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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. Kobattos has decided to get to this pack, though he missed an engine (and skimmed the RCS) in his first of the four-part series:
  2. The wiki is mostly up-to-date on this: https://github.com/BobPalmer/MKS/wiki/Functions-(Logistics)
  3. I've added my Karibou Mobile Builder to the example craft page. Tell me if there's something unclear, or should be addressed.
  4. Besides, it's not like there isn't a 'revisions' link at the top of every page that can show you all the old info...
  5. Heh. Forgetting where things are and just using the USI tab to look at everything in Filter Extensions for the win!
  6. The price isn't really the problem that was being discussed, though it might help. The problem is that people are seeing Kolonists, Farmers, Technicians, etc. trying to sign up for their beginning space program, when they still really need Scientists, Pilots, and Engineers. Hiring direct isn't really the same, as you can't look at their stats first. (And I think pricing isn't equal, as IIRC each Kerbal costs more to hire than the last in Career, though I haven't actually played that mode much.)
  7. Without any colony parts, he can't find the lodes in the first place. What he needs is *science*, not funds. RoverDude, is there any way to restrict the new professions showing up until you're a certain amount through the tech tree? A starting space program shouldn't be even considering Kolonists - it's not ready for that yet.
  8. I find RTGs attach very neatly to the bottom on unused wheel attachment nodes.
  9. What's the cross-section of that joint? (It doesn't look like a Kerbal should be able to go through it to me. The round part's fine, but the half-rounds to the sides look a bit small.)
  10. Why should I? It was being sent automated, and the crew would be able to clear it when they arrived. And the balance was actually fairly good without it. I could have, I know. I even briefly considered it - but it wasn't necessary, and it wouldn't really help anything. (I'd still need someone to clear the radial attachment point from the airlock, as it doesn't have a node on the end.) There are demolition blocks on the control modules that will let me slice them off, so there was no need.
  11. In the old thread, I was doing a series on pics of landers. I'll add another: This was built as a base core, as probably evident by the name. Parts are MKS and stock, with the exception of the solar panel, antenna, and lights, all of which could be either left out or replaced with stock. It was shipped up empty - which is good, because there's no way for a Kerbal to get out at the moment. An engineer will be needed to scrap the lander sections on either end, and to clear the attachment point from on top of the hatch.
  12. Well, I figure I've got all these planets installed, I should actually visit them. Otherwise, what's the point? I'm sure this will take me ages to actually do - but hopefully things won't fall apart midway if I have it all contained. (And I'll admit I don't really care about all biomes - the point is to visit all *anomalies*.) Anyway: One more support vessel, the *other* planned one to be dropped off and left behind: This is a warp beacon from ESLD Beacons - the idea being that once I've visited each planet, I can go back much easier. Those who've used the mod will note that I've got an LB-15 in there, which is of very limited utility. It was decided that full fledged warp beacons were more than we wanted to carry on this expedition, but the LB-10 wouldn't actually be useful to deploy at interplanetary distances, except as a target. The LB-15 on the other hand can actually transport things long distance, even if it's maximum mass is very small, so it was considered a decent intermediate stage. Full beacons will be then be sent for any actual colonization efforts. This also led to the design - while there's quite a bit of Karbarundum storage, there's no way to refuel either it or the nuclear reactor without a claw or similar. That's because these are not intended to be refueled; they will be replaced before the run out of consumables. We're getting to the hard designs: The rover lander(s), and the atmospheric landers. The goal of course is to have a reusable SSTO, that can refuel on the surface. We'll see how practical this is... Also, the Minmus supply base is under construction. The Great Flats are high in Ore, Water, Uranite and a couple of other useful materials, so we may be able to generate some of the supplies on-site, or at least close to it. (Concept being worked at the moment is to have a 'supply base' on the Great Flats, where it's easy to land, and use planetary logistics to move those supplies to a construction site on top of one of Minmus's plateaus, where launching effort is minimized.)
  13. From the KSP Wiki: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation#Node_Definitions Relevant:
  14. Anyone who has access to the relevant code would be on Squad's payroll, and under contract not to reveal it.
  15. The mod as released didn't need any code - It relied on KSP's ability to add results and randomly choose which of them would be presented. This is the ability that was broken in 1.2. If you want to try writing a code module to override stock KSP's behavior (to get back what it was), go ahead.
  16. Ok, I've got my Karibou Mobile Build station just about ready to upload - but it can't be deployed in the current version of MKS, because the attach force on the Anchor hubs is to light, and the hub will fall over. I've sent a PR to RoverDude to fix the issue, should I upload the craft anyway? (And make a note in the usage notes?)
  17. MKS bases and stations both semi-passively generate funds, science, etc. These are generated by all Kerbals in SOI (as long as there's an MKS part on their ship...), and can be collected by the Pioneer modules. This is related to the Kolonization bonuses, which improve efficiency of various parts in that SOI. So, having a scientist on a base will slowly increase how fast you can grow food (botany research), as well as providing a small collectable science gain. An engineer will increase how well your drills and converters work (geology research), and provide a small collectable funds gain. Pilots give a small collectable reputation gain, and increase kolonization. (Which, if high enough, can negate hab timers on that planet if you meet a couple of other criteria.)
  18. @RoverDude, another minor one, but I'm not sure what you'd like to do with it: The Karibou Emergency Shelter is nearly identical to the Ranger Mini-Habitation Module - except that the former provides habitation time, while the latter provides a habitation multiplier. Which is fine, it's neat to have both, but it's *very* easy to mix them up in the VAB and not notice that they are two separate parts. Could we get some differentiation between the two? (Even just coloring the box on one blue or something - just so it stands out in the VAB's mini-icons that they are different.)
  19. As an idea/part request: An inline airlock/side dock. They're useful. (I'll refer you to the Buffalo and the Malmute - both have something in the line.) Ideally something that mates well with KPBS.
  20. If you're looking for a reason to keep the separate: Heat Control is a fairly straightfoward set of parts - no new mechanics really, just parts that fill some gaps in stock. Electrical includes two new mechanics, which are very different from stock - and even changes the behavior of other mods to match it's own. (And those other mods are work well with Heat Control.) So giving people the option to not use the new mechanics and just stick with more stock behavior is nice.
  21. Tried it. Doesn't help. At the moment you can place one out on level ground (attached to the ground), attach it to your ship with a flex-o-tube, and then when you attach something slightly heavy (say a Ranger Workshop) it'll fall over - detaching itself from the flex-o-tube, which will hang in mid-air. I don't believe that's intended. The current break force is 10. Mostly I'm asking to see if anyone knows why it's so low, and if there's something else I'm not considering. I know that there can be issues with things like having things explode when you attach them to the ground as well, so I want to be sure this wasn't the fix for some other issue.
  22. Before I submit it as a PR: Does anyone know of any reason not to increase 'staticAttachBreakForce' on the Ranger Anchor Hub by a factor of 10? (I'm tired of them falling over the moment I try to attach something to them.)
  23. It was disabled because MechJeb for 1.2 was taking a while to update, and now Scansat is taking a while as it's getting lots of new stuff. (Re-releasing with it is likely problematic at this point because 1.2 introduced it's own system for that type of marker, which this is trying to support. So the code is probably in some in-between state at the moment.)
  24. Looks interesting. I look forward to seeing where this goes. It might be fun to have a variant (or a way to combine the parts) that can carry the huge spherical tanks as well. Might be able to do it with a set of adapters instead of that long arm - mount the tank(s) inline.
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