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Everything posted by FullMetalMachinist

  1. Cannot. They have to be either splashed or landed.
  2. The subject of this thread is that there's no multiplayer in 1.2?
  3. No need to even go that far. Kerbals inside ships get the EX, as well. So just land a big bus, and have everyone watch Jeb through the windows as he plants the flag.
  4. Who ever said anything about charging for bug fixes? The OP says that they plan to continue giving free updates.
  5. I wasn't saying that it would. That's my point. We might never get it. And that's okay. We've already gotten what we're due. No, mine doesn't, actually. Squad could shut their doors for good tomorrow (after the release of 1.2, preferably) and I would be a happy camper. I have what I paid for, and I'm happy with it. No need to get worked up about Squad's current situation.
  6. "I want new tires for my car, but those jerks at the store locked them behind a pay wall. So unfair, I should get them for free!" New stuff costs money, that's the way the world works. We've been unbelievably lucky to have been getting updates and new features for free for as long as we have. And honestly, I think we've gotten spoiled by it. Sorry, but I don't have any fears about it. Besides, they said in the dev notes that they would be things that drastically add to the game. I'm okay with paying for that type of additional content. Sorry, but not really. You have no vested interest in the health of the company. Your business with Squad was concluded the second that you bought the game (or the second that they released 1.0 if you purchased during early access). Their personnel status has no bearing on you or your status as their customer. That may or may not happen. The thing is that Squad is under no obligation to deliver that. Think of it as a gift that they said they would probably give us, but it turns out they might not. Oh well. You've already received what you've paid for, and then some. I'm sorry that you're encountering bugs. But that happens sometimes. Sadly, faulty products are a thing that exist (though I'm not saying that I think KSP is one). If you feel like the product you purchased doesn't live up to what you were promised, then request a refund or post a bad review. They have been answered, and not with anything that I would classify as bureaucratic nonsense. 1.3 is being worked on. They have devs on hand, and are looking for more. What else do you need? P.S. I apologize for continuing the derailment of this thread down this particular track.
  7. Minor (slightly off topic) correction here. You actually do want to warp across SoI transitions, just do it at a slow warp (5x-50x). The reason is that while on rails the orbit code uses more precise numbers than it does when out of warp (normal time). See here for more info:
  8. Do you really need the same statement from Squad about the update process for every single update? The process is what it is, and if it changes, then they'll say something. But there's little utility in repeating the same thing over and over (hint hint). Do you even know how long we've gone with nothing but "SoonTM"!? It took over a year to go from 1.0 to 1.1. A year! And all we had for a 'release window' was "soon". So put your big boy pants on and stop asking "are we there yet?" every 5 minutes. This post is probably going to get edited/removed by a mod, but I don't even care at this point
  9. @Higgs sarbian did not quit. If you had bothered to read the post by nestor that I linked earlier, you would see that he was brought in on a short-term contract to work on 1.2, and 1.2 only. Once 1.2 was done, there was no reason for him to stick around. Saying that he quit implies that he left before his work was done. He did not. He finished what he was there for.
  10. Since no one has answered this yet, I'll take a stab. Heat shield ablator evaporates away when it hits a certain minimum skin temperature. Where that heat comes from doesn't matter. It could be from reentry heat, or heat generated by ISRU or a Nerva engine; doesn't matter. So being at Moho's orbit you're closer to the sun, and therefore get pretty roasty, thus you're likely to lose ablator. Unfortunately I can't recall what the magic minimum temp is, but it's probably in the part config somewhere.
  11. @Plusck @5thHorseman the backups were put in to help with debugging during the development of 1.1, and was kept in the release because why not? From the March 15th devnotes
  12. I would say don't worry about 'cheating'. SAS is there for a reason, go ahead and use it. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com Note that you'll have to create an account, your forum account doesn't carry over or anything. Not sure. I know that you can subscribe to threads, and that there are email notification options, but I've never messed with it. Perhaps someone else can chime in. Oh, and welcome to the forums!
  13. Well I guess that's it, then. Irrefutable proof that Squad is the devil and those devs left in a rage of holy water and insults.
  14. First, thanks! Second, what? I actually picked my name as a result of SeaQuest, but I am dimly aware that my username had a more popular reference. Can you enlighten me? Sherlock Homes has a brother named Mycroft. He's smarter than Sherlock, but hates the "leg work."
  15. There's nothing of the sort going on. Take a look at this post from Nestor, that was posted on THIS FORUM.
  16. Dang, I knew I was forgetting some. Thanks for that.
  17. Even though it's stickied, I'm 'bumping' this thread. The past 18 hours or so has been pretty rough. I'd just like to to extend my gratitude to @SQUAD for all the work on this awesome, amazing game. It really rubs me the wrong way that most of the reactions to the news of some devs leaving has been "OMG, are they going to stop giving us Free Stuff!? How dare they, I need an explanation!" Instead, how about saying "hey Squad, thanks for all the free stuff that you've given us so far." So, I'll say that here. KSP has been, by far, the best game I've ever played, and it has just gotten better and better. So thanks. To @Mu. , @taniwha, @NathanKell, @sarbian, @Romfarer, @Arsonide, @Porkjet, and @Claw: thank you so much for all your hard work. To @RoverDude, @Badie, @UomoCapra, @nightingale, @sal_vager, and all the rest at @SQUAD, thank you for all you have done, and continue to do. KSP is in good hands. I look forward to the future, whatever that holds.
  18. @Kerbart sorry, but here's where your restaurant analogy breaks down: you've been getting all those perks, and all the 'meals', for FREE, for at least the past year. So I see it as less "where will my next meal come from", and more "I have this last meal that is awesome, that I can continue to enjoy as long as I want." Squad doesn't owe us anything else, so being concerned about what might or might not come next is a non-issue.
  19. Makes you wonder if that was a condition under which he agreed to work for Squad? "Sure, I'll work on the core game, but only if you also let me make it more mod-friendly."
  20. Nonsense! This is the Internet! You're guilty if we say you are. /sarcasm
  21. No offense, but even your TL;DR was too long, I didn't read it.
  22. Since you, and probably others, seem to have missed it:
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