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Everything posted by AccidentsHappen

  1. I accept your challenge! Extra points for a replica? Just kidding. I do have a B-2 Spirit that can travel Mach 1.6 though...
  2. I drafted a Duna Ascent Vehicle for my new Duna base that I can drop dry and fuel with these fancy new drill and refinary parts I just unlocked. My base is going to be a lot larger than my other outposts, and this one is to be permanent. I have a cute little biplane for science and a faster jet, just for getting around. Unlike my previously inflatable outposts, this base is going to be solid, with some inflatables where needed. I have a fleet of 6 Rovers and two of each plane, all for different jobs. I'm making a landing pad specifically for my crewed orbital dropship and a larger one for my delicate cargo. I also have a designated landing pad for my Kontainer dropship, which is 200m away, just to be safe. Luna and Maat Kerman have been trialling all the new craft, and particularly like the LSV (Light Strike Vehicle). Its "super speedy", and Luna "drives like a boss". Luna and Maat were promptly promoted to bring part of the crew as the Vehicle Pilots. Recently, the have been making trips to the Island Airbase in the Mk1 Zippy, and have been having lots of fun using the new amphibious Rover. They took the new Mk2 Supersub for a spin and almost took out the mock-up of the new floating Laythe base. As they land their private Mk1 AusBee VTOL at their villa on the edge of Airbase Island, they both chat about how worked up Wernher Von Kerman must be pushing out all this designs, and both agree that they'll have to bring him out to their holiday house for an icy drink under the setting sun. I'll try to provide photos too, but I haven't had the time. Expect them soon!
  3. Hey, what mod is the rover from? That looks way cool.
  4. Oh. I didn't realise! Sorry!! I meant for this to be a neutral discussion. I'm personally not for either, and I just wanted to find out other people's opinions. Sorry! Do you know how I delete this?
  5. So. The votes have been counted. Donald J. Trump is the new POTUS. Do we like this? Should we cherish the months before he is officially the leader of the USA? Or do we want to speed up and process and get him into power ASAP? I want to know your thoughts on Donald Trump as the new POTUS.
  6. Lovin' the road truckin'. I had a Spirit-inspired solar powered Rover on Duna, and I had planned on using it to cover a hemisphere of biomes. I managed to get to 4 biomes before I ran out of power at the South Pole, inbetween two hills (i have bad luck with Rovers. Or Rovers have bad luck with me...). I got some power back in the tanks, but i still couldn't climb the hill. I eventually gave up and used it as a permanent science outpost. I also had a few other probes and things I'd left on the surface. When I finally sent my manned Rover to Duna (a big sucker with another two-man Rover in the cargo bay. It also had a fully equipped science Lab and sufficient life support and hab space to last it for yonks.). I drove my Rover around Duna, collecting, recollecting and processing science as I went. I reached some old probes and collected their science and dropped off an inflatable hab module at each one (I had mass to spare, so why not set up small bases all over the place?). I drove all the way to the south pole to plant a flag for the memorial of my Spirit Rover, and as a dropped off the hab module, I found that I had dumped enough stuff that I could carry the Rover with me. I used my smaller and more agile Rover. nicknamed by the crew 'The Jeep', to tow it out with its cable and I pulled it up on top of the hill. Cassidy Kerman hooked it up to the Big Rover's power supply and filled up its old batteries to full. I drove it into Cargo bay 2 and drove off. After a long year of collecting science, the crew drove the Rover back to the Ascent Vehicle and piled all the research into the the pod. I had a claw on the bottom to tow a class A asteroid that I had tracked colliding with Duna as I entered SoI into orbit for closer inspection (and maybe a station), but the rock was never found. Instead, a clipped my Spirit to the bottom of the DAV. I had Luna Kerman turn the Mobile Base onto hibernation mode till the next crew arrived, and she boarded the DAV with the others. I launched, pulled into Low Duna Orbit and ditched the Ascent stage. I hit the orbital engines a got a direct encounter with the waiting mothership to bring them home. Spirit was transferred to the cargo bay intended for the asteroid and using barely any delta-v, I set the crew on an Ike encounter that would slingshot them home (kinda... I had one or two corrections to make). Only as I left the SoI of Duna did my search for the lost asteroid conclude. After going into the tracking station and focusing on Duna, I found the asteroid sitting in a (very) slowly decaying Duna Orbit that just passed through the atmosphere. I was kind of peeved, but in the end, around 2000 science wasn't bad!
  7. Gosh dang, I need to clean out my mods folder. I've got three copies of Module manager! I don't even know how that happened! My KSP takes about 3 minutes to load so that's not the worst. I flew Val up in my new ultra lightweight fighter (I'll try to provide images later) and tested the ejection module (thanks again to the amazing and talented @linuxgurugamer) which worked flawlessly. I can land it at 15m/s which I think is pretty good, although I still have to phase some bugs out.
  8. @Colonel Cbplayer will you be releasing your mechs to the world? Or will we have to suffer the pain of watching a master craftsmen wreck all of us nerds in the art of transforming planes?
  9. I was testing out my new combat drone with BD Armory and had a faceoff with three F/A-18's (one of which I was controlling). I fired the planes up on autopilot and launched them into the air, with my plane leading the other F/A-18's in a wing. Almost immediately the plane to my left was blown to pieces as an AMRAAM missile hit it smack bang (literally) on the nose. I peeled off from formation and just as I did, I deployed a flare which prevented me from blowing up via heat-seeking missile. The plane to my right lost a wing and a tail fin, and it spiralled towards the ground which ended in a fiery explosion. My dodge the drones missiles for another full 5 minutes where it ended in a chase speeding 10m above the sea at 300m/s. I push my collective as far forward as it would go and sped away from the chasing drone. While I was travelling at 500m/s, I pulled my joystick sharply to the right and cut my engines. I did a full 180° turn and fired my Vulcan Cannon and two AMRAAM's of my own at the pursuing drone. My gunfire took off its nosecone while one missile hit the wing and the other blew the drone core to kingdom come. I spun back around (unintentionally) and found that I was still traveling at 78m/s. I flew back to the KSC, and as I landed I felt happy that my UAV had worked. Only then did I realise that I had lost 4 kerbals in the process, one of which was Jeb. I then closed KSP and didn't play it for the rest of the day.
  10. Ermagerd that lil' thing is adorable! Can I have one? Please? Pleeaase? Btw is SXT the only mod you're using on the plane, or are there others?
  11. Wow! I'm going to have to try that out! Nice work!
  12. I managed to recreate what happened to Val on Vall using one of my prototypes in my Sandbox save. Now imagine this times three
  13. I, er- *Ahem*. Its probably not best to go into that, but I tried and let's just say that I'm glad I quicksaved before I did. Thing is, reloading actually fixed it, and they all popped out unharmed, other than a sore neck and maybe some dislocated vertebrae. Nurse: Hahaha! How'd ya do that?
  14. Val got her head stuck in some railing on my new portable base currently on Vall and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get her out. I got Marty Kerman out and tried to use him to push Val out but he got his head stuck in there too. Bill got out to see if he could help and his head got stuck as well. After watching all three of their heads bobble around for a bit, I got my little rover (its so cute!), affectionately named Fido, to use its RCS thrusters to fly up and dislodge the stuck kerbals. After that didn't work, I'm seriously considering calling the Kerbal Fire Brigade to come and cut them out (A.K.A. Fredrick Kerman with a wrench) and then send all three off to hospital, where the resident nurse will look them up and down, point and laugh.
  15. The grounds White cause he's at (one of) the poles
  16. Loving the story! I'm intrigued by what will happen next... You've got a great writing style, too! Keep up the great work!
  17. Hmm... I have an idea, but I'm not giving anything away
  18. I had a really good Rover that was collecting data from the Mün's poles. It was solar powered, as I didn't have RTGs yet, and was making its way around the mountains of the North Pole. Anyways, I was driving it up a hill to get a view of where to go next, and I when I reached the summit, I decide to collect some data. As I was doing this, I didn't realise that the wheels were slipping due to lack of traction, and to my horror my little Rover began Rolling down the hill, even though I had the brakes on. I wrangled with the controls and managed to keep it straight going down a roughly 60° mountain! I Lost control and two of my wheels popped. I hit the bottom doing 30m/s and miraculously was unharmed other than the wheels. It save power, I put only two wheels motors on. Thing is, I was stuck in a valley, and getting out was impossible. I then realise that Kerbols rays didn't pass onto the valley. So I spent the next 90 minutes (sped up) watching my power slowly drain. My last photo I took with the RoverCam was the view of the starry night sky from the bottom of the valley...
  19. UGH. I DONT KNOW HOW TO GET RID OF THESE THINGS. HALP! Its not letting me delete them
  20. In my Sandbox save, (which I use mostly to make planes, dropships, VTOLs, boats, etc.), I made a Supersonic Jet originally named the Concordé Lite. After some testing, I found that it can comfortably out run a AIM-9 Sidewinder air to air missiles, and can cruise at 1476m/s, where I have to switch off SAS due to the fact that it tries to cancel out minor occelation that you can't even see and instead makes the craft wobble even more. I managed to get to the island airbase in just over a minute. I'm planning on making a passenger version and a science one. I also get the feeling that if I add Rapier on the back I might get it to orbit...
  21. My Duna rescue mission got off to a flying start, with the probe core guiding the main craft up to my Beyond Minmus Space Station to refuel and collect the new pilot Sara Kerman (I needed a pilot as I would be out of link with the KSC due to the way Duna and Kerbin are aligned). I then undocked, manuvoured out of the way of the BMSS and began the long burn to Duna with the ion/plasma engines. I set an alarm for the SoI change and I've deployed one of my Life Support probes from my Ike surface base into orbit using my two stage launch vehicle and its currently sitting in a high Duna orbit, waiting for the right moment to land. I estimated that I'd need to land it within a 1km of the crash site for it to actually be usable, as it has very limited RCS fuel and fixed landing gear. Its effectively a small trailer filled with goodies. It has a basic water reclaimer, a small air purifier, and of course rations of food and water. I plan to land it with 15m of the crash site, but that might be a bit of a stretch. I've got a KAS fuel hose that connect the trailer to the cockpit, so I'm all set. All I need to do is land the damn thing.
  22. *Ahem*. This thread is "What Did You Do In KSP Today" not "What Didn't You Do In KSP Today". I know how you can solve your problem!
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