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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. I was excited and wanted to show my kids... Talk about taking the fun out of the room
  2. Well - just think about how wonderful it must be for old folks to recognize the future of their youth? https://images.app.goo.gl/4jd1WBdkAkYJS2Xr7
  3. The fact that it's done at all is cool - add 'regularly' to the equation and that gives me confidence that the knowledge is there to pull it off
  4. Has there ever been in-orbit refueling of anything on the scale of what's needed?
  5. Administrators are notorious for ----ing stuff up when they notice an 'efficiency' could be achieved by changing something, and then mandating the change solely for the efficiency. IOW - if it ain't broke... (Now - having said that; they should not fear changing something if they notice that it can and should be improved, but I also agree with Mike - if you're going to 'play' with the system, do it when you're tossing expensive rocks at the sky... not several people)
  6. Something I do on a regular basis!
  7. Bones is worried they intend to use the antenna to test the 'BeamMeUpScotty' device for the first time
  8. What do you expect when as a cost saving measure you use off the shelf technology and programming from the Worx Landroid!
  9. From the bottom photo - it looks like they are getting close to finally summoning Gozer, Scourge of the Glethestements. The source of Elon's power is thus revealed
  10. Auto-Return, eh? So... can we use that to get people back from Mars if we build one large enough?
  11. Don't forget that the hero, a slightly past middle age former space jock is the only person in the world trained for this, his love interest is half his age and a total knock-out, and they build the spacecraft in 17 hours - launch it and he saves the day using nothing more than a pistol shot to deflect it... sadly he's lost in space never to be seen again! I smell an OSCAR!!!!!
  12. If you click the arrow above - it actually shows the missing colorized altitude graphic that makes it obvious what I'm talking about; Viking's spot was literally almost perfect (good job, humans of so many decades ago!). @kerbiloidI think I questioned and answered that back on pg 13-ish. The more permanent channels look like better places - but dem rocks man! Here's the quote and link that answered the question! (This did not edit out quite the way I wanted it: first reply should be Kerbiloid's followed by my rambling and responses.)
  13. You need aggressive goals to achieve phenomenal things. Even if you don't meet your time line... everyone is amazed by what you did accomplish. The key, I think, is that SpaceX is not beholden to Congress - and some parts that just HAD to be built in Senator Grumpus' state (even if that state isn't known for its high tech manufacturers).
  14. Yeah - there are a couple of interesting things going on in the particle acceleration world I've been reading about. Good stuff!
  15. So far the answer is zero - unless they are recycling metal. Goal is likely to be on the order of what you see with Falcon (okay, their goal may be higher - but at this point I'd be more than happy to see even a second flight out of SN15...)
  16. This is pure SciFi. Except fiction has to be plausible. Reality can still amaze
  17. That is so cool! I saw something like that in Northern California about 30 years ago - and my friends all thought I was B Sing them. ('Nothing burns green, dude. Can't have a green fireball, maaan') Learn something new every day! Wish I had the internet back then!
  18. It's pretty much marketing genius. I get frustrated looking at NASA slowly slog along (when I shouldn't be) and forgive SpaceX every stumble (which I probably should, anyway) in large part because of how they interact with the public.
  19. I can't tell from the picture - but is that just a regular Raptor with a larger bell slapped on the end - or is it a wholly different build with larger pipes and everything?
  20. My 'bet' on the green rock is that it's part of a comet. BTW: why is this a 'twitter' thing and a 'fluff media' thing... but not readily found on the NASA Perseverance website?
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