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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Please tell me that the "wave" transported Jeb to either @Kuzzter's universe or somewhere like Laythe. If not, I will be VERY disappointed.
  2. Cool! Maybe your next move would be to create a Soyuz launcher/crewed craft and make a full on Russian part pack.
  3. Outdated, but still impressive. BTW if there's no pic, it's b-cause my comp. is broke.
  4. Not judging, but how would that store fuel on the way u...OOOH I see!
  5. I did, and I don't regret it!
  6. They all blew up one rocket each...
  7. What about Thunderbird 4? Submarines are a thing now in KSP.
  8. Is it a villain, or a hero? If villain, BURN BURN BUURRRN! If hero, NO!!!
  9. This made people AND aliens angry! Recognize?? EDIT: Sdrawkcab nacluv.
  10. YEP! Press! Press button for happy fun-time purgatory!!
  11. Eh. *Press* *squirt* OH! It was lemonade! AWESOME! If you press the button you have 40% chance of being the richest man in the multi-verse, and a 60% chance of terminal cancer.
  12. Not at all. Just having fun with a game! BTW: No pic...um...
  13. Moar than you'd like to know...
  14. Galaga?! Psh! There's only ONE good "low-graphics" game today! Booyah.
  15. Awesome! Re-entry pics are cool too, if you want to add them.
  16. This is actually about a km away from my stock Apollo 11 recreation. Not intentional, but epic due to the circumstances and because I found an EASTER EGG. Also, RIP Neil Armstrong. EDIT: GOSH D*MN SCREENSHOTS!
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