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Everything posted by KerbalCorgi

  1. Chapter 2: Minmus Lander 1 Jeb and Val rushed into Mission Control. "Did you get him?" screeched Gene. Jeb nodded. "Whacked him over the head with a flag." "We hid him in the broom closet, kuct tape and all," added Val. "Good. We need him out the way for this launch," said Gene. The mighty rocket took off, and Mortimer wiggled around in the closet as he felt the rocket launch. Gene and KAPKOM made the orbital injection, then made the Minmus burn. An hour later, Bill and Bob dragged a cranky Mortimer to Gene's office. Val went behind them, carrying a flagpole. Meanwhile, Gene and Mission Control were landing the probe on Minmus. Within minutes, Linus and Wernher were on the scene. And as the sun set on Minmus, the money showed up for the lander- 867,000 kerbucks. And, as the probe saw Kerbin, Jeb reflected that it was fun to whack a kerbal. Next up... PROBES TO EVERYWHERE!
  2. Interlude: Whack-a-Mort Mortimer had to stop this. It was too expensive! Suddenly, he felt a blow to the back of his head. Jeb stood behind him, wielding a Extend-o-matic flag. Val pulled out some kuct tape and wrapped up Mort. Val grabbed Mort's feet and Jeb grabbed his arms. They locked Mort in a broom closet inside of the R&D.
  3. Interlude: Revealed Mortimer Kerman strolled across the space center, whistling. He was heading for the VAB, just to make sure no rockets had popped up overnight. He was walking past the Pod Memorial he heard shouts from the crawlerway. Mortimer ran to see what the commotion was. He was met by the sight of 15 kerbals pushing a huge rocket, labelled Minmus Lander 1 down to the Launchpad.
  4. Interlude: The Covert Spacecraft Wernher, Linus, and Val stole across the R&D, driving a Phantom-class transport rover to the VAB. On board was the probe core for the Minmus lander. After Mortimer refused the budget for the lander, Wernher had Gene, Gus, Jeb, Bob, Val, Bill, and Linus attend a special meeting. The objective was to construct the Minmus lander inside the VAB without Mortimer knowing. Jeb, Bob, and Bill, meanwhile, were getting the Mammoth out of the Vab round tank. Wernher had stashed parts everywhere, and now the teams were collecting them. Bob dislodged the engine, and he, Jeb, and Bill ran into the VAB, where Gus and his gang were building the rocket. Wernher and Co. pulled up to the VAB, and spirited the probe core into the VAB. The mighty rocket was complete.
  5. It's really more of a recon mission- might get crew off in the future.
  6. Alright, I changed my comment, can people stop bugging me about this?
  7. RPM is fine. I don't know about Vesselviewer, because the whole point of the challenge is to do it in IVA the whole time. However, if you use it for seeing if what blew up, then sure.
  8. Interlude: Mortimer's Mistrust "What I'm saying is that the price is too high." "What is zhis?! We have launched ze rocket before. Why do you zuddenly doubt our abilities?" "I doubt our abilities because the idea of Minmus being made out of mint sherbet is ridiculous. And, Gus, you said the RCS on this one failed. How do we know what will happen next?" "You're a menace, Mortimer." "I may be a menace, but I have enough power to cut off the budget for this and to cut off the snack budget!" "NO!" "Then you will not launch this rocket unless I say we have the funds."
  9. Chapter 1: The Mission to Minmus "Dr. Von Kerman! Dr. Von Kerman!" Linus Kerman raced down the hall of the R&D building, holding a file in one hand and a kam sandwich in the other. Wernher's office door burst off as Linus, labcoat and all, shoved through into a room filled with blueprints, books, and rocketry models. "Linus, Linus. Why ze rush? Zast time I checked, ze are not going anywhere?" "No, Dr. This file came in the mail." Wernher Von Kerman took the file from the still panting Linus Kerman, and opened it. Inside was a contract. "Billy-Bobmon Kerman's Ice Cream Parlor and Rocket Parts, Inc. 'Ze are requesting a probe to orbit ze moon of Minmus. If zhis mission goes well, ze will pay for a lander to Minmus. Do you accept?" Wernher called a meeting. 72 days, 4 hours and 54 minutes later Gene and KAPKOM in Mission Control were busy doing the final check. "Boosters?" "Check!" "SAS?" "Check!" "Science?" "Check!" "We are go!" The mighty rocket lifted off into the sky. The flames of the engines roared. "First Stage Separation!" The probe flew out of the atmosphere, and began the orbital burn. Once in orbit, Gene checked all systems, then plotted the course to Minmus. Minmus Explorer 1 flew into the cosmos. Wernher looked and saw the sherbet moon out there. "Prepare for injection burn!" Gene dropped the orbit closer to Minmus, and then began running the tests. (This picture had Free camera mode on) Next day, a check for 458,000 kerbucks showed up in the mail.
  10. More then I year ago, I downloaded the KSP demo. I played it very often, flying around. And last Christmas, I got the full version as a present. Once I downloaded it, I started a sandbox save. I named it Kerbal Freeplay. This is the story of that save, written in story format. Please note- the kerbals in this universe are nonviolent and do not have a military of any sort. Writing Schedule There is no set timetable on which I upload chapters, but I post less during the week due to other things. Expect more on weekends, although I will post something on the week. Table of Contents Prelude Chapter 1-The Mission to Minmus Interlude- Mortimer's Mistrust Interlude- The Covert Spacecraft Interlude- Revealed Interlude- Whack-a-Mort Chapter 2-Minmus Lander 1 Volume 1: The Trailblazers Chapter 3-Kelios 1 Interlude- First Time in 1.1 Chapter 4-The Duna Probe Chapter 5-I Like Ike! Chapter 6-Eve Explorer Interlude- Tandin and Hayna Interlude- Koffee Break and a Transfer Chapter 7-Gilly 1 Chapter 8-Moho 1 Interlude- Pioneers
  11. I played the old version of the demo, but I didn't know that they added Minmus. That's neat.
  12. The Challenge: Using only IVA mode and map view, fly somewhere ('somewhere' depending on your mode). MODES: Easy: Fly a craft of your own design to orbit, using only IVA and map view. Slightly-less easy: Fly to the Mun using only IVA and map view. Medium: Fly to Minmus using only IVA and map view. Hard: Fly to Eve, Moho, Duna, Jool, or their moons using only IVA and map view. Scott Manley: Fly to Eeloo using only IVA and map view. RULES -Mechjeb and Hyperedit are not permitted. -Your craft must be stock, no modded parts. -Craft must be manned. -Must show pictures. -Must be in IVA the whole time (but you are allowed to use map view.) If you are going to a different planet, multiple launches are okay to dock the ship in orbit and you don't have to use IVA. SCORING -Easy: 5 points -S.L. Easy: 10 points -Medium: 20 points -Hard: 50 points -Scott Manley: 100 points EXTRA CREDIT -Landing on a planet or moon: +5 points -Landing on the body (Of The Kraken): +15 points -Returning to Kerbin: +10 points -Flying under a Mun Arch: +25 points -Creating a badge: +25 points -Not using map mode: +50 points
  13. Landed a two-kerbal craft on the Mun, then launched a module into orbit around the Mun, with a 10 km per. an 14 km ap.
  14. A CLOSE SHAVE Say hello to the Mun Low-Orbit Station. Crewed by six, and powered by solar energy. (No pictures- busy flying the thing) But we did see the Recon Lander. And now for the tricky part: getting into a <15 km or less orbit. And now, a random picture taken once in the orbit. Kerbin Eclipse (sorta) Another random picture Also, the crew is now eating space ice cream.
  15. THE FIRST LANDING (AKA THE ACROBATICS LANDING) (Here are my settings) Meet Hellina and Hanley Kerman, pilot and scientist, and the first two soldiers in the war against the Mun. Also, meet the Discovery Recon Lander, the first ship in the battle. Launch and everything else was fine. (I was using free camera view in this one) We are landing near the Twin Craters, I believe we are several kilometers away. After a fair bit of panic and screaming (coupled with two maniacs inside the craft plus a maniac flying it plus the maniacal forces of gravity and everything else devised by Sir Isaac Newton), we landed, with a fair bit of acrobatics (no pictures because I was piloting). Hanley got out and planted a flag, too. Also, Hellina wants to know if somebody can send her beer and snacks. Hanley wants some waffles.
  16. I'm doing mine on this thread here: and it's probably gonna take a while.
  17. It started with this challenge. Now, I'd describe myself as an intermediate KSP player- I know the basics, launched a probe to Duna, etc. And, if you read my signature, you can see that I am a big fan of bases on other planets. Now, this is Go-Time. This will be continuous, and has no end as of now. Are you ready?
  18. This may take some time, be patient.
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