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    Sisyphos Berlin
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    Correlation of Higgs-Boson particles and women..

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  1. Yes, the vast emptiness of space ! Works like a charm. Had some problems first but turned out a blank space slipped my attention while renaming. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the spot on mod. Just as I like 'em! I was going to ask for a favor as I'm using Linux and not very good at it. I'm having problems getting the dds-plug-in for GIMP and all I actually need is a completely black skybox. So I'm asking for just one - I dunno 800x400 bucket filled black .dds file that I could then copy and rename accordingly. All help appreciated.
  3. ..And just realised it's not the old standard perfectly aligned LKO-mission but at 15000 km and maybe double inclination than Minmus orbit.
  4. Seems right. Just did a first mun-flyby in new 1.1 career (wich was more of a lucky shot after since I was only going for Kerbin orbit but figured it could be enough for mun flyby - it was, although the 'homecoming' was pretty close, with a last drop of fuel I managed to dip into 45 km and aerobrake enough after 3 rounds). Instantly got the first rescue mission. Day 6..
  5. Thanks for maintaining, this mod is great, I downright refuse to dock without it anymore!
  6. Deleted all the 'volume' entries in the cloud.cfg since I couldn't open the GUI (because of linux where alt is used otherwise) and deleted citylights and shadows but it's still stuttering too much. But then again my notebook is really old and I guess I should be satisfied that KSP runs at all.. I guess it comes down to a 4 to 2 framedrop (as before 1.1) doesn't feel as bad as a 16 to 8 one so to speak.
  7. Allready tried the city lights but only them, will test both of them tomorrow. Thanks for the quick reply.
  8. Was using this mod with 1.05 and my allready horrible framerates were'nt much affected by it. So today I tried 1.1 and I was pretty astouned as not looking at a slideshow anymore (at least for my perception). Of course I wanted some clouds as I can't really imagine playing without them anymore, but now the mod drops the framerate horribly. Any chance to get a really low spec version ? Otherwise some hints on manually altering the config files would be apreciated. Thanks in advance. (Running on linux64, mods: BetterBurnTime, Chatterer, MechJeb, SCANsat, TextureReplacer - nothing that should conflict..)
  9. One of the best things I've seen about ISS: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/space-station-tour/ I wish more films like this would be out ther not just about the ISS, nothing unnecessary, short but to the point, and it gives you such a great feel of immersion. Maybe a giant monolith could be launched into space, should be some really sturdy material though. It could then serve religious purposes as well if we descent into some planet-of-the-apes-like-post-apocalyptic-society. All jokes aside, I totally agree that it's a nice testimony but all of the above posts seem pretty convincing about it's inevitable doom. Oh and does anyone remember this japanese anime show about a private debris cleanup company in space ? Had a few really stupid episodes but in general lots of things that made it worth watching..
  10. Tried the 'wield'-mod today as I wanted to built something bigger (it's named 'Titan') to get me one of those E-class asteroids into Kerbins orbit. After a break I loaded my savegame with the ship beeing in orbit.. turnes out the thing got attacked by a kraken and now spins like hell. At first sight it looked as if my crew was lost, the only two that are not away on my Duna mission. Then I saw something called 'Titan-lander' in the tracking station wich is kinda strange since the Mk2-Lander was somewhere in between the ship. Both of my Kerbals on board. Apoapsis 100 km, periapsis 45 km. In ten minutes they'll be flying directly over KSC !! I did had my share of rendevous but never with such an emergency background, as I guess I'll have to get right into the seat the probe control room and get them with my first try
  11. That's some nice insight, thanks for the informations provided.. I had just figured how to grab science out of a module, otherwise my Duna mission would have been pretty pointless.. Kerbals do have some pretty abysmal deep pockets: I still use the lab since for the time of return to Kerbin flight, it's still an additional 500 science points..
  12. Everytime I see your signature I allways imagine you playing KSP only as some kind of train simulator, don't know why but like some nerd with whistle and a funny hat going choo-choo all the time. It does look nice though!
  13. So has this turned into another 'what mods should be stock' discussion ? Because honestly I think most of us were coming to KSP to 'get stuff into orbit' and of course if you've played it for a while that might not be enough, but thats why there are optional mods. As for the aesthetics I do like them but I will at some point definitely try this amazing: Professor Phineas Kerbenstein's wonderous vertical propulsion emporium - mod. So why not let squad do his vision of the game and everyone else is allowed to alter it to his or her taste.
  14. Just make sure to keep the tax payers interested by some almost-disasters and take care of their world's-record-fetish even if it involves playing pool with asteroids (aka fling asteroid out of solar system).
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