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Everything posted by AccidentsHappen

  1. Wow! Awesome job on the mission. Was it chance that the Mün arch was there, or were you aiming to land on it in the first place? Everytime I've tried to land on it, I slip off and with SAS still pointing retrograde, panic and wonder why I even bothered in the first place. Also, do you mind if I borrow the design of your lander? It looks way cool.
  2. No worries, I've already got my tinfoil hat on. I'll smash my phone... *CRACK* . And internet off in 3, 2, 1-- just kidding What I did do today is brainstorm some ideas for my new supersonic cargo transport, as well as design a Polar rover/plane based off this oldish Lego set: Hopefully it turns out alright...
  3. Don't know why but this is still here^^ And this one appeared? What is going on!? I can't delete them on my phone really sorry to you two who are quoted... I will try to fix this! "hello, and welcome to the honest Lockheed Martin aircraft convention. On display today is the F-104 Starfighter, also known as the Widowmaker, the Lawn Dart, The Aluminium Death Tube, the Flying Coffin and the Missile with a man in it. Any buyers?" Yeah. I tend to agree with the safety concerns.
  4. Don't know why but this is still here^^ Super cool. Coincidence? I think not... But really. I made an F-104G Starfighter and it too fly's like a charm. It's pretty much my everyday manned ultrasonic jet on DMP, since to goes 1000m/s+. Also, which mod are you using for the painted parts? I've seen one on Kerbal Spaceport, back all those years ago when it existed, on Curse, Kerbal Stuff (also when it existed) but not on Spacedock, and I never bothered downloading it. If you could give me the name of the mod and where you found it, much would be appreciated. Also, @JadeOfMaar , where'd you get those awesome hab semi spheres from? They look so cool.
  5. Holy stick this stuff is amazing!! I'm so disappointed I didn't find this thread earlier. I've seen your artwork on Google Images before, but i didn't know who drew them. What program do you use? I'd like to see Val and Bill in a plane with one of their engines on fire. It's a picture I've been trying to draw for a while, though I don't have the sick drawing skills needed to finish it. I reckon you could make it look amazing, but it's just a suggestion Keep up the amazing work!
  6. Not only is this a nice screenshot, it made me realise two things. It looks like you're driving across the Lake Gairdner salt flats in Australia, and I just noticed how large the sun is in the sky. It looks really, really close! Scary if Kerbals haven't invented SPF 50+ yet...
  7. ^^(How to get rid of?)^^ Je bent Nederlands? What is there, a turret on your car? Dakar 2017 is insane!
  8. I've been trying out my new aircraft carrier (pictures soon). The main difference between this one and my others is that this is an flying aircraft carrier. You heard right, it floats on the clouds. I've been using HL Airships, and have slowly been testing and adding more and more air envelopes to make it float. I managed to get it to, and thought it would be a good idea to land my Chinook on it and deposit some crew into the cabin. I had the lightest touch down I've ever done (1.3m/s; it's hard to control), and as the wheels touch the top, the aircraft carrier Beluga immediately rolled starboard and had the slowest crash landing I've ever seen (0.2m/s). It was painfully slow to watch from my hovering Chinook. I literally walked away, restocked on food and tea, came back and it was still 20m off the ground! I thought I needed a break, so I worked on a next gen version of my VH-6 Osprey JNR. Light Troop Carrier. I came up with the VH-8 Mosquito. It's a super quick and super cute way of dropping off 3 crew while packing a fair punch. It has two Hellfire missiles and a chain turrent on either side of the open troop bay. I sort of based it off the Hornet in Halo 3, which was by far my favourite vehicle. I messed around with it for a while, and then tried to copy the pedant Zeppelin from Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade. I sort of managed to make the rotating turrent on the back of the plane mounted on the bottom of the Zeppelin, and recreated the scene where Henry Jones Snr. Shoots off the tail of their own plane while trying to shoot the German fighters flying behind them. Jeb JNR.: Dad, are we hit? Jeb SNR.: More or less... I'm sorry son, they got us. EDIT: Photos! My B-4 Valkyrie!
  9. I was playing DMP on NoNameShips with my friend, and we were flying to the island airbase. I looked behind me and he duplicated. I also put my aircraft carrier out at sea and as I was circling and preparing to land, another player tried to land first. He hit the deck and took out the control tower, blowing up my carrier and sending mk4 parts out, littering the sea. Can you remember that happening? I think I was on the server at the same time as you.
  10. I know @Hazard-ish has! He sent one to Eve. I also tried this as a landing method, but I had the same problem. I tried adding an engine, still no luck, and wings didn't help me either. I kind of gave up, but if you find a way to tame this, do tell!
  11. Today I made fiddled with my B-4 Valkery bomber. I also satisfied my other obsession with a few games of Rocket League. I messed around a bit on Elite: Dangerous and then came back to Kerbal. I tried making a bike, a nuke out of BD Armory's small warheads, and then nuclear bike. The latter (kind of) worked and I was able to drop Jeb out of my B-4's bomb bay. Using accidental precise timing of KAS/KIS's C-4 strapped to the bomb, I was able to get Jeb to parachute to the ground on his motorcycle and zoom away before the VAB exploded and fell on him. I forgot about my Valkery and switched back as it hit the water. I figured having it VTOL would be cool, so worked on that. Added a crud ton of weight to the plane and only got about <30 seconds of hover before I had to hit abort and eject Val and Ronald from the cockpit. I've now scrapped the VTOL idea and am working on my new interplanetary spaceplane. Mind you, its not a SSTO. It's quite maneuverable considering its size and I tested it out at Jool. I let it Orbit just above the atmosphere and dropped three items from the drop bay. One was a probe that was there to finalise Jools atmospheric structure, the second was a gliding probe designed to fly in the atmosphere under its own power and collect science, and the third was a mock-up test of Jool AtmoLab II. It's effectively a Manned science platform that uses air envelopes to float in the upper atmosphere, just above the clouds. It has a small area at the back where atmospheric drop probes can be constructed by an on-board engineer and released into the abyss. I'm considering mounting a small manned glider to the bottom of the gondola but I'm not sure how I'd redock after release... Other than that, I had a problem with my Laythe Ascent Vehicle prototype, which uses a large balloon to haul it up a fair way into the atmosphere, and had to get Luna Kerman to parachute from the upper atmosphere. She landed in the sea, 2 kilometres from my Base on an island and I deployed a seaplane to pull her ashore immediately. Sadly, my test Rover on Bop crashed after only two days of roving, and I lost contact with my Eve probe. After taking a screenshot on my Mac, I didn't realise I'd hit the throttle and ended up sending it into the atmosphere.
  12. Yeah, I had that problem too. Those Kerbals really need to learn that punching a hole in the atmosphere with a Rocket also happens to punch a hole in the ozone layer. And a hole that Bill can't fix. I ended up getting sick of scatterer's water texture overlapping with the land (couldn't fly in cockpit view), that I just turned it off. Now I get beautiful Kerbin as well as no flooding! EDIT: lol wut. I hit submit like 3 hours ago. Didn't even realise it didn't post...
  13. Yeah, I had that problem too. Those Kerbals really need to learn that punching a hole in the atmosphere with a Rocket also happens to punch a hole in the ozone layer. And a hole that Bill can't fix. I ended up getting sick of scatterer's water texture overlapping with the land (couldn't fly in cockpit view), that I just turned it off. Now I get beautiful Kerbin as well as no flooding!
  14. Wow! That's a really cool craft design! Did the CoM take a while to correct, or was it good from the start?
  15. Do you have a lot of RCS? I jumped over craters to get to my MAV once.
  16. Me too! I discovered out that radiation is bad and what happens if a Kerbal is ejected from their plane into the VAB. I also discovered that it hurts if the second stage lands on your plane while you're taxiing down the runway on a DMP server. Bill found out Val doesn't care if he's standing in front of her stunt car and what it feels like to be run over by small landing gear. Bob also proved Taylor Swift was right by discovering that bandaids don't fix bullet holes, especially AA sized ones. So much discovery!
  17. To have his vessel in suborbital flight above Kerbin, I think.... Wait, what!? What's the prerequisite before that? I didn't think you could get any lower than suborbital above Kerbin. Also they're paying you a kings ransom for that, @Mikki. 650 years? Kerbin could be a fried potato by then!
  18. That's a nice car, but where'd my Van Gogh? Get it? It's funny, right?
  19. Same problem here. I can't even find my space station anymore.
  20. That looks awesome! Jeb's not the only one who approves! Opportunity is in good health, and is sticking to her intended course. She has already collected and transmitted data from one biome and is now moving towards the next. Spirit on the other hand, is freaking me out. She arrived two months before her sister and got a descent head start, although I'm not sure that matters anymore. She went to collect science data and when I hit transmit, nothing happened! I panicked, hoping that her solar panels or vital instruments weren't damaged in the descent, but I couldn't find I reason for the lack of connection anywhere. Opportunity had a clear and happy connection to Mars Express, and yet Spirit still wouldn't respond. I had a thought of how coincidental this was, considering the real Spirit had a similar problem, but then realised with relief that nothing was actually wrong. Spirit was getting no connection with MRO or Mars Express, as they were on the other side of the planet. That said, Spirit should have been getting a connection to Earth. Very weak, sure, but still a connection. I zoomed out of the map and discovered one Venus in the way of my transmissions. I put the brakes on and focused on Opportunity for the rest of the Sol. I came back when I got an alert that MRO was in connection with Spirit, and set her back on her course. After a Sol of driving (sped up, of course), and when I was 200m from the rest spot, Spirit's back left tire blew. This was a problem mainly because one, it slowed me down, and two, it maimed my steering. Now to the present. Spirit is limping towards the Sinai Planum where she will wait for the Manned Mars mission two years later. The reason I'm not moving Spirit any further is because she has a lot of valuable science kept on her system and I don't want to accidentally crash her and lose all the data. Also, engineers are coming on the Manned mission and I plan to have both Spirit and Opportunity waiting to be repaired and fitted out with new equipment. Spirit's just arrived a lot early than intended.
  21. Thanks! @Galileo the airbags are from @linuxgurugamer's SXT revival. They have an impact tolerance of 200m/s so they're great for harder landings. Plus, you can inflate and deflate them as you please. Don't worry too much about he floating stuff, you're doing an amazing job as is. I think it's a bit like the floating terrain scatter but I'm not too sure. That reminds me, I'll have to get your terrain-scatterer-make-have-hitbox mod (sorry, I forgot the name!). Hopefully it will make Opportunity's trek a bit more challenging (as if getting to Olympus Mons wasn't hard as is)! Keep up the good work!
  22. I finished my MER-B "Opportunity" replica! Top speed: 10.8m/s Cruise speed: 8m/s Speed I'll drive it at: <5m/s I made the landing system for it as well. The airbag was dropped about 100m above the surface by the aeroshell. I then bounced (a lot. It also rolled down a hill), and came to a stop right side up (many weights were rearranged in the making of this airbag). I then deflated the airbags... ... and blew the sides off the landing pad (I would have used servos but Infernal Robotics isn't updated yet). I released Opportunity from the pad and she drove off happily. She's now off to investigate the Red Planet and find her sister! It's a shame I didn't land in Eagle crater. Now that would have been cool. When Infernal Robotics is updated I'll get the robotic arm on the front working, as well as an improved airbag landing system and a moving mast so that Opportunity can look around! (don't ask me why the remains of the pod are floating, because I really don't know. It does say WIP on SSRSS though.) This is a small part of my quest to replicate our space missions to date in my career save. Next up, Curiosity, Phoenix and the Orbiters!
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