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Everything posted by IgorZ

  1. The long term, KIS won't be the same as it is today. It's ridiculous to have two inventory systems in parallel. However, it would take significant time before a proper convergence can be implemented.
  2. Tried to do it on place, and did notice a 500ms jitter. Never noticed it before because I usually don't start camera rotation afterwards. A half of a second delay doesn't seem reasonable in this operation. I'll investigate it. Created a ticket: https://github.com/ihsoft/KIS/issues/396. This is exactly the card I'm hunting for. I'm in the EVGA notification list since December Hmm. This is an interesting idea. Thanks for it!
  3. I see some jitter in the video, but no log records can explain it. And I cannot reproduce it on my system. Checkout this video. I noticed, you're not using the latest KIS&KSP versions. It may or may not be the reason, I cannot verify the versions you're using. I also noticed you've managed to buy an RTX 3080, which I was hunting for more than half of an year with no success. Congrats!
  4. When you need to grab a part (e.g. to place it into inventory) you should press and hold "G", not "H". The "H" shortcut activates the equipped tool. Also, do not activate the stock construction mode - it will disable all KIS operations. Well, it ideally should do that, and it's intentional.
  5. KIS doesn't do anything that long after the action. It may postpone some things for a one or two frames, but definitely not seconds. It's hard to say anything from the logs. Try enabling the verbose mode and capturing the log again. Check this out: [LOG 14:26:10.035] [Part:LifeSupportMiniPack (Life Support MiniPak (Supplies)) (id=F2738830408)] End part pickup [LOG 14:26:10.039] KIS UI lock acquired [LOG 14:26:10.040] Set pointer mode to: Drop [LOG 14:26:12.464] Move part [LOG 14:26:12.465] Set pointer mode to: Nothing [LOG 14:26:12.465] KIS UI lock released [LOG 14:29:05.237] Flight State Captured [LOG 14:29:05.237] Saving Achievements Tree... ~3 minutes between the last KIS action and the other game action. Anything could happen in between, but we have no logs to get an idea. All in all, I'd say we have a mods conflict situation here. I use KIS myself. Trust me, if there was a such significant freeze on each KIS action, I'd notice it and have it fixed. For the start, try a pristine game: no other mods except KIS. Then, start adding your usual mods until the issue shows up. Given what you report, I'd say it should be reproducible at the launchpad, which is easy to verify.
  6. KIS is my preference too I'm working on the convergence, but it's harder than I anticipated.
  7. Thanks for the report. Indeed, there is a problem. I've created a tracking issue.
  8. Just a brief update on the KAS compatibility to the stock inventory system. The work is in process. Those of you who have a software development background can track it on Github. Those who don't, just rest assured I'm doing my best . Allowing KAS parts for the stock EVA attachment in the "as is" state would hit users in many unexpected situations. Trust me, you won't be happy to experience it in your carrier games. At this moment I cannot give an ETA for the completion, sorry.
  9. KIS allows moving assemblies of parts (in contrast to the stock system), but it cannot store "entire rockets" into the inventory.
  10. Understood. However, if all of humanity follows this approach, we will never start a crewed mission to Mars. Stay 2 versions behind! (kidding)
  11. KIS 1.26 is the only version that works with KSP 1.10. What's the reason you don't upgrade to 1.11?
  12. Only now I noticed that you use KSP 1.10. KIS v1.28 was made for the 1.11 version. I never tested it in the older versions. Try downgrading KIS or upgrading the game.
  13. KAS parts are regular parts, so they conduct heat. However, this aspect was not specifically tuned, so I won't be surprised if the heat conduction is imperfect. Keep in mind one important aspect: the heat will only be transmitted if the link is in "docked" mode. If you attach two individual vessels, the heat will not be transmitted between them, each vessel will be calculated independently.
  14. I only test the latest version of the mod with the latest game release. Sorry, cannot advice here.
  15. In the logs I don't see any KIS or KAS specific error. However, I see a lot of exceptions related to another mod. Looks like you have a bad mod that somehow interferes with KIS and who knows how many other mods. The most severe issue comes from `EVAConstructionModeController`. Try removing all the mods and leaving KIS only - if it works in this configuration, then it's a mods conflict. The only way to resolve it is removing mods one by one until the problem fixes.
  16. I don't see how KAS can help here. Indeed, you can go EVA and attach the ladder using KIS, but this topic is for a different mod.
  17. KAS is not responsible for the inventory things. This mod only adds some new parts into the game, and that's it. Could you please give more details? Like screenshots and videos?
  18. Without this video, I would not have believed that this was possible at all! I wish KAS had a part like this. TBH, never used KAL-1000 before. I've created a tracking ticket.
  19. Unlikely. The "backpack" is not a part, it's a feature of the kerbal themselves. Given kerbals already have a stock cargo module, you cannot do anything else. One possible way would be using the KIS portable container and adding a cargo module there, but you won't be able to seat with it.
  20. There is no such a way. If you scroll this page up, you'll find my post explaining why. The best thing you can do is dropping the part on the ground from one inventory and then putting it into another.
  21. I'm glad to hear that you liked it. The only reason for creating this mod was my frustration with how the default game allows you to switch. To be honest, it was not even a mod initially - it was a debug tool
  22. It's physics. You've attached more than 2 tons of mass on a tiny sized attachment node in the worst configuration possible (up side down). Replace the winch with a tiny docking port and you'll get the same behavior. Except, with the docking ports the auto-strut feature may (or may not) turn on to reinforce the joint. Auto struts cannot work with the moving parts (winch and its docking head). If you want this setup to work, use struts to fix the container inside the fairing.
  23. It depends on what you've stored first. If the stack was created from a dead battery or broken panel, then all the new items will inherit this state. You never know. It all depends on the part design.
  24. See https://github.com/ihsoft/KIS/blob/d92c40bf5a3c6d851027fccd53c9f45506fc3846/settings.cfg#L107 Check `ModuleManager.ConfigCache` for the part in question and verify if all modules of the part are listed as stackable. Keep in mind that blind whitelisting may result in a weird behavior in the game. If a module has a state or resources, and you've whitelisted it, be sure the state of the stacked parts will become inconsistent. Basically, the state for all the parts in the stack will get reset to the first part added to the inventory.
  25. WOW! I didn't bother to add scrollers to this dialog because I assumed the screen height is enough for any crazy setup Created a feature request.
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