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Hello all. Today I would like to present you TOWER CRANE built from stock parts (only winches and connector prots are moded). Crane is able to lift up to 20t. Very usefull for loding probes into shuttles on launchpad. In missions "build new unnamed proble for... and set it on arbit" KSP will not allow you to load in VAB any probe into existing rockiet or shuttle, probe will be named as your previously builded shuttle/rocket. My solution is to spawn probe first move it then spawn shuttle/rocket on launchpad and load it now. Then it is posible to send two different ships and pass "unnamed probe" mission at once. Technical informations: Parts: 434 Mass: 138 t. Height: 43m. Widh: 36m. Lenght: 11,6 m. Just look and enjoy the movie. Craft file: http://www.filedropper.com/cranemamooth
Test mission report: I have opened my save game files "Dobry.sfs" and "persistent.sfs" once again with notepad to look for "crossfeeed = true". In presistent.sfs I have found one more "crossfeeed = true" so I changed it to "false", it seems that in the past I missed one line what cause that KIS/KAS refueling did not work. Other settings like: ResourceTransferObeyCrossfeed = false name = ModuleToggleCrossfeed isEnabled = false All other modules : crossfeed = False So problem seems to be solved, mission complete, science earned 10.
Hello guys. Today I wanted to refuel two space crafts on orbic of the moon by using two conector ports. Unfortunately I was able to pump monopropelant only. Finaly I have crafted 2 truck with many different fuel tanks, connector ports and even winch. I tried to connect everything with everything to check if it will be posible to pump liquid fuel, unfortunately no. Linking, pluging, dock pluging there is no way to pump fuel. I have recorded movie please check it and tell me what it is wrong, maybe I do somethong wrong but I do not think so. I remember that one year ago I was able to pump fuel but now it is not posible only I can pump monopropelant. Mods: KAS_v0.6.3 KIS_v1.5.0 Thank you for answer and help in advance.
Modern space shuttle: one lunch cost, up to 4 landings on moon or minimus I have created ship what is able to carry up to 10 kerbals to the moon or minimus, it has small hold and can be equiped with "magic carpet ride" what gives you posibility to land in different places up to 4 times on moon (3 times with magic carpet ride + one time with the shuttle using hover engines located in bottom of the ship.) Shuttle takes off verticaly form KSP but it lands like plane by gliding form the space up to the runway of KSP what decrease the luch cost from 250 000 to ~150 000. Multi-landing ability makes this ship amazing for collecting science and exploration of the moon and minimus. To luch this space craft you will need basic mods as follows: KAS_v0.6.3 for KSP 1.3 You can downlaod it from here: KIS_v1.5.0 for KSP 1.3 You can downlaod it from here: TweakScale for KSP 1.3 (Thumper boosters are rescaled, about 25%, so they are 25% more heavier, powerfull and more expensive) You can downlaod it from here: Technical parameters: Lunch Condition full loaded / empty Parts: 317 / 317 Mass: 1090,3 t. / 232 t. Height: 37,1 m. / 37,1 m. Lenght: 14,1 m. / 14,1 m. Widh: 9,3 m. / 9,3 m. Space flight condition full loaded / empty Parts: 173 / 153 Mass: 87 t. 31 t. (with carpet ride on board) Height: 37,1 m. Lenght: 14,1 m. Widh: 8,1 m. Magic Carpet Ride / empty Parts: 38 Mass: 4,63 t. / 1,75 t. Height: 1,1 m. Lenght: 2,8 m. Widh: 1,6 m. Check lists: Take off: - never decopule "Kickback soid fuel boosters" when they are running - Be careful during decopule second stage of "Kickback soid fuel boosters" they may damage tail wing - use about 50% of RE-5 "skipper" during decopuling 2nd stage boosters - When ship is clear of any obstructions use full power of skipper and lunch 3rd stage of "Kickback soid fuel boosters" and reduce skipper power to 50% when in "kickback" remained 20% of fuel - Decopule 3rd stage on "kickbacks" before reaching the orbit speed, risk of debris. Use 20% of skipper during decopuling "kickbacks" and slowly get away of them, then use 100% Skiper to fly where ever you want - Extend solar panels and tail antena Jetison external fuel tanks: - make sure that solar panels are retracted - You can pump rest of the fuel to the locked tail fuel tank. (have in mind that this tank is balance/stability tank what gives you posibility to change center of mass during the flight. Wrong settings may cause disaster during hover landing on the moon) Magic Carpet Ride: - Reach stable orbit of moon/minimus not higher than 20 km above the surface (apopapis and periapis max 20km) - Open hold, take the seat, decopule magic carpet ride, click on Probodobodyne HECS of carpet ride and set control from here. - You can refuel carpet ride anytime in shuttle by docking or using KIS/KAS cc-R2 connector ports. - ALWAYS MAKE SURE THAT ALL MONOPROPELANT TANSK ARE 100% FULL before next landing on moon Hover landing: - You must jetison external fuel tanks before landing - by presing 1 and 2 button you can start and stop main engine and hover engines (action group) - activate SAS and RCS - Before landing make sure that the power/thrust of "teriers" is set properly acording to the actual center of mass, if RCSs and SAS is not able to keep space sraft stable under 100% of terier power (hover engines), do some adjustments of power limit as needed Returning to home (atmosphere re-entry) - If periapis speed is above 3000m/s adjust periapis high NOT LOWER than 55 km. - make sure that all antenas and solar panels are RETRACTED before entering to the atmosphere - Enter to atmosphere in 45deg angle of attack for areodynamic breaking, repear the procedure until speed will decrease to 2400 m/s - for gliding maitain 15-20-25 deg of angle of attack, if the bow of the ship is too heavy (center of mass is to far to the bow) pump fuel to the aft tanks until you will see that pitch steer during SAS steering is almost neutral. - Always try to keep center of mass in such a psition that SAS is not using pitch steer too much, 20% of pich makes big aerodynamic resistance and you will not be able to glide - Below 18km turn off big reaction wheel in the machinery hold - Below 1500m set A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E. deploy limit to 0 - Hit the runway with parameters: Speed: 60-100m/s max pitch: 10-15 deg max vertical speed: ~30/s or 100ft/s How does it work and look during career 7 days mission to the moon: Craft files: http://www.filedropper.com/moonshuttleandcarpetridefairplayer
Yes shuttels are quite tricky to design. The biggest proglem is aerodynamic, calculating center of mass and center of lift and how it will change when the shuttle burn 80% of fuel. It must be aerodynamic stable both in dry weight and wet weight. This modern version of shuttle is able to cary many kerbals (9 if I remember good) and up to 5 tons in hold. Last time I loaded "magic carpet ride" into hold. Carpet ride it is small monopropelant ship what allows to stay main shuttle on orbit of moon and carpet ride is going to land on moon or minimus take surface sample, come back to main space shuttle and refuel monopropelant and go again to moon/minimus and again and again and again. When everything is ready everything can come back to kerbin KSP runway with some hundreds of science....and thanks to many avaible seats for everything will pay.....TURISTS
Yes they are, but it is important to land in KSP center (more% of refund for ship) if you will land on runway you will get 100% refund for recovered ship. It is quite tricky but it is worth of it. Sfatisfaction guaranted Most what I like in moon shuttle project is vertical landing and take off from moon and posibility to glide to runway of KSP. Have you ever seen plane on the moon,hehe. Now when I descovered some more parts I crafted modern and more advanced version of the moon shuttle. luch cost 250 000 but I could make 4 missions at once, sumary I earned ~500 000 and ~250 science. It looks like that: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/817811439333869437/B16E19153A20C4BD5693114927B8EA1BA3D816E7/ More on my steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994079239/screenshots/?appid=220200&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall
Hello enginieers. I would like to present you easy, safe way how to earn a lot of $$$$ on turists. NO RISK, NO DEBRIS, NO MESS in space!!! SMART IDEAs: Smart idea with airbrake in space shuttle: you dont need to have dedicated A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.!!!! you can use 4 elvons (2 on each wing), invert them in full deploy mode and set action group to activate/deactivate deploy mode. (look at space shuttle picture bellow, you can see elvon airbrakes on both wings. Smart idea with hover technology: Kerbals developped this idea during building moon space shuttle. By the smart layout of teriers week and light engines in the bottom of the ship, it is posible to land verticaly on moon. Starting hover engines and main engine is by seting start/stop engine in action group. Space shuttle: Hello, this is the example of cheep space shuttle ship. Cheep and easy to build ship can travel up to 4 passengers for mid- high orbit. You do not need to research dedicated space shuttle parts who are avaible in later stage of career. Let's build own cheeper version, this can help to earn more money for "passengers orbital and suborbital flights" because construction allows you to preform maneuvers in high parts of atmosphere and land on runway of the KSP. Luch cost is quite hight but 80% of the ship is recoverabe, so will pay only for boosters How does it work? Ship upload link: http://www.filedropper.com/kspcheepspaceshuttle Moon shuttle: I would like to show you example of ship which is able to cary 6+1 kerbals to the moon, land there in hover technology, come back to kerbin and land on the runway of the KSP. I have hope that some ideas from my project will inspire you in yours. How does it work? Times and titles: 00:40 setting up position of kerbin and moon 01:20 Ship presentation in VAB 03:20 Take off/lunch 06:25 Adjusting maneuvers to hit the moon (moon gravity breaking) 09:20 Adjusting maneuvers and choosing place to land on the moon 13:10 Prepearing to Land on the moon 15:20 "Hover technology landing" 19:30 Take off from the moon 21:40 How to preform maneuver to come back to home 26:40 Aerodynamic breaking 31:00 Final entry 35:30 Missed approach to rwy 09 - Standard 45/180 Procedure Turn (almost) 41:20 Landing rwy 27 Craft file: http://www.filedropper.com/moonshuttlepax
[1.4.*] [2.5.3] (2018-04-06) UbioZur Welding Ltd. Continued
Fair_Player[PL] replied to girka2k's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Yes that's true, I have discovered that not calculating of physics makes fps drop but maybe rendering, graphical engine....I dont know but thinking abut this in logical way, if the ship has been builded from 400 different kind of parts that I can understand that is heavy for PC but if it has been builded form 400 prats from the same kind, then whats the problem for PC if all 400 prats has the same shape, texture, mesh etc. but unfortunately it is like that. I had the hope that if I will weld 200 parts of same kind together then stress of CPU/GPU will fall dawn, but it seems like it's not like that. One more thing what comes to my mind is maybe it would be better if welded parts would not builded in .cfg file like: frame+frame+frame+frame etc because then computer has to collect and attach all those parts together form single default parts but maybe do something what would create brand new part with new shape, texture etc. then maybe it would be more frame friendly for our PC's. But i know that to write such a program/mod it would be the very hard. But what do you think about it? In your opinion it would help with FPS? For example: 1xframe has 2m long we want connect 100m so after welding program would craft completly brand new part based on default part but with new mesh file texture and phisical specyfications, so cfg file would be much shorter and CPS will not have to read specyfication for each welded part from default parts. You did very good job with this mod but now KSP seems to work in strange other way, that even when parts are welded PC is counting something in background not like as for single welded part but like for each part form which welded part has been assembled, its not physics maybe graphic and rendering, I don't know but something is strange in new KSP. I have rather strong PC (builded specialy for Microsoft Flight Simulator) so if you would like to test something heavy let me know. Sorry for my English, it is not my mother language, but I hope that you will understand my way of thinking Greetings -
[1.4.*] [2.5.3] (2018-04-06) UbioZur Welding Ltd. Continued
Fair_Player[PL] replied to girka2k's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Hey. I have tried this mod today and I have a question. After welding the parts should I get more FPS? I have made the test on strutCubicOcto I have connected 800 strutCubicOcto together without welding = 5FPS Then I have welded 200 strutCubicOcto together into one part and then connnected 4 welded long parts together (4welded parts, 200 cubicocto in each welded parts gives 800 but in hangar KSP said that this experiment has only 4 parts, so it has been welded corectly).....result? 5 FPS with 4 prats... If I understood corectly welding parts together should reduce phisics calculation for CPU, but it doent matter if I have 800 strutCubicOcto welded or not computer reaches 5FPS. So whats the point of welding pats? Thanks for help -
[1.1.2] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) 1.2.12
Fair_Player[PL] replied to KospY's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Thank you for this addon/update. It would be nice to have posibility to use EAS-4 Strut Connector in KIS. I would like to tie up two space craft on orbit with EAS-4 Strut Connector.