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Everything posted by datamonkey

  1. Please ignore, tried to create a cfg file for MM again, and this time worked like a dream, no idea what was going wrong before. Many thanks for the config above complynx. >Hi, I've been trying to mod my KSP to do this, allow the multiports to connect with all stock ports, but where should I insert this config? Should I make a new .cfg file somewhere, or edit an existing file? I've tried looking at ModuleManager, but can't get this to work. I've looked through the files, and searched the forums but nothing seems to make sense. Appreciate any help!
  2. Thanks Aqua Given it's a small possibility, i'll try a new save with the current craft files, but i won't try to recreate what i've already done in terms of flights/scans/etc, just in case i go through it all and it does end up corrupted. Maybe try to test it by launching all the saved ships, once i've cleaned the list up, and see what happens to the save file, at least in terms of what SAVE reports as the status.
  3. Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is a stock or modded question, as it applies to stock too, but since i've modded my install... I wanted to know if a corrupt craft file can corrupt a good/fresh save file, or if a corrupt save file, can corrupt a craft file (assuming the craft file was alright in the first place, even if created while using a corrupted save file) The reasons for this are that I want to start a new save file, as the current one has experienced multiple crashes and odd failures, and needed to be restored a few time. Now S.A.V.E always marks the save file as CORRUPT, going back a long way. This is a very old save file, definitely from 1.0.4, maybe even 1.0 days! However, I'd like to keep the various ships i've designed and used, in the new save (using all current mods so as not to break things). Eventually, i'm also thinking of somehow getting the new save into the same state as the current one, so i don't have to spend time re-doing everything manually, but lets leave that for another time! Also, it's dependant on the original question of corrupt save or craft files corrupting each other. I hope that makes sense! Many thanks
  4. Ahh, thanks, i was only looking at volume, not thinking about the mass of the items too! Even though it has mass numbers, i thought they were just for helping work out vessel/part mass, didn't think of the 1 ton limit as applying to the container. Although is obvious now i think about it! My sanity is grateful!
  5. Hi guys, i've been tearing my hair out in frustration! I remember a while ago being able to carry a container on a kerbals back for parts that were too big for it's own inventory. It had to walk, but it carried the container with the part. I'm trying that now, and it's just not working, saying the container is too heavy when i try to drag it into my inventory. Last time i searched, i found out how to do this, but now, after more than an hour of hunting the internet, i just can't see how to carry the container! what key to press, or anything! I'm surely missing something, please, could someone help!
  6. This... this makes far more sense... God knows what I was thinking yesterday. Went off on having corrupted my install, how to change kontainers config to inclue dirt etc Instead of double checking my maths. Thanks dude. For the mods too.
  7. Hi, I'm having real trouble with the Dirt resourcel I can only find the ILM and large greenhouse that can store dirt. I'm just building a space station in orbit as a test, but can't find any way to get a container of dirt up there. I've hunted through the forums, but can't see anything that could help. Am I wrong in thinking that dirt can even be transported, or a container filled up with dirt in the VAB? All the resource options on the various containers (Kontainers) don't include it. Aside from the inflatable storage, and that seems very limited in how much of a resource it can transfer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm using CKAN, so hopefully should have the latest versions. Thanks!
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