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Everything posted by ItchyBrother

  1. Love little shortcuts. So much nicer to do it in one click other than three or more!
  2. And then there was only one. So sad to see childhood heros pass away. Thank you Scott for giving and inspiring millions who want to do what was just 50 some years ago a fantasy. Till we meet on the other side.
  3. Excellent work and great pictures!
  4. This looks very interesting. I'm looking for my fly swatter right now.
  5. I've been waiting for this movie since I first heard about it in February of this year.
  6. Not sure if I can describe this right... The rocket is sitting at the pad, it does have launch clamps, but at the second stage it just bends over 90 degrees, breaks, KABOOM... you know the drill. I have tried several times to re-connect, yet no joy.. I do hear an audible "click" when putting the parts together in the VAB.
  7. My question has to do with the connection of components. Is there a sure fire way to ensure that components are connected other than having to go to the launch pad an watch your design flip over? My understanding if you got the audible "click" sound that the component connected. Is that not the case?
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