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Munbro Kerman

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Everything posted by Munbro Kerman

  1. I'm glad you like them! I currently don't have any plans for cargo but some possibilities are an Asteroid Redirect Mission, Munar Mission, or Manned Duna mission, all launched by the Block II. The Falcon Heavy can also be used for a Duna mission, just "stick" a Red Dragon on top and you're good to go! Thank you! I'm hoping to add more detail into them in the near future.
  2. Munbro's Replicas Showcase Welcome to my replica showcase! Here you'll find 60 replicas that I have to show you. I am always working on new things, so be sure to check in once in a while. To find out what's new, check the latest comments. Now hosting KerbalX Downloads! Link - I do take requests! Rockets Aircraft Upcoming Craft Ariane 4 Ariane 5 MiG-21 ------------ Feel free to comment or leave suggestions.
  3. American Rocket Replicas (STOCK) Falcon 9 Falcon 9 w/ CRS Dragon Falcon Heavy Space Launch System (now with launch tower) Space Launch System Cargo That's all for today, folks!
  4. Stock SLS build On the pad Liftoff! Breaking the Sound Barrier In orbit Flyby of Minmus Let me know what you think of it!
  5. No, which is probably causing the problem. Is it not compatible with 1.0.5?
  6. I downloaded the complete Launchers Pack for KSP 1.0.4 from here: http://kspmods.net/launchers-pack-mod/
  7. Whenever I separate the fairings for any of the Atlas V's, the entire rocket explodes. Any ideas?
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