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Everything posted by themaster401

  1. v3.8 "Endgame" Download will be up later today. As the subtitle suggests, this will likely be the last update to AVP in a while as I find less time to play KSP and be online in general. I'm always open to new contributors for AVP; PM me if you are interested! New Eve clouds New Kerbin city lights Jool clouds now have slow-moving noise Updated 43k clouds Tweaked volumetric clouds Removed unnecessary textures Reorganized file structure and names Loading screens now depend on Sigma-LoadingScreens KSPRC texture installation is easier
  2. Thank you for enjoying AVP! Unfortunately the modular structure of the original AVP was scrapped early on in this project due to issues with CKAN compatibility and the modular structure effectively doubling or tripling the work required for each update. However, I have gone to retain 3 texture resolutions that can be selected by a user, and have also split each visual effect into a separate configuration file. You can delete certain files to rid of an unwanted effect.
  3. Implying 99% of visual mods don't already use some variant of Venus' cloudmap for Eve clouds
  4. Many apologies for the lack of responses; let's get to the support queries! Check to make sure you have no conflicting visual mods or mods in general. Alt+F12, check to make sure your console isn't being spammed with nullrefs. If that doesn't give any pointers, shoot me your KSP.log. Respectively, that is lightning and the other is Moho's ablation. Both are intentional effects; Eve has vicious storms while Moho is being bombarded by Kerbol's energy. The glow around non-atmospheric bodies is an aesthetic choice. It shouldn't look like an atmosphere once you are near the surface, though I will take this into consideration and change it next update In the tracking station, you can open the EVE GUI using the cloud button in the bottom right, scroll to EVE_CLOUDS then the aurora.cfg file, and modify the parameters of Kerbin's aurora effects to your liking.
  5. Note that EVE is a plugin (not a visual pack). The latest version of the plugin functions fine on 1.6; all the other visual packs linked also utilize the 1.4 version of EVE which continues to function on 1.6. As the EVE syntax has remained unchanged since 1.2, visual mods from even then will likely work without issue on 1.6.
  6. Most visual enhancements mods do have cloud shadows, some more subtle than others. Check out SVE, AVP, or Sci-Fi VE.
  7. The latest RSSVE update seems to function properly on 1.6, surprisingly. Nonetheless it is not officially supported for the version, but there's no risk of using it anyway.
  8. In my opinion, TWB is very much a comfortable experience that retains the stock system and feel while introducing a diverse array of vibrant, detailed bodies. There is also compatibility with an astounding number of other planet mods. I would highly recommend it
  9. That doesn't affect the compatibility of the mod in this case. Also, why reply to an 8 month old reply?
  10. About 150 mods as noted by AVC, though I have well over 170 checked on CKAN and more unaccounted for by either. Let's say 175 mods, with load times of about 10 minutes. Surprisingly, the install plays at 120 fps with dips to 60, though high part counts are a different story. The game's become a LOT more optimized than it was when I had first started playing. Hopefully my planetary bases will run at more than 5 fps someday, though perhaps that may be a personal problem...
  11. Welcome to the forum! Please read the rules and don't pester mod developers to update their mods, preferably ever into the future. If you have not noticed yet, the developer has been missing in action for over a year. The mod utilizes content it is not permitted to, and has yet to have been picked up. In spite of all this, it's still worth a shot to test the mod out with the latest version of Kopernicus and KSP.
  12. In stock KSP, there'll likely be zero bottlenecking per-se. However, the moment you want to pump in more textures and visual effects, your 1050 2 GB will likely cause the rest of the capable system to suffer. Judging by your past questions on visual mod threads, I suggest you try cutting down on the processor and opting for an improved graphics card for balancing.
  13. AVP will run without scatterer and only EVE, per-se, but you will definitely have a much worse experience as everything is optimized for scatterer enhancement.
  14. Despite the insane specs workstation laptops boast (which do, to their credit, crush productive workloads with relative ease), they aren't all that optimized for gaming . Glad you're still enjoying the experience!
  15. AVP does not 'break the game' and removing it is not an end-all to performance issues. You have simply installed the two (incompatible) packs together, something that is advised against on both threads, causing the host of issues and conflicts. Please pick your words more carefully and don't propogate misinformation. As for the remaining issues, confirm that you haven't made a mistake installing other mods. If you have a BoulderCo folder in your GameData, remove it-- these are the stock EVE configs and do not function correctly with another set of configs.
  16. v3.74 "Warpspeed" Now identifying as compatible with versions 1.3.0 - 1.4.5 squad please make this the last 1.4 bugfix update Depends on TextureReplacer instead of TRR again Updated documentation File structure changes Minor cloud tweaks Click image below to download.
  17. What do you mean not working? All EVE, Kopernicus, and scatterer visual mods made in the past 2 years should work fine on 1.4.5 with the latest versions of the given dependencies.
  18. Made a tiny config to retrofit the IVA-less Orca cockpit with the wonderful OPT K IVA. You'll of course need the OPT Space Plane mod (or at least the IVA files). https://pastebin.com/raw/Gj857PbQ Save it as a .cfg in your KSP/GameData/ folder.
  19. Semi-necro just to mention that I'm experiencing similar framerate issues with a very similar modlist, despite an almost equally capable machine and perfectly fine performance on an install with a smaller modlist still containing many of the larger mods. There is definitely a conflict present between the mods or simply a single mod causing this frame drop rather than an issue with system capability, and tens of restarts with a mod deletion have yet to have isolated the imperfection.
  20. Your game is likely suffering from a reaction to the scatterer-EVE integration, which disables when you reapply an EVE config ingame but re-enables when you exit to menu and start a save again. Try disabling scatterer integration with EVE in the main menu GUI.
  21. v3.73 "Warpspeed" Eeloo glow is more subtle Eeloo dust clouds are less frequent and more subtle Minmus' glow does not clip through terrain now Reduced dust on Minmus Duna dust is much less intensive Duna aurorae are now light blue in accordance with real life discoveries Duna's blue glow no longer clips terrain ('orange mountains') Jool clouds slightly darkened Fixed Pol dust; dust clouds occur in craters and lower elevations Tylo dust tweaked, occurs at lower elevations Download
  22. v3.72 "Warpspeed" a.k.a. the totally pointless KSP 1.4.4 compatibility update Updated AVC for compatibility with 1.4.4 installs. Download
  23. Will this user please stop necroposting and begging for mod updates? Thank you.
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