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Everything posted by themaster401

  1. It hasn't been dropped here yet. Following the upgrade to EVE, I suggest using OPM-VO.
  2. Astronomer's Visual Pack - v3.31 "Indivi-Duality" - More loading tips and screens. (Keep submitting them!)
  3. Think you would have to remove the "layer3D" node from every cloud node. I uploaded a new release last night but fell asleep before writing out a release note LUL. Astronomer's Visual Pack v3.3 "Indivi-Duality" - New loading screens using the prepackaged mod "LoadingScreenManager". - New loading tips. - Tweaks and fixes. If you guys submit photos using AVP here, I might add them to the loading screen slideshow Loading tip submissions also allowed.
  4. I suspect that's a scatterer bug that I cannot fix. Most of you may have noticed the lack of citylights in the past updates. I am thoroughly confused with how EVE handles CityLights, because even after perfectly aligning lights with a kerbin map: It looks like this ingame: With the citylights diving into the ocean.
  5. And there goes Gargantua once again. It might be too early to say, but maybe it's about time an Interstellar mod is managed to be compatible with KSP versions as they come out. I understand that there are many reasons as to why the developer hasn't been heard from lately, but as the profile indicates he has been keeping watch over the forum. I wish I could compile some kind of fix for the bugs present, but of course, I don't have such knowledge on Kopernicus and the custom Instantiator plugin. Bugs that seem to be apparent in 1.3 include the terrain of the added planets warping onto their sides (confirmed on Namm), the volumetric accretion disk flying away, and an incredibly bothersome Kopernicus bug regarding solar panels and the presence of two solar power-emitting bodies, which lags the game heavily.
  6. If you do decide to install KSPRC alongside AVP using provided instructions, it should end up looking exactly like KSPRC's terrain does.
  7. For the love of scatterer, please disable ocean shaders and turn on scatterer-EVE integration for the fancy terminator.
  8. All-in-one downloads will be in SpaceDock only from now on. GitHub downloads will all require downloading dependencies 'n stuff. Mostly for reliability and CKAN compatibility. It's not too hard to scavenge for the dependencies anyways
  9. Make sure you have downloaded the dependencies EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements and ModuleManager. They are not packaged by default.
  10. Hey all, extremely sorry for all the confusion and lack of response today. Was out on a trip with my family. Hopefully I can get everything sorted tomorrow. The latest version of AVP, which is both on spacedock and github, works perfectly fine on the latest KSP with all dependencies.
  11. Sorry for the confusion. The credits aren't necessarily what this mod runs on, but rather every piece that assisted in the history of it. The switch from KVE to EVE was made quite a while ago. OPMclouds, however, only works with the deprecated (but useful on lower-end systems) version of AVP:U&R, which runs on KVE. This lower-end, older version of AVP is available here (what I now call AVP:E)
  12. Make sure you have all the dependencies, they're not included in the base mod. You need EVE, ModuleManager, AVP-Textures, and Kopernicus at base for the mod to function, as well as scatterer, PlanetShine, DistantObjectEnhancement and others for a better rxperience.
  13. New config tweak update out. AVP v3.22 (I am too lazy to do the fancy formatting) - Jool's clouds now behave like cloud bands. - Eve's aurorae have been fixed. - Tweaks and fixes.
  14. Ah, that's likely to be the layer of purple haze that makes Kerbin looks prettier from orbit. It shouldn't render that close to the ground, though. Took note of it, I'll see if I can fix it.
  15. Try the GitHub download instead, it's been updated and more optimized than SpaceDock. I might drop SpaceDock soon in fact, it's pretty restrictive on the mod's modularity and fidelity.
  16. New texture update coming out. AVP Textures v1.2 (2k, 4k, 8k) - 99% of textures are now in .dds format, which gobbles up much less RAM. The download size is smaller too! - New wispy cloud particle texture for future use.
  17. Urgh, it seems saving the png textures of Astronomer in .dds inflates the file size by many megabytes, especially for 8k textures... If someone could suggest a better way of converting these textures to .dds I would greatly appreciate it.
  18. At this point we may as well pin a forum topic with only "turn off ocean shaders" on this subforum
  19. Hey all, lately I've been seeing that visual mods that use cubemaps in place of traditional cloudmaps are blessed with better performance. Now, of course if there weren't any drawbacks I'd go ahead and whip up the cubemaps right now, but unfortunately the process of doing so would make it incredibly annoying to update and/or change textures. So here's the choice. Do you all really want a less modular, yet less laggier AVP? Or shall I cease looking into the possibility.
  20. Just a random question, is there a specific reason as to why cubemaps are refrained from being used in SVE? I'm guessing it's just for convenience sake, from what I see editing cubemaps is difficult
  21. Update is now out on GitHub. Please note that you not only have to update the configs, but also the textures this time. Enjoy! Custom textures mean a bright future for AVP:U&R
  22. New update today. Astronomer's Visual Pack 3.2 "Indivi-duality" - Hopefully now there's no textures from packs other than the original AVPs and stock EVE, as well as my own textures. - New snow particle. - New rgb texture. - New geyser textures. - New aurora detail. - New citylights. - Tweaks and fixes.
  23. Don't think you could actually lower the frequency at which it happens without literally erasing some of the lightning texture LOL. You could try finding the lightning nodes in "clouds.cfg" and turn down their detailspeed.
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