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Everything posted by matthomas7

  1. I rarely use rcs for anything other than building a space station. Even then, I use the main engine of the second stage to put the largest pieces together. The RCS typically comes in later during any reconfiguration. But it gets real fun there. I use kerbal space packs to maneuver any segments. I don't like my stations having RCS everywhere so I throw a jr docking port on and connect to that. Those are also functional later for other purposes if needed. I feel like if you can learn to dock ships with just the main engines, you can dock absolutely anything with RCS.
  2. Both, now. I initially played career but wasn't getting missions to do the things I wanted. So I went to science sandbox and did my own thing and eventually I did everything I wanted to do. Visited every planet, whether manned, unmanned, or both. Built a space station around kerbin, refueling station on minmus and Ike, and all of that fun stuff. Then I ran out of direction and started a new career and am about halfway through the tech tree and thoroughly enjoying it. Now i dont mind accomplishing seemingly pointless tasks, like a space station around kerbol. Although, I don't do rescue operations unless im in the neighborhood and need a kerbal. If you send them up you better be able to get them back. Your incompetence is not my problem.
  3. Just have fun, regardless of how you play. But if you want to learn maneuvers and transferring to other planets, the hardest part, in my opinion, is having enough DV. Fortunately, there are maps floating around here that state approximately how much you need to each destination. From there learn staging and use kerbal engineer to give you a DV readout. Beyond that it's just tweaking maneuver nodes until you get an encounter, then execute it. Easy. Just need to break the steps it into chunks, then it's not so overwhelming.
  4. I use it as a filler between other games. Every six months or so I play for between a couple weeks to a few months. I play on the same science sandbox and usually at least one major project. Last time I doubled the capacity of my space station, sent probes to the jool system, eeloo, and flew by moho with a crew that was intended to land. I botched the math. Or rather the engine actually had less Dv than it claimed, and now the engineers are working over time to bring them home. They "should" have enough fuel. Also began assembling an ike mining base. The 5 ship armada is in a kerbin staging orbit awaiting the transfer window. It's basically an exact replica of the base on minmus. Consists of base/drilling op, fuel rover, fuel shuttle, fuel station (just a larger version of shuttle, the Ike station added storage and a science bay, and a crew shuttle.) Also have a crewed mission enroute to eeloo, just because.
  5. I try to minimize what I leave in orbit. If i launch inside kerbin SOI, everything is designed to at least reenter the atmosphere. Stage one is typically designed with parachute landing, although, I don't bother with actually trying to land them. The only time stage 2 is left stranded is if It's used for interplanetary. For manned interplanetary missions, I use my Whitehorse Heavy rocket. It's first stage, after achieving staging orbit, generally has enough dv, or close to, to boost the craft to the edge of kerbin SOI, it then boosts back to burn up on reentry, while stage 2 finishes acquiring the intercept. From there, stage 2 either orbits kerbol, or impacts the target destination.
  6. I built my 133 ton minmus base with mining capabilities on kerbin and launched it with my heavy lifter in a completed state. KSP Version 1.1. So that's an option. Initially i had planned to piece it together in orbit, but i had just built my space station and needed a break from that. It's a simple design with a core pillar surrounded by 4 radial pillars. Each one about 3 modules in height.
  7. My kerbin space station was intially built to crank out science. Now it's mostly there as a service hub. It holds various extra parts and just enough fuel to top off an interplanetary craft. While it's currently in a ~56 degree orbit and is not exactly convenient to approach, it has a docked shuttle or two capable of making a repair run. Recently I wanted to retask an old satelite, so I sent a shuttle to refuel it and attach a new engine. Minmus also has a massive, yet crude, orbiting fuel depot, but no spare parts. Although, perhaps it should. Might be cause for an upgrade.
  8. My first interplanetary trip was to Duna. This was also my biggest mission to date sending 3 crafts via two rockets. (Well 3, the third lander rendezvoud with the first in LKO). One was tasked to Ike, and two were tasked for Duna. The mission went great until Duna Lander One touched down (safely), but it was at this time the mission commander realized the gross miscalculation that would strand them there. Even with this information, good ol' Jebidiah not wanting to misd his chance to visit the polar regions volunteered himself and co-pilot to carry-on, knowing rescue was forthcoming. All went well, until approximately 100m above the surface, Jeb initiated rocket burn to assist the parachutes for a safe touchdown, unfortunately in all of his excitement, he jetisoned the engines by mistake. the craft bounced off the surface in a fiery crash, destroying the attached rover and most of the craft. But rejoice, the command module and crew survived! all that was left, hunker down and wait 1(ish) year for rescue.
  9. Upon further review, it was flagged by WS.Reputation.1, so basically Norton had no idea what it was and said "No."
  10. According to Norton the rest of my system is clean, and while Norton did not flag the previous version, I'm not convinced this one is malicious. I've already re-downloaded it, and confirmed the website. So unless the official source install is now corrupted, which I'd imagine someone else here would have flagged, or everyone but me is in on it, then Norton is just confused.
  11. For those struggling to get it to work for KSP 1.2, check with your AV program if you have one. My system runs Norton and it flags the .dll and removed it. I had to go in and "reinstate" it.
  12. Every time I try this, convert to science, all of my saves disappear from in game (including the career mode that I already have). Any ideas? Or has this been patched out? Thanks
  13. Ah. Thank you sir. I've mashed the fuel cell button before, but didn't notice the correlation with the battery.
  14. I'm having a couple of issues with this. The version posted on the front page 1.1.2 (?) Is the first version I've installed and am using it with the latest version. Of KSP. Everything appears to work normally until 1) I switch to map mode, at that point all Navball indicators reverse. Retrograde becomes prograde, anti-normal becomes normal, and so forth. While this issue is managable, the next one tends to leave me stranded. The solar panels on the cargo bay doors rarely charge the batteries. It's like they have to be positioned perfectly, and even then, it's am extremely slow pace. I've strapped on a couple extra batteries but I'm not a very efficient user so I still struggle with beating the clock. Other than that, I like it. Just need to be able to have the flight time to perfect maneuvering it. Although, landing was super easy. Missed the runway, but that was mostly because I was on the other side of Kerbin, lol. A nearby pasture sufficed.
  15. This, for whatever reason, isn't true for me. I have vanilla 1.05 and when returning from from anywhere outside of near orbit, my chutes auto deploy around 20k and eventually burn up. They are staged alone, as the last stage, as they always are, and yet, I always have this problem when doing anything outside of near orbit. These are the first two chutes you gain access too, mk16 and the radial one. Haven't unlocked any others. I can confirm that changing the pressure, as the gentleman above did, resolved the issue.
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