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Everything posted by EVA_Reentry

  1. Aw... Sorry bro. I always have these things scheduled.
  2. Yeah, that's true. They are running out of space for rockets
  3. The wiki article must be changing every sec!
  4. Thaicom 8, a geosync coms sat providing comms relay for thailand and indonesia (i think indonesia) God if this isn't the most painful wait ever! Only 47K watching the livestream! Why?! Also, the music is great
  5. Ayyyy! Successful landing of the Thaicom 8 S1
  6. Three things, for now 1, when attaching landing legs in the VAB/SPH, their symmetry and alignment is off-kilter, because their angle is based off the actual leg but the attachment point is angled. Very irritating 2, The wheels drift so badly on a turn, i'm spinning all over the place. I need to include a ton of RCS to keep it straight 3, craft labels (F4), are ordered to show up on top of the navball but underneath the throttle and g-indicator ring. Weird Playing modded 1.1.2, but these all showed up before i mod-ified. Screenshots to follow when I get home
  7. Wow. I seriously love the rhino. Have you considered submitting this to the constellation mission thread? Also, that glider...
  8. 7/10 no pictures and kinda ugly formatting but some epic stuff (How did you get those patches?). Oh yeah? 1.32 GB of crash reports before new PC and 1.1.x
  9. Raptor9, your graphics are beatiful. Also, you make such accurate replicas with so little parts! And all stock! Seriously, you are one of the best KSP builders I know. Nice job, and thanks for having everything ready for 1.1+ (I just switched).
  10. Banned for surrendering to autocorrect and hyphenating the re-
  11. Dude, you got to go to Wallops? Lucky... I've only seen 2 launches before, STS-135 and EFT-1, both from Coco Beach. What rocket was it? Antares, Black Brant?
  12. Banned for not wearing dark sunglasses and a leather jacket
  13. 8/10 for unusual... humour, but sorta bland
  14. Hey y'all. Found this pic somewhere (i forgot where). Was wondering if anyone could id. I know for a fact it is a be-200, has a minisub, and was made and posted on these forums. Happy hunting! http://imgur.com/a/CNkVh UPDATE: Let me know if these pics are not enough.
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