You successfully rescue them of the surface, and complete a burn for re-entry after checking on your Duna Base. You then switch back to the rescue mission...and see you forgot the heat shield and you already decoupled the transfer stage.
I become a SINTAX ERROR DETECTED. DESTROYING ALL SOFTWARE IN 3...3..32333311223121312212EM EGNEVA................................... . . . . .. ... . . . . . .
My rockets are RIDICULOUSLY top heavy (hence my name.) My larger cargo (or most any cargo for that matter) is usually put on the top of the rocket, making it SO flip-prone.
Modding is a necessity for me. It's rare to find me playing a COMPLETELY stock game. I'll usually have non-part adding mods. Usually.
If you want simple and easy, here's how it's done.
1. Determine what side of your base is going to be facing the ground.
2. DO NOT put any solar panels on that side.
3. Make sure your landing gear's "feet" are touching the ground.
4. Develop launcher.
5. Add landing engines.
6. Fly to destination.
7. Land.
8. ?????
The Nine Steps to Successful Surface Ops*!
*0. Tailor your base to the body it's going to be landing on.
I would recommend the use of stock gadgets. My smaller bases look a lot like NASA's early base designs, and they worked spectacularly well!
Welcome to our humble dwelling! Make yourself comfortable in the General Discussions, play a game in the Forum Games, or (if you feel confidant) take a challenge in the Mission Ideas and Challenges. Also, here's some good ol' Rep to get you started!
COME ON @Kuzzter! Answer the IMPORTANT questions first! Not "What happened to the transmitter," no. You must answer the Uber important question of "What happened to Bob's seltzer?!"
Than you'll find that that the Kraken is alive and well and swats your craft into oblivion.
What if Dres Lovers and Krakenists could ACTUALLY GET ALONG for once instead of being at each others throats? HUH?! SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU FOR TURNING THIS FORUM into a GOD-FORSAKEN BATTLEGROUND!!! I'm looking at you, @max_creative and @Galacticvoyager!