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  1. Basically yes. The desired behavior is that once stability assist has been engaged in surface mode your attitude stays locked to a single position on the navball. It may not be necessary to take surface curvature directly into account as you could just keep a certain angle and orientation on the navball, however if you did this whenever you approached a planets pole your vessel would get very confused and probably fall out of the sky. I very much like the idea of context-sensitive SAS functions and it is something I had not considered. Although a zero vertical speed mode would be very helpful for a vessel staying in the atmosphere it would not be useful for things like SSTO's; they would need an additional mode, such as the one I proposed at the top of this thread, in order to hold a desired angle out of the atmosphere. That is not to say that I think a zero vertical speed mode isn't useful, I would find it a very nice addition.
  2. The way stability assist seems to work at the moment is it holds your position based on some universal plane; while this is great for orbiting celestial bodies, it is a pain in the atmosphere. I suggest changing the plane of reference when surface mode is engaged to lock onto the current angle and orientation of the navball. If you wish to hold 20° vertically while travelling east, face east and aim at 20° then engage stability assist in surface mode. When the navball is changed to orbital mode then change the plane of reference back to its normal behavior (the way stability assist works now).
  3. When playing KSP (Kerbal Space Program) and using DMP (Dark Multi Player) me and my friends when we were flying spend about 80% of that time doing things together. It all depends on how you play, for us a proper multiplayer would be the best thing that could be added to the game as it would be considerably less buggy and more stable than DMP which we are using at the moment. I agree that it is not for everyone and I certainly agree that any multiplayer should not be in an MMO style but rather P2P (Player To Player) allowing small groups to play together. Having the ability to host your own server would also be preferable. I should also say here that some kind of search for open games may be of benefit to those who's friends don't play KSP so that they may search out people to play with. I also have to disagree with your statement that multiplayer "doesn't mesh will with KSP's core gameplay" as I consider flying crafts and building planetary bases and orbital stations as very much core aspects of the game; All of these are things that my friends and I regularly do together. All in all Squad has done an amazing job so far and I can't wait to see where they go next.
  4. Having recently been testing my submarine, hundreds of times, I think this is a great idea. I would like to sea an indicator for the Center Of Buoyancy and would even go a step further and suggest a value be displayed in the engineer's report in much the same way as mass; perhaps negative numbers could be you will sink, zero meaning neutrally buoyant and positive numbers you will float. On a bit more specific note, now we have a better buoyancy model I would like to see stock parts that allow you to pump water in and out of ballast tanks to raise and lower your vessel. I am aware this is not a part that would be used widely among the community (but may be with a scientific incentive in career mode), and I apologize if this is the wrong place to post suggestions. I'm not the kind of person who usually posts on forums.
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