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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. 9/10 SPACESHIP! Now for the star ship we've all been waiting for...the U.S.S Enterprise E!
  2. Those darn kids! Give 'em a good spankin', that's what I'd do...if they weren't in 0-g.
  3. Ya know, you should make use of community-created crafts @Kuzzter, like @parameciumkid's Portable Station! It should fit nicely in the K.S.S. [REDACTED]! Maybe. I'm betting it's gonna be huge. MAKE IT SO!
  4. Awesome! I bet flying the entire thing was kinda like flying a building. Or did you have enough reaction wheels?
  5. Graphic novelists, y u get all your inspiration from Star Trek?! And did Melbe die? If Melbe died, I will be SO upset.
  6. Oh no. You should probably watch this before proceeding, @Just Jim. (I'm using the to indicate what I mean,)
  7. Truth. We don't want (another) Weirdkerbgedon on our hands.
  8. Pull a Kerbfleet Bill. Just take out TAC until the problem is solved.
  9. 1362: All is black, and it is eerily silent. You hear a clank of robotic parts, and get the [Oh my!] out of there.
  10. Short...but sweet! So I guess all the...um...comics will go back to normal now? That crossover stuff was starting to get confusing!
  11. "WE chose to go to the Moon! We chose to go to the Moon, and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. John F. Kennedy 1917-1963 I look at this every day, and I'm still inspired. RIP J.F.K.
  12. EEEEEEEE! Excitement is intensifying! But, where's @Just Jim? I say a pic from his game in Plan Kappa! And it's no coincidence that Thopmberry from Ekimo Station could have sworn that "he saw two Bill's standing next to Jandolin on the Chariot." TWO Bills. TWO. Y'all know what this means? Firstly, epic Crossoverload ahead, but I actually influenced something! I've olny been here a month or two! Honor level 9001!
  13. Oh boy. Not so different now, huh, Just Jim? There was a picture of either Alpha, Beta, or Gamma 77 in Plan Kappa!
  14. I'm eager to see where this goes. Thompberry. Yet another VGER moment for me!
  15. Are you kidding?! Espionages, AI, mystery, action! You're basicly writing a Nancy Drew book! If @Kuzzter / @Parkaboy's work is gold, than yours is pure PLATINUM! No offense to K and PB, but it gets better and better by the chapter! Ego aside, keep on truckin' with Ekimo Station! I LOVE it!
  16. MERGING CONFIRMED! I've read all three of your comics. An asteroid strike?! Could you have made it less obvious? An asteroid strike was the doomsday of the comic Ekimo Station by none other than @Just Jim Himself! It's going to happen, I can feel it!
  17. Time to add Ekimo station! Actually, what if this evolves into a merging of all recorded "Comic" threads?! Anyone who has one of those give it to either @Kuzzter, @Parkaboy, or @Just Jim , and we all could make the best Graphic novel the Forum's ever known!
  18. I am shocked. This is more unexpected than Voyager being VGER in Star Trek 1. And yes, @Just Jim, I know you got lots of inspiration from Star Trek for this comic. Or should I say, Graphic Novel?
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