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Everything posted by Zarkov2

  1. They can be deflated if they are launched inflated (sorry if this already was mentioned). Works well during Eve landings, much less risk of random explosions when detaching them).
  2. Younger people probably think that's a thumbnail instead of a full screen shot.
  3. Thanks for the tip. I was aware of autopilot abilities, but not this one specifically (although I guess it's a starting point for a space auto pilot ). I'll definitely use MechJeb in my next career run, and hold off until it's 1.8.x friendly (if that isn't the case now).
  4. They switched to DX11 in 1.8, so I'm guessing there is something wrong with your DX11 installation, or your graphics card driver. Have you tried updating the driver for your graphics card?
  5. I would really like to see the "auto burn" feature of SimpleRockets 2 added to KSP 2. It might seem obvious, but I was actually surprised by how much convenience this feature provided. You create a maneuver node, enable auto burn, and then enable time warp. It then warps to shortly before the burn, waits a few seconds, then automatically start and stop the burn at the right time.
  6. I'll most likely do another playthrough in KSP (1.8.x) before KSP 2 is released, I'm assuming KSP 2 is ~6 months away.
  7. I picked up the DLCs, but I think I'll let them sit for a while and do a new career run once 1.8 gets patched a bit. It's only been a couple of days since I wrapped up my previous playthrough anyway.
  8. I think the tech tree should be altered a bit, since the order of some unlocks are a bit strange (e.g. storage tank in the final tier, no aeroplane parts available from the start, landing legs seem high-tech etc.) Also, I think it would be better to use only milestones for unlocking nodes, at least for the first few tiers (such as orbital rendezvous -> unlock docking ports, Mun flyby -> unlock landers and landing legs etc.) And I would prefer if "biome hopping" wasn't a thing anymore, especially around KSC. Maybe make it possible to automate the process with polar orbit satellites equipped with experiments?
  9. I voted tourism as one of the most enjoyable. However, I must admit that once I had visited other planets and those got added to the randomized destinations, I couldn't be bothered with doing them anymore. They become a bit much at that point IMHO. But visiting Mun and Minmus was fine, and made a good profit.
  10. For me, "satellite" and "satellite repositioning" are quite different for some reason. I enjoy building and launching the occasional satellite, but I never do the repositioning missions. I'm guessing since, well, there is no building and launching a satellite.
  11. Some convenience additions I think would be nice to have in base game KSP2: When adding a maneuver node near the apoapsis or periapsis, add the option "circularize" to automatically adjust the maneuver time and add the appropriate amount of prograde/retrograde dv. Add "Warp to next vessel maneuver node" from the Tracking station, i.e. using 100,000x time warp. Suicide burn / landing location calculations that are accurate in atmospheres (require atmo analysis using science experiment first?) Automatically levelling landing legs. Allow for some degree of terrain slope while still keeping the landed vessel completely vertical.
  12. Today I finally got an Eve return mission completed. It took some degree of F9 abuse, but at least I managed to reach orbit on the first (non-catastrophic) launch from Eve. I had to take off with the heat shields inflated so that they could be deflated before being detached (otherwise explosions). https://imgur.com/3FM5PB9 It took a lot of iterations of basically everything to get it done. Without HyperEdit during testing I don't think I would have made it. Crazy difficult compared to other things I've done in the game so far. https://imgur.com/a/wdMDpRS
  13. The hyper edit functionality could perhaps be added as an in-game simulator, accessible from the VAB. Milestones and missions etc. could then of course only be completed outside of the sim. But I agree, I'm currently trying to get an Eve return mission completed and would say hyper edit is more or less required to keep one's sanity. Having to do full missions for all of those iterations...
  14. It took me a while to see the message as well. But once I saw it, it would honestly be better if it had read "Error 12345" or similar. Then I would have been forced to immediately search for an answer, instead of trying to make it work based on incorrect assumptions.
  15. Please consider changing the error message that can be displayed when creating sub-assemblies. The current message is confusing since the selected part (probably often interpreted as the whole intended sub-assembly) may have multiple attachable points, while still getting this error. Current: "The selected part is not attachable". Suggestion: "The root part must be attachable". Thank you.
  16. Some random (mostly minor) changes I would like to see in KSP2: Save files sorted on elapsed game time instead of name. Docking view that show docking port alignment. Late tech tree unlock for (fully automated) docking computer. Less user-hostile system for placing ailerons on wings. Some form of symmetry divergence tool, being able to highlight parts that are unsymmetrical along user-definable axis. Not having the editor reset symmetry settings when it doesn't make sense. Same control schema both in VAB and SPH, where possible. Part list where all vehicle parts can be viewed and selected (to avoid embedded parts that can't be selected, etc.)
  17. The auto setting for spring and damper doesn't seem to be very good, for landers at least. It's way to bouncy. I usually set the spring to slightly less than max, and damper at max. It seems to work better than auto. However, if your lander is standing still and then slowly tilts over and falls, that sounds like a mild kraken attack (something else is weird according to the game's physics engine).
  18. I agree. Manually (and successfully) doing those things is a big part of what makes the game fun initially. Maybe some levels of automation could be unlocked as players create their first colonies, which I assume will be a fair bit later.
  19. I meant that it would perhaps be a bit unrealistic to have access to near-future propulsion tech, but still have to dock manually (we've had docking computers IRL for over 50 years).
  20. One thing I would like to see is more realistic levels of automation, i.e. not having to land / dock / fly everything manually all the time. Like being able to fully automate self-sustaining supply runs of ore or fuel from a planet surface base to an orbital station.
  21. I hope they change the tourism missions a bit in KSP2. IMHO, they get a bit over the top in KSP once you have been to other planets. It seems illogical that a group of tourists show up, all expecting to go to different destinations, including different planets. Maybe I'm just being lazy or doing it wrong, but it creates an incentive to hold off with visiting other planets until you have milked tourism a bit, and then basically forget about those missions. I think it would make more sense (and be more interesting) if the player were able to define travel itineraries, and then, depending on what was included, get some bonus reward for completing the whole trip.
  22. Had a pretty bad fail yesterday when I was deploying my first satellite ever, around Minmus. Everything worked like a charm on the first try until the escape burn from Minmus. I was pretty far zoomed out in map view when I did a big radial-in change to get a good Kerbin periapsis. I didn't notice that the trajectory was through Minmus until the time warp unexpectedly was cancelled. No quick saves, reverted to launch.
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