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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Kerbin get annihilated by the Dalecs before you can send the mission. @Choctofliatrio2.0 somehow posts in my real life.
  2. Granted, but Classic Oreos become twice as addictive. I wish to know what 42 means.
  3. Just go with it. Waiter, why is everyone calling on you constantly? Also, my soup just went sub-atomic!
  4. Granted, but the Kraken now lives on Dres. I wish for Squad would make up their mind on the ascetics for the LY-10 Landing Gear.
  5. That would be me. WAITER! My soup isn't herp-derping!
  6. @max_creative! Waiter, there's an R2-D2 in my soup.
  7. Are you on mute? Also, TOO. KERBING. BEAUTIFUL!
  8. 4th wall awareness FTW!
  9. Why thank you! Yeah. That's a good idea with some of these things...
  10. Maybe a mod list and savegame would help, and since you seem so keen on rotating parts, what about another one of those "cockpits" with a powerful engine concealed inside, with weaker engines on a swing-down 0-45 degrees rotating for flight and landing. So? If you can use it for (O for Original) O-TB2, than you can use it for 86-TB2, 3, 17, doesn't matter! Also, for 86-TB3, you might want to implore the usage of Kerbal Base Systems...and LOTS of structural panels.
  11. TO THE KRAKENISTS! Your dumb. Get out. Everyone hates you. What, you expected something better?
  12. Granted, but only for 0.5 seconds. I wish for Chuck Cena.
  13. You die becase PhysKraken. I create nothing.
  14. Yes it would, Potato. What if I was BottomHeavy?
  15. @Nertea said his Mk4 space-plane fuselage was designed after the original Thunderbird 2. It might aid in the construction of certain 2086 variant vehicles.
  16. Hey, @Logan.Darklighter, here's some artwork to help you out! Here's a link to some Deviantart recreations for easier KSPcation. http://haryopanji.deviantart.com/art/Thunderbirds-2086-Vehicles-509368911 And here's a link to some Deviantart art of a mashup of TB86(ThunderBirds 2086) 1, 2, and 3! http://haryopanji.deviantart.com/art/Thunderbird-1-2-and-3-Link-up-479782818 Some of these can be...ah...HUGE...so you might want to download the welding mod and TweakScale for some of these. Oh, and BDArmory. You NEED this mod to at least try and get close to the shear military might of some of these things. Luckily, the guy who did the artwork also provided armory specifications. Hey, @BahamutoD, it'd be great if you could make some custom weapons for this project!
  17. Then Hitler's grandson will rule the polluted industrialized Hitlearth. Yes, it would be that bad. What if? ?fi tahW
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