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Everything posted by se5a

  1. So what do I need to do to get this working in 144? CKAN seems to indicate that it's compatible, but its dependencies (ground construction) are not. but it sounds like some people have gotten it working... maybe? confused here.
  2. so.. is this working on 144? was trying to install MKS on ckan but ckan says this is not compatible with 144 or something.
  3. That'd be great. I've just started getting back into KSP after a year and I'm missing this one.
  4. remote tech would be a good mod to look at supporting.
  5. Are you able to articulate the difficulties of imlementing positional snap?
  6. Is there a technical problem to having position snap with eva attachments? I attempted to make a little mun buggy out of parts, but the thing wont work properly due to all the wheels being at slightly different heights, I thought the suspension would take care of minor differences but apparently not.
  7. Also I've just found that it doesn't like whatever bit of your ship that's got "control from here" being the wrong way around (since it gets its frame of reference from this). fortunately I figured this out with a rover so there was no damage.
  8. Cool beans got a response to the github bug report already. he's working on a fix in a few days, till then, revert back to 1.5.8 https://github.com/magico13/StageRecovery/issues/28
  9. Ah cool, yeah I was about to do a test myself with only stage recovery. I'll post a bug report pointing to this thread on github. Which version are you running? I'm using 1.6.0
  10. humn... yeah that might explain it. Is the dipole antenna physicsless?
  11. I've got: KIS, KAS, firespitter, KerbalConstructionTime, Infernal Robotics, MechJeb2, PilotAssistant, RemoteTech, StageRecoverty, Trajectories, TriggerTech, TtweakScale, Void. on a hunch I'd start with Pilot Assistant and Tweakscale, if you also are using those.
  12. This is driving me nuts. does noone else have this problem? are my sats overpowered? the smallest engines I've got are 909s, but I guess I could thrust limit them.. or do I need more reaction wheels? The sat gets close to the end of its maneuver burn and the maneuver target starts moving, the flight computer doesn't seem to calculate for this and just keeps burning while trying to chase the target around till it runs out of fuel. I thought maybe this: https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/29 was what was happening, but the last one I ensured that I set it to follow node and execute after I'd finished messing with the manuver node.
  13. I keep loosing sats/probes when on an unconnected maneuver node due to them following the target around in circles at the very end of the burn, and using up all their fuel. what am I doing wrong?
  14. If I right click and upgrade, it takes the money away, the pad model changes for a second, then changes back to level 1. right clicking on it again it's still level 1 with all the weight and size limits. I've got Kerbal Construction Time installed, but only the sim enabled in this game. I attempted to edit the save game trying to fix this, but seem to have made it worse, it's now at level 0 and refusing to upgrade. I created a new game and upgraded the LaunchPad in that to check my edits and it looks fine comparing anything where LaunchPad is mentioned, however when I load the broken game the launchpad gets reset back to 0. What could I be missing?
  15. Can you replicate it with *only* remote tech installed? if we can narrow it down a bit more I'll post a bug report on github.
  16. Himmm... Ive had this happen again a couple of times now too. No probe core either this time. Switched to the ksc and back, crew disappeared. I suspect its affecting some craft more than others... Im trying to find a correlation but failing.
  17. look at the cockpit model, the door is clearly behind the seat
  18. For example, a Mk1 Crew connected to a Mk1 cockpit. Crew should be able to EVA without forcing the pilot out, then transferring the crew to the cockpit before you can EVA him/her.
  19. Happened a second time with a different ship. fortunatly in sandbox. Will have to do some testing and see if its repeatable.
  20. Hit Alt + F2. this will bring up the debug log and tell you what the problem is. basically one of your saves have become corrupted.
  21. I had this happen to me too, had to bring back Jeb, Bill *And* Bob. Are you using remote tech, and did your lander have a probe core on it, and was it in network range or out of network range? I was wondering if this may have caused some funkyness...
  22. What would cause this? I safely landed my shuttle with a pilot and four tourists, got the pilot to jump out and take a surface sample. attempted to board while swimming and the whole thing just exploded, killing the pilot and all but two of the passengers. That was a big contract too ;-(
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