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Everything posted by [MG]Atlas

  1. I fixed the problem it was a JSI issue. I can load and fly it I still have the stability issue but yeah I don't have to spin it.
  2. I have a problem with the ring and basically it's when I click (In-Game) to the Infernal Robotics tab and click on an arrow to let it spin it spins for 1 secs and the it explodes. Why is it exploding? I really like the mod and will there be a Martian like Hab (Base that can Inflate itself) or something comming?
  3. The stick legs break too fast, and the xl-6 has a greater model! The purpose? Umm.... Ok I know, its pointless to make such thing . Have a nice day!
  4. I don't know if this is requested, but could you do a Tweakscale config or make a smaller version of the XL-6 Landing leg so that it is more like the stock things (LT-2, LT-1, LT-05 ...) I'd would be great. I love your mod it's great to make oversized crafts Thanks!
  5. I had a mission called 'Aris 3' with mods I put a 2.5 Million funds "Semerh" in Orbit ( Hermes from The martian ) The I started a delta iv heavy to reach it , then I started a journey to mars but it all xploded
  6. Du musst auf "Transfer Crew" Druecken und ein Modul auswaehlen
  7. I think I do so, but it only does it on the pre-build .craft files when I put a launch tower on a self build Space Shuttle it never destroys everything.
  8. When you decouple something like the Apollo Escape tower it flies away like a boss and makes your rocket go crazy and explode or destruct vital parts :/
  9. Where is the Vega.Node.A and Vega.Crew.B ? I have downloaded a Mir with Tantares and it need those parts, and in the config there only is an A part and D part from Vega.crew and I cant find a Vega.Node A ... Where did they go?
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