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Everything posted by Coolstorm10_

  1. I wasn't talking about 64 bit, just KSP 1.1 in general. Sorry if I didn't make it clear
  2. Listen, listen. If SQUAD decides to fix the patcher NOW, days before KSP pre-release, they'll be delaying the pre-release by weeks, and by then if they didn't fix the KSP Store's system to be able to handle several versions before 1.1 release then 1.1 would be out for everybody. (you realize it costs them money to keep up the KSP store servers and the more versions they need to handle on there the more costly, while Steam doesn't cost them nearly as much.) There's no point in them doing it, and you know honestly they could have done the same thing as um, 0.15, 0.16, 0.17, 0.18, 0.19, 0.20, 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.23.5, 0.24, 0.25, 0.90, 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, 1.0.4 and 1.0.5, an NOT have given us a prerelease. And even if you don't get to play the prerelease, you'll have way more Day One mods and addons released. I'm sorry for @KasperVld and @Ted for all these comments of people enraged about this, you guys keep on keepin on and we'll all be happy in the end.
  3. Nope. Unity 5 introduces Multithreading WHICH DOES let the 7 processors also hop in and help. Make sure ya know what you're sayin before you correct someone
  4. Agreed. What this really is doing is opening up the pre-releases so mods can be released on release day. We shouldn't be complaining. And as I already have quoted someone explaining this, this is just something they can do on-the-fly. They're not going to fully reconfigure the KSP Store JUST so everyone else can have it. Because by the time they do that, the original release date of 1.1 would be here. And that means OFFICIAL 1.1 would be delayed. (which makes beta completely obsolete if it makes just delays). So instead we should be happy. More release-day mods. More of a full game. Squad is getting BACKLASH for this. They're getting backlash for something they should be APPLAUDED for. I don't understand the controversy here. This is good either way. More people get access to the game to test it out, and more mods are released on release day for everybody. I can tell that you would be a little annyoed because of 1.1, but just continue rollin with what you have been doing earlier. Imagine they never announced the pre-releases. Go have fun playing something other than KSP. That's all I got to say. o7
  5. Exaaactly. It would be a waste of precious time to get their site made to suit the needs of a constantly-updating link, making the test process entirely useless if they have to spend precious time on it, while STEAM has it built right in.
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