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Everything posted by Spraki

  1. okay, that sounds more like it! : ) Thanks! I'm looking for the particular cfg. Or do I have to remove them from each part that has that term? edit: wiki says there are internal.cfgs I'm probably going to have to delete every Internal, I guess. Wondering too if I can kill the kerbal animations sitting in the cockpit as well.
  2. Everything is pretty much "on low settings", but found nothing that had relevance to the portraits. Unless I'm missing one button. I think I have that mod installed. I will check it. Thanks OTOH, I spotted this one declaration thing in the stock parts cfg related to smoke genration. but I dont know if I can just delete them without breaking the game
  3. Hi. I've been trying to figure this one out for a while. I've noticed time and again that when I am flying an unmanned/drone ship, the frame rate is spectacular. When I have multiple Kerbals however, the framerate drops hard - or has the ups and downs all the time. Aside to parts count, it seems like each animation strains the fps. I am playing on a lowend laptop, however the fps seems fine even with bigger unmanned ships. Can't play all the time with drones after all, so I am seeking ways to fix this. To me, I have the feeling this can be modded somehow in a cfg file somewhere? I've googled like crazy but just can't find a mod that for instance could edit the UI to remove the portraits. Of course, the IVA/EVA buttons should still be available if possible. Any ideas on editing this? Likewise, I'm still trying to figure if it is possible to remove the smoke particles as well. (the actual engine exhaust effect, not just surfaceFX = false) I've already turned off windows aero and stuff like that. I just find that I need to get rid of the animated portraits and things should run much better. Stock install has the same issue.
  4. I just discovered that this mod was being continued, thanks to the facebook group. This posting of mine is probably going ahead of itself, but I remember watching the older mod spotlight on youtube and noticed that the lights were a bit 'hard to see'. I am currently playing on a lowend laptop. It's playable but things might be pixelated. :/ I was wondering if there was a way to intensify the lights? Again, I might be going ahead of myself with this question as I have to try out this continuation-mod. Nonetheless, thanks for the efforts!
  5. Worked for me too. I have issues here and there but this most likely due to testing it with mods - and as written in the OP, RCS Build Aid doesn't support custom pieces. Great mod. Also like how you can see your TWR and set it to the environment accordingly. I wish there was a seperate tool doing that, but meh :(. Thumbs up!
  6. Just wanted to say, thanks for the effort. I have to test this though. I am really hungry for ILS stuff. NavUtil just wont work for me now with 1.0.5. Not sure if I am doing something wrong.
  7. Sorry for the necro, but I suppose this thread does involve a partial solution I am also looking for. I would like to ask for specifics regarding the "removal of the particle effects". I am not sure if I should just delete everything there, but leave the { }? I've long forgotten how to program correctly, so I must admit I am lost here. Also, is there maybe a mod that can remove smoke effects all together? I am on a lowend laptop (obviously), so turning these things off might help a lot. I have also set the surfacefx=false, but I need to figure out how to get engine smoke/trails/exhausts off, or at least cut their durations so the screen is not loaded with it. I haven't quite figured if there is a decay/despawn value. Thanks for any advice
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