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Posts posted by sciencepanda

  1. For those who are interested, here's a link to the Strongbacks I made: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v1aqe9p0jd00nmp/AADYD8QEEgH-6-x8hBLsidHEa?dl=0

    There are 2 strongbacks included. LC-39A (Strongback for the Falcon Heavy) and LC-40 (Falcon 9). They both attach via an attachment node at the bottom. Haven't tested them with Kart's Falcons, but they should work just fine if you add an attachment node at the bottom.

  2. 13 minutes ago, mghslowell said:

     Correct  Mid 2017 if no further delays.  we would like to see FGB-2 aka nauka and UM bottom dock  and the rest of the new Russian Station parts to be added in the future. I currently alsohave Community ISS and Mike NZ ISS package with SS with ELC  Mobile Servicing System with working canadarm2  on the  Mobile Transporter car so fantastic now and so frame friendly!  i too also update my ISS to match real world Ops.  just actually undocked the Cygnus 4 I will be using that Mod to rename the kerbals to match the ISS crew.    Lack luster labs has an expandable inflatable work station. have you see that ? 

    I have not used Lack luster labs. I currently have a mod for the CST-100, as it adds the IDA.


    2 hours ago, mghslowell said:

     Oh Please DO !  i want to make my ISS identical to the real one and expect the new NAUKA module soon to replace PIRS

    That's why I'm making BEAM. I have a save in KSP where I have the entire ISS and update it whenever anything changes. The save is basically a replica of the actual ISS... I even used the Crew Manifest mod to create Kerbals with the correct names. I've been looking for a mod with BEAM, and haven't found one... So I decided to make one myself. The quality won't quite match up to the rest of the mod, but I hope it will at least be reasonable. I'm thinking about making Nauka as well, but since it isn't planned for launch till 2017, I figure I have plenty of time.



    I just looked at a few detailed pictures of Nauka, and it seems to almost identical to Zarya... So you could probably just reuse the existing Zarya in the mod.

  4. Good news, IT WORKS! So I kep the rotation in the animation, but the problem was which object was being animated. Originaly I had the object "chute" being animated, which is also the same object defined in the cfg as "canopy name". What I changed was I instead animated each of the three chutes separately, then arranged them as children of "chute".

    Now I ran into a new problem, but I don't think it's the chute. The chute does a great job of slowing everything down, but now the whole capsule is gliding sideways undead of slowly falling straight down.... I know a lot of mods had this problem after the aerodynamics changes, so I'm hoping the fix is easy and already known.

  5. I've seen those references before. I'm convinced the animation is the problem. the animation rotates the "canopy" object, so i'm pretty sure that's where the problem in orientation comes from. Unfortunately have a school assignment due in a few hours and I've already spend too much time procrastinating.... so tests will have to wait.

  6. Rotating them in unity didn't work. I might have an idea what the problem might be. Right now there are 3 chutes models combined in the hierarchy into a single object named "chute". Right now, the "chute" object is animated for the deployment. I think that may be causing the problem. I'll try animating the chutes themselves instead of the "chute" object that hold them. I'll report back later.

  7. Hi there,

    Let me start off by saying I have no clue what I'm doing. I'm new to modding, and parachutes are really driving me crazy. In short, the parachutes face the wrong direction.

    Here's a picture:


    As you can see, the craft is falling straight down, and the parachute is doing a great job of slowing it's fall, as it's intended to. Problem is, as you can see, the parachute is facing off to the side. I can't figure out why it's doing this, or how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.



  8. I've run into a very confusing problem. I'm trying to add custom sound to an engine. I got the "engage" "disengage" and "flameout" sounds working just fine, but the "running" is giving me trouble. Basically, the sound wont stop playing. As soon as I go into the flight scene with that engine loaded, the sound plays. I haven't even started the engine! The engine is completely off, and the "running" sound is playing! Any help at all would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
  9. Hey Kart, just one thing about Dragon you should know. Dragon's solar panels (and the entire trunk) actually aren't aligned with the central plane. If you look at the image below you'll see what I mean.


    You can see that Dragon's trunk appears like it's rotated around the "roll" axis, to a noticeable degree. However the solar panels appear to correct for that and actually are aligned with the "left-right" axis.

    Sorry to be the guy that points out the tiny details.

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