how distant galaxies appear? **Edit: I just re-read through your response, and I'm not trying to be pedantic asking the same question again... I'm trying to grasp something here, so please humor a duffer!
  17. Offhand - do you have an idea of where Perseverance is on the map provided? I also presume that this is analogous to, if not in fact, a terrain altitude map?
  18. Remember folks: after a nuclear war, you too can sue! Message brought to you by Dewey Screwem & Howe, PLLC, Attorneys at Law.
  19. According to the wiki on Two-Photon Physics, 'In pure vacuum, some weak scattering of light by light exists' So what would this look like? How would it affect our perception of a distant light source? (was surprised to read this - as I thought light generally passed other light unperturbed)
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