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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Hey, @legoclone09, let's snuggle! lol y u do dis @CAKE99?
  2. Wait...OOOOH, I just realized! I have 2 for my district! *Facepalms* DUH!
  3. No. Just no. You give me marshmallow, I give you a face-full of ignited napalm.
  4. 9phe8unhaepo;pihbewA5TP;0YGW[804^%{$8Y ;RSAW(=QW8T4-'3W6-[-03t]q93iyj[q4p39i;3p9ymqa8wb;QI4YUB;ip3uO384uuj[)_H3qy9)(*7q3jyg8lo8ku7ujpm87YJ97O8YJl9hy9wa4ybto98utpgk8jh6P3TLNo8yjr3RNLt7uwnLI73RHPM7ytrnlU8HMROL8iuhr9nPUHTuh9qm[gt8w37YRF;8pquf3yw;IUJHGw0iufjw;UHFW;oiuf .
  5. Granted. You now suck at life. I wish my wishes weren't so hurtful.
  6. Granted. This breaks the underlining code of the multi-verse, killing every single version of yourself except your bizzaro version, where triangles were always ellipses. I wish...ERROR 2796 WISH BREAKS NULL POINT EXCEPTION. CRASHING FORUMS IN 3...2...1...CRASH FAILED.
  7. I'm uncomfortable, but I survived the first day and night! The odds tipped in my favor 4.9% today! For whatever reason, I'm always a her. Not to be sexist, but I'm not a her IRL.
  8. Here it is! The Meme UBERTHREAD! Post any meme you find funny or informative in this thread. RULES: 1. No GTA at all. 2. No extremely inappropriate content ([snip] for instance.) 3. No inappropriate comments (see above for example.) Political stuff is [not] allowed. The main reason I have all of these rules in place is because I don't want all the moderators crawling on my back for anything. Last rule, have a good laugh! I'll start: CATS. The memes...they consume me...I must stop!
  9. Sorry, but that was by so your statement isn't possible.
  10. Granted, but that's a black hole event horizon half hour, which is about 100 years normally. W iish t hhaI t coult dpyc eorrectly!
  11. Granted. Your horrible at everything else. I wish that I could do whatever sensible thing I want.
  12. Granted, but it's an error 404. I wish I had more gratitude to give.
  13. Lets hope that wasn't...the BIKINI ATOL!
  14. Track and field. It might be shorter. Would you rather have your favorite show moved to YouTube Red, or have one of your hated shows be the only thing on?
  15. Well? Salvage it! It probably has TONS of valuable scrap! Waiter! My soup is attempting to assimilate me!
  16. Saturn because Titan. Would you rather be on Alderan in A New Hope, or be assimilated by the Borg?
  17. Fall. Would you rather command an Imperial Star Destroyer, or command the Enterprise?
  18. Steam engine, because I don't want to be known for playing only the right side of the piano. Would you rather (3 choice ahead,) be the King of the World but die at the age of 32, be hated, but live to 120, or live an average life with an average lifespan?
  19. Come up with a question, because volunteering! Would you rather eat pizza or salad?
  20. Yes, you ordered a refill. Waiter! My soup is posting game threads!
  21. You ordered our "Soup of the Day: Overwatch soup." I assumed you knew there was going to be Overwatch in it. Waiter! My soup is pulling a Spy on me!
  22. Hey, @Beale, could you update Taerobee to 1.1.3?

    1. Beale


      ...It is already updated to 1.1.3.

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