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Everything posted by themaster401

  1. (Going to post what I did in the AVP thread here, just to ease things a bit.) It is not recommended to use SVE alongside AVP or KSPRC alongside SVT (you going for a visual maximum here? lol). As far as I know, nothing EVE-wise conflicts (I'm guessing SVE's scatterer configs overwrite the default ones, and the clouds do not conflict due to how EVE works), KSPRC and SVT both attempt to retexture all stock bodies so I don't know what could happen there. You use a combination of cloud pack and ground textures. Not more than one of each. AVP and KSPRC SVE and KSPRC AVP and SVT SVE and SVT
  2. It is not recommended to use SVE alongside AVP or KSPRC alongside SVT (you going for a visual maximum here? lol). As far as I know, nothing EVE-wise conflicts (I'm guessing SVE's scatterer configs overwrite the default ones, and the clouds do not conflict due to how EVE works), KSPRC and SVT both attempt to retexture all stock bodies so I don't know what could happen there. You use a combination of cloud pack and ground textures. Not more than one of each. AVP and KSPRC SVE and KSPRC AVP and SVT SVE and SVT
  3. That's a universal issue that could universally be fixed with the starlight curves feature in Kopernicus. The Extrasolar dev must create a configuration for this feature to fix abnormal light from his other stars, I believe
  4. Didn't see this minimod coming judging by the typical scope of your mods haha. The fueling function is a quite interesting add-on to the default charging function.
  5. So I've found a little parameter that could be changed for better frames per second. In KSPRC.cfg, by default, the line "useOnDemand" is set to "true". By replacing this line with SVT's Kopernicus settings: useOnDemand = false onDemandLoadOnMissing = true onDemandLogOnMissing = false onDemandForceCollect = false The game will cease to only load textures when they're needed, and in turn has provided increased performance (though at the cost of RAM I'm guessing.) Someone else likely has a better explanation for what these parameters do, I'm no Kopernicus expert
  6. Lag on Kerbin could result from Scatterer-EVE integration (which may be disabled at the cost of some visuals becoming subpar), or really any of the more intensive scatterer settings. If the lag occurs while penetrating the cloud layers, it is likely due to the volumetric clouds which only occur at that specific phase.
  7. Please. Enough. This is ridiculous. We can't have people taking assets from a mod that stole assets from other mods. For one, the license that this mod is under, Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Sharealike gives you full right to use, modify and distribute the content in this mod given that you don't receive cash from the remixed/redist content. Second, before you decide to take textures or such, permission has to be given by the original creators of the content.
  8. Speaking of which, why does Vall turn into a gumball when eclipsed? Doesn't seem to happen with other bodies with layer2D glow. Also, SpaceDock download seems to be corrupted. Error when opening the archive and the Spectra folder is missing.
  9. Oh deary me, CKAN... When installing AVP on CKAN, you should not be requested to download EVE configs, as AVP already provides them. After installing AVP, the following entries on CKAN should be installed: "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" "Scatterer" "ModuleManager" "Astronomer's Visual Pack-*k Textures" (depending on your choice) "Astronomer's Visual Pack" Some other mods may be "recommended" during the installation, those typically do not affect the atmospheric enhancements.
  10. Quite interesting discovery, expected the detailtexture to tesselate as if it were an equirectangular mask over the clouds.
  11. Just a reminder that y'all should read the FAQ in the OP and this: ...before notifying me of a bug or such. Would make life a lot easier for me.
  12. Did you install the textures? Check if there's a Textures folder within AstronomersVisualPack. I have no leads here, a KSP.log would be nice.
  13. You installed the EVE configs. You must install the EVE plugin only. Ground textures don't come with AVP. Users are recommended to use KSPRC's ground textures with AVP for the best experience.
  14. Unfortunately, it currently does not with the exception of Earth. RealSolarSystem support has been planned for quite some time, but until RSS itself officially updates to 1.3 I'm refraining from creating configs.
  15. Significant FPS drop, eh, but I assure you that could run at a stable 30+ FPS. (Really depends on your specific card specs.)
  16. It happened! Going to start a poll in a minute. There's a lot of EVE effects I'm itching to put on Other_Worlds, as Niako wanted to. (help how do i start a poll)
  17. I'm quite oblivious as to how those effects disappear after a bug-fix update that modified virtually nothing that disappeared. Try using the latest release, v3.52, and reading over the GitHub instructions again.
  18. Happens in the KSC for some guys, don't know why, but it never appears inflight.
  19. I swear to god I have not even touched lightning with the exception of slight color changes since the release of v3 That's lightning, bud. And if it's green in your game you've done something quite wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i don't even know what to do with lightning at this point even scott manley called it a glitch
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