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Everything posted by themaster401

  1. This mod is fully compatible with 1.2.2/1.3 if you use the mod "KerbalVisualEnhancements" instead of "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements".
  2. Firstly, you're probably tagging the wrong person. @Matchlight is the OP of the post. Secondly, trying to use 51k clouds in EVE is a very, very bad idea.
  3. To everyone who has been having trouble upgrading the dependencies of KSPRC for 1.2, I prepared this convenient "upgrade module", which only requires the user to drag and drop into an installation of KSPRC to upgrade. https://mega.nz/#!5wB0ib5b!-VUqSLojtaTRhdzJruAmoN61mk0_D49NRP92z7g8VaU Delete the ModuleManager_2.6.25 that already exists in KSPRC, then install. None of Proot's work is included or modified. Overwrite when asked to
  4. CityLights are currently broken in the port. I don't know why, but for now, you're able to use newer CityLights in conjunction with AVP. Consider installing EVE and its default configs then deleting everything but the CityLights.
  5. looks like packaging KSPRC textures as an extra is the new trend for AVP repackagings amirite
  6. Proot doesn't necessarily have to update the mod for you to utilize it in 1.2. Just install it normally into KSP then update all its dependencies (Kopernicus, EVE, Scatterer, PlanetShine, DistantObjectEnhancement)
  7. UVNoise does substitute for the pixelation of clouds up close, but depending on the intensity of the effect, the augmentation looks exactly as Galileo stated, fumes from a gas grill. When used desirably, it can create some pretty neat visuals for aurorae and clouds.
  8. Oh, sorry, haha definitely got very mixed up there. Still, kinda odd to have a comet just laying around in what is otherwise a terrain, texture, and cloud pack.
  9. Ah, is that so? Because the only reason Sorlon appears at all is because there's a cache file for it just laying around in the Kopernicus that comes with KSPRC.
  10. Alright, I've tested out and viewed the latest version of your pack, and I've noticed multiple things that are in dire need of attention: Holy heck, reduce the download size! I'm pretty sure over half of the textures present in the .zip file aren't even used! Why is there E.V.E. and K.V.E.? I'm almost certain that only the latter is being used for clouds in the mod. Why is there a deprecated version of ModuleManager along with the latest version? Check up on some of the licensing for things like KSPRC. They're pretty touchy about repackaging and redistribution. Using KVE is a step back from where we were last year, using the SVE configs at least permitted the use of the new edition of E.V.E. for the mod rather than the E.V.E. 7-4 port KVE. Funny thing about Sorlon: the comet is part of the Kerbol Origins planet pack, I'm pretty sure, so when Proot, the dev of KSPRC, was developing KSPRC, he had Kerbol Origins present in his installation. He must've forgotten to clear out every last bit of the other mods present, and Sorlon from Kerbol Origins found its way into KSPRC. That's why it's also in AV: Andromeda now. AVP's Eve looks ugly with scatterer, besides it already has the charming scattering technique that Astronomer used. It's best if the Eve config for scatterer is removed in releases of AV: Andromeda. Jool shouldn't have Edge of Oblivion's Kerbin clouds overlayed, but rather Interstellar's Kerbin clouds. Perhaps take the Kerbin clouds from Interstellar, rename it "kerbin2.png" and edit the configuration so that Jool uses that instead of the unnatural Earth-like clouds? Once again, download size needs a heavy reduction! Check each directory of the mods that come with AV: Andromeda and delete configs and textures that aren't necessary. I think we both know the issue about 3 AVP spin-offs existing at the same time, especially the incredible similarity between yours and mine.
  11. Astronomer's Visual Pack Repackaged from me is a considerable choice.
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqz5yczy15lpwp2/KSP.log?dl=0 The error (or, multitude of errors) encountered in this log may or may not be related to the above reply.
  13. Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware. Just drag and drop the things inside the GameData folders of AVP into the GameData of your KSP installation.
  14. The GameData in that imgur profile was from July 2016, on a separate attempt to reboot AVP by someone else Im guessing he made the same mistake now, then. Do not directly extract the optional features and such into GameData. Open the folder and subsequent folders until you find GameData, then drag that GameData folder directly into your KSP installation.
  15. The picture of GameData would be nice (So many people are installing the mod horribly wrong haha)
  16. It's funny because I was actually legitimately able to assume the title of this thread upon seeing the first 4 words. Also, welcome back Matchlight. If you didn't realize, I beat you in the AVP running properly in the latest version of KSP contest
  17. Can confirm that it's blocked here in Canada, also probably anywhere else judging by the above comments
  18. Miller's actually is that close in the movie, if you were paying attention. Gargantua just doesn't appear in the sky in the waves scene because of the GFX team being lazy or something. If Gargantua were to be looming over the crew while Cooper was screaming at them to come back, then thats how it would look like.
  19. (You're welcome for that reddit post) I've also uploaded an updated version of both of Astronomer's Visual Packs to SpaceDock, which include OPMclouds support directly inside the mod. If you want, you can download either Edge of Oblivion or Interstellar v2 and it'll work with OPMclouds like the old days.
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