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Martian Music

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    Seriously Jeb, stop!
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    In the middle of September
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    Women (duh), anything acoustic guitar-related, KSP (duh x2), Jebediah (duh x3), League of Legends, Astronomy!

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  1. Hey, I think I didn't understand how this exactly works. Can you tell me what's wrong with this very simple rocket? According to the mod, this should be stable. In reality it's anything but stable. Pitch and Yaw are extremely not stable (sometimes it goes all the way to aiming downwards). Thanks in advance really nice mod idea btw
  2. If you're looking for something advanced (I believe) you can check this request I made if you haven't
  3. That's a pretty cool mod. Although the main idea was to start out with a different solar system. Meaning that Kerbin would (possibly) be the same, but everything outside would be different, randomly generated. But the thing with this mod is that it's still developing, I tried it out and the planets/moons are not unique which isn't really what I'm asking for. But as I said it's developing and it's planned to have unique planets although I'm not sure if that's on the priority list because this mod focuses on other stuff as well. So having a mod specifically made to generate different solar systems would be better overall.
  4. Looks great! I'll try it out as soon as possible. Thanks a lot!
  5. Hey everyone, This is #1 - This is #2 It's been a really long time since this had been suggested, and the answers were always suspecting that the Unity 4 engine cannot do that. But here we are, after a few years, running on the holy Unity 5. *fun note: the people in the threads above didn't know how Pluto looked like back then* For those who don't like opening links, the idea basically suggested the option to, when making a new save, creating randomly generated solar systems (aka random planets and moons in random - not so crazy - orbits). Most of the answers were doubting that the old engine can handle that, and now, this is why I'm here. With the current Unity 5, and the extremely amazing mod makers here, is this possible to implement? I understand how hard it'd be, since the random seeds would need a lot of algorithms that'd generate different gravity, atmospheres, orbits, terrain, etc. I remember some SQUAD devs talking about this, and how they want the game to be the same universe but different experiences. But the idea is suggesting a MOD (which is always optional) to add that, for people (like me) who enjoy exploring more than anything else and feel like the game is getting repetitive. So tell me what you think about this. I think it'd be amazing to have a mod doing that. Yes I know there are many different solar systems here (and that I can make one myself) but having random and infinite possibilities would be beyond awesome!
  6. Hey, I was wondering if there's any mod out there that shows you all the information about your vessel's aerodynamic features in VAB. Like a mod that indicates if your craft would be unstable in flight, and maybe why and how to fix it? Sure there's the vanilla CoM, CoL and Aerodynamic overlay but it's surely not enough. I have a craft that has perfect alignments of these 3 indicators but is still unstable in flight. Having a mod that shows me detailed info about my vessel's aerodynamics would help a lot. Thanks in advance and have a great day!
  7. I understand :] yes it'd be super awesome if you make it behave like that. That's how first person views work anyway Actually I love keeping the helmet visible but sometimes I prefer not having it because looking up/down becomes a little bit harder. Because you know, realistically the helmet should move with your mouse (head) movement rather than keyboard (body) movement so that's just why I sometimes prefer. You could just add the option in the config like the old version and make it visible by default. That actually sounds great! I'll check it out. By the way I still can't figure out what's happening. Any suggestions? And I actually meant in first person view, pressing W makes me spin around.
  8. Thanks you so much, everyone! I believe I fully understood it now. Yes I knew a high TWR in atmosphere is really bad, but I couldn't explain what it does in vacuum. Thanks again :] btw how do I mark the question as answered?
  9. Hey @Ser I'm so happy this mod is continued. It's ridiculous how the vanilla KSP doesn't actually have first person, it's so awesome! I've always used the old one and I'd be really happy if this is one could be as similar to the old. I just have 2 tiny suggestions: First holding right click and moving around is a bit of a trouble. In the old version I could double right click to.. idk how to explain but you know, look around without holding the right click. I'd love to see that in this version! I tried double right clicking before going first person, but when I go first person the look around without holding goes away (although the cursor remains invisible). Secondly the old version had the option to make the helmet borders invisible. Is it possible to add this option? Oh also when I move forward (EVA suit in space) for some reason I start spinning, and I can't get the hang of controlling it. What am I doing wrong? Again thanks a lot for continuing one of the best projects! Cheers!
  10. I actually never knew that about KER xD thanks! So why do I hear people saying that using too high thrust is a "waste"? I'm sure I heard this numerous times in videos. Do they just say that about using a high thrust engine? Oh god I will slap myself so hard if that's the case and I understood that as something complicated xD Thank you for the dV info, it was confusing me indeed. And yes less dV doesn't mean better. Thanks!
  11. Hey all, thanks for the responses :] Yes I used KER and the tutorial spacecraft showed a 2200 m/s so I questioned myself. Yeah it does display dV in current altitude but doesn't it also display the dV in vacuum? I would've saw the 3000+ m/s. Dunno I'll check again. Thanks for the math links, reading them atm. So let me make sure I understood this correctly, dV already takes mass and ISP into account, right? It doesn't take the TWR into account in the equation though.. But I think TWR affects dV? I mean why is it more efficient when we use a good TWR value?
  12. Hey, My question is basically about the Delta-V map. According to the map, we need 3400 dV (or m/s) to get a low 80km orbit around Kerbin. But a simple small rocket (like the one in the "Go For Orbit" tutorial) only requires 2000 dV to get a LKO. So I concluded that dV is not a standard value and it depends on the weight of your craft, and the amount of thrust it has, right? If I am correct, does anyone know how to do the maths for that? (yes I'd love to use papers and calculate it!) If not, just how do you know your craft can get in LKO? Do you look at your dV in general or do you also consider other factors and decide based on them? Thanks!
  13. Hi, Does anyone know what this line is and how to disable it? It's a 3D line that keeps pointing in that direction no matter what happens. It doesn't show up in the editor but in flight.
  14. Wow, I had a 0 FPS drop every second or two and this actually fixed it (and saved my life!!). Thanks!
  15. Why do I feel like I know that feeling so much although I'm just a single 18 years old? lol
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