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Everything posted by themaster401

  1. If you are planning on 1. playing on a year old version of KSP and 2. having a very buggy and unsupported game, the installation is just the same as almost every other mod. Drag and drop folders and files into your KSP/GameData/ folder.
  2. I think you'd want to post this in Add-On Discussions This is where actual mod development downloads and topics go! These pictures and talks are from people utilizing the mod "Kopernicus" in order to allow various separate "planet packs" to be applied to the game. Some of these packs add to the stock system, others revamp it entirely. To name a few:
  3. No one can do it. CC-BY-NC-ND license. All we can do is update its dependencies and hope the syntax lines up with the latest versions.
  4. If you have AVP currently installed, please redownload and reinstall (remove and reinstall if on CKAN) the base mod. I had accidentally left a file from a previous version inside the download, causing the blue/purple haze bug and dropped performance. Upcoming version v3.72 should see some of the features originally promised for v3.7 rolled out. Thank you for playing with Astronomer's Visual Pack! yes this is the second time this has occurred. silly me.
  5. Astronomer's Visual Pack v3.71 "Warpspeed" Eclipse shadows fixed Eve scattering tweaked for greater detail and fluidity Dust tweaked on most bodies Duna general optimizations Eve general optimizations Laythe volumetric clouds changed New wallpaper-esque loading screens 1.4.3 support Enjoy, as always! Download
  6. Heh, saw these videos before you posted them here, actually. Admittedly, I will not be able to support Frankenstein installs like this It's a pain to dissect a bugged modded install already, but even more so when it's something no one is used to diagnosing and troubleshooting.
  7. Looks like you installed the textures wrong (texture files are present in AstronomersVisualPack/EVE rather than AstronomersVisualPack/EVE/Textures) and installed an older version rather than the latest. Correcting those two problems should do the trick. Everything else looks fine. Thank you so much for the feedback! They will definitely be considered in an update to them. (My poor GPU and CPU whilst editing textures of such high resolution...) Unfortunately, the Imgur album doesn't appear to be available though :^(
  8. Confirm that you have installed Scatterer correctly, I don't see it in the list up there. ModuleManager as well. No, you do not require the default EVE configs. The latest version is specifically and solely compatible with the newer TRR. Otherwise, I see no reason why your mods should cause incompatibilities. If it persists to fail, send your KSP.log as well. AVP does not require the usage of any Unity shaders from TRR (even then only reflections, effects, etc. would be affected, rather than AVP features), so that should not be an issue.
  9. 43k Kerbin clouds. I don't know what niche partition of the KSP community would like to fiddle with such high resolution clouds, but they're now available. Pros: Sharp, no texture repetition, performance impact is not too different from 8k Cons: Your system will suffer. Credit to NASA for their 43k "Blue Marble" Earth cloud rendition. Download in the OP.
  10. Though OPM is rarely touched upon by visual packs these days, I'd much rather allow the magnificent OPM-VO to take lead. Perhaps once I'm done the little to-do list I have for other features, I'll look into a set of configs for OPM.
  11. Nope, 43k. More specifically, 43200 pixels across. Thank NASA for giving us the most detailed rendition of Earth's clouds free.
  12. The clouds from Alien: Covenant would be much too difficult to do with the constraints of EVE and KSP, unfortunately If the mod author does attempt to recreate as unique of effects as that, I'd like to see the product! We wait until the day we are able to get true volumetric clouds into the game platform...
  13. Astronomer's Visual Pack v3.7 "Warpspeed" KSP 1.4.x someone make me a logo pls these plain text titles are boring Unfortunately, I will not be able to release the entirety of Warpspeed as it was planned due to time constraints allowing little time for me to test and fine tune features. I plan on rolling out the rest of the features in later minor Warpspeed updates. New soft and glowy aurorae variants! Finer detail for Duna's duststorms Performance issues on Kerbin fixed Aurora fixes General cloud tweaks New loading screens GitHub Download TO BE DONE Laythe clouds revamp Laythe hurricane? Jool clouds alteration Atmospheric scattering changes on Eve Alterations to geysers Sounds and musics pack (waiting for SoundtrackEditor to be reliable) RSS compatibility (waiting for stable RSS/RO for 1.4) 8k starry skybox Reinitiate wormhole? Improve aurora detail texture and noise
  14. Jeez, man, I get that you want to use it for 1.4.1, but no point in asking the dev to make a scatterer-less version instead of just waiting for scatterer's stable 1.4.1 update just on the horizon.
  15. Coinciding with the (unexpected) release of 1.4 was a major AVP update in progress. With most of the mods AVP is dependant on being incompatible with 1.4 at the moment, along with the potential syntax/code overhauls that could arrive with the respective 1.4 updates of these dependencies, AVP's next major update will be delayed to allow more time for polishing while simultaneously waiting for dependencies to update (especially scatterer.) TL;DR, that's a Soon™
  16. The unsupported version warning should not affect functionality. I'm guessing you're using 1.3.1, in which case it's basically guaranteed that you installed something incorrectly.
  17. Sorry about my failure to reply to multiple queries about issues. I guess the only excuse I got is exams, but still not an excuse to not reply to y'all. The infamous solid layer2D glow that occurs upon an object with a glow effect being eclipsed. I have yet to have found a solution to this problem on the AVP end; at core, it is a scatterer issue that I hope will soon make compatibility with this feature vital to AVP. You can tweak any feature using the EVE GUI in the tracking station (cloud icon in bottom right or just Alt+0). Try getting DistantObjectEnhancement if you haven't already for the skybox darkening, otherwise you'll have to manually turn down the brightness or change the skybox entirely. Fun fact: I have CityLights fully working and ready for usage. The problem is, I personally dislike how CityLights are; from orbit, a beautiful addition to the planet. Flying in atmosphere, much more immersive experience. However, the moment you land on that flat CityLights texture on the ground, it ruins the effect and the beauty entirely. CityLights destroy the beauty of Kerbin's natural state; you can bring them from another mod manually if you'd like. Once again, odd eclipses and oddities on bodies being eclipsed is a scatterer bug I am currently unable to get past. Yep, those flashy things on the planets are thunderstorms. I'm always open to suggestions on how I can make the ever-mistaken feature more realistic, more like lightning.
  18. In the case you want to use an external sunflare package alongside Astronomer's Visual Pack, please navigate to GameData/AstronomersVisualPack and remove the "Scatterer-sunflare" folder before proceeding with installation of another sunflare.
  19. Thank you so much for this! Now KSP's darned physics will stop sending my ground vessels flying every time they come out of physicslessness.
  20. As far as we know, Artyomka, the dev of the mod, has disappeared. Unfortunately all assets in the latest Kargantua mod are under a license that prevents anyone from modifying and redistributing its content (CC-BY-NC-ND... despite the fact that all cloud textures in Kargantua are stolen, which in itself is something I do not want to dive back into). These assets are also quite dated and will not function without a heavy rewriting of the code and configs. Don't get your hopes up with Soon™...
  21. this "redoubling" has existed for less than a week. chaos in a minor forum thread should not throttle development progress. i'd also appreciate it if you didn't bash my mates unless you have something better to bring to the table. move on. time will tell whether this mod will thrive or not.
  22. Necropost from 6 years ago, are you kidding me?
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