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  1. Yep, it seems my issue is different from yours so still looking for a fix
  2. No, time warp does not fix it. Also, I'm looking for a fix haha, not a still broken mod....surely its in one of the codes somewhere.
  3. My radial drill doesnt detect any ground contact when i have installed the KSP Interstellar mod coupled with Kerbalism. If I have an install of one but not the other then the drills work fine. I have tried putting it on an extendatron to raise/lower the drill to see if that was the problem but still showing no ground contact. I have tried searching the forums and can't find a similar issue. Of note the mini radial drill seems to work without issue. Any help appreciated in trying to get these mods to work nicely together. Alternatively how to configure the extraction rate of the mini drill since that works Play Log File https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/68wmbb3azaic20ixslcia/Player.log?rlkey=gu5ysfcyjxjsd4a1yng0vavo1&st=hig8joao&dl=0 Installed mods as below.
  4. As the title implies, my radial drill doesnt detect any ground contact when i have installed the KSP Interstellar mod. As soon as I unstall it works fine again. I have tried putting it on an extendatron to raise/lower the drill to see if that was the problem but still shoing no ground contact. have tried searching the forums and can't find a similar issue. Of note the mini radial drill seems to work without issue. Any help appreciated Play Log File https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/68wmbb3azaic20ixslcia/Player.log?rlkey=gu5ysfcyjxjsd4a1yng0vavo1&st=hig8joao&dl=0 Installed mods as below
  5. My Drill-o-matic drill wont detectground contact. i have tried putting it on an extendatron or simlar to raise/lower the height but no matter what it is always saying no ground contact. The junior version of it seems to work fine but not the normal one. I have done a fresh install and have minimal mods as attached. Any help appreciated. Note if I uninstall the Interstellar mod the drill works fine again and i dont have an issue.
  6. Bill decided to kick of the celebrations early by using his expansive knowledge of the Kerbol System to take himself, 100 of his crew, and 10,000 embryos through the anomaly to a promised new land and begin a new wave of colonisation after the top scientists on Kerbin realised that the Kerbol system was doomed. Bill got close enough to the anomaly with his ship until it sucked his ship and his crew into oblivion....and left him alone in space stuck in his command seat...with 10 minutes of oxygen remaining.
  7. I have a problem where rescue contract Kerbals are spawning with 330 monopropellant / RCS. This only affects Kerbals that are being rescued as standalone. When they are located inside a ship/command module etc they spawn with correct resources (Electric Charge & Oxygen). If I rescue them on a craft then the resource disappears and they return to having normal resource values. From the stock resources tab (on the right) you can see that the Monopropellant does not reflect the amount showing on the Kerbal (2.89 vs 330). So I am not actually sure what the 330 is representing. The problem I run into with this scenario is that in space rescued Kerbals have very little RCS power as the 330 weighs them down significantly. In addition if its on kerbin and its a sea rescue the Kerbals begin to sink as the 330 is too heavy for them to be able to float. I have had a look in the kerbalism folder and located "GameData\KerbalismConfig\Profiles\Default.cfg" which specifies what resources rescued Kerbals are meant to spawn with. Every resource is there (Food/Water/Electric Charge/Nitrogen/Oxygen) but there is nothing there that shows where the monopropellant value comes from. If anyone can help with this it would be appreciated.
  8. @Thatguywholikesionengines I'm also getting the same issue. Using PMA "Dawn" Habitation Module from Stockalike Station Parts Redux. When I load the craft as a save file it shows the radiation detox unit as active as you can see in the image. When I take it off and reattach it, it disappears. However its still a problem as I will load crafts already in orbit and the radiation detox unit will show as consuming electricity again. I dont have an option to turn it off as you can see in the image. if anyone knows whats causing this it would be appreciated. Also, not sure if you can weigh in on this @Sir Mortimer
  9. I have Kerbalism installed and the radiation belts vibrate/shake back and forth (more noticible on time warp) and its a great distraction to the eyes...any ideas what causes it? Update SOLVED: I have solved this thanks to LGhassen getting back to me on GitHubb. If anyone else experiances it open up Scatterer (Little blue ord icon) and diable anitaliasing.
  10. I have Kerbalism installed and the radiation belts vibrate/shake back and forth (more noticible on time warp) and its a great distraction to the eyes...any ideas what causes it? Update SOLVED: I have solved this thanks to LGhassen getting back to me on GitHubb. If anyone else experiances it open up Scatterer (Little blue ord icon) and diable anitaliasing.
  11. Never realised about the black IVA issue. @Nertea I see the comment in the Q&A section. Is there any IVA's you would particularly recommend?
  12. When I have the map view or tracking station up and look at the radiation belts when I'm zoomed out the radiation belt shudders/shakes/vibrates...it doesnt move much but when youre looking at it it looks like its doing it uncontrollably...anyone else have this problem or know whats going on?
  13. When I have the map view or tracking station up and look at the radiation belts when I'm zoomed out the radiation belt shudders/shakes/vibrates...it doesnt move much but when youre looking at it it looks like its doing it uncontrollably...anyone else have this problem or know whats going on?
  14. Hi, @Morphisorand @Russos I can confirm I get the same problem
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