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  • About me
    Aerospace Engineer
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    United States
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    Space Exploration of course. Fishing, hiking, astronomy, learning about all the stuff I don't know (which is a lot!).

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  1. This is for those who want to know the science behind spaceflight. In this episode we talk about Re-entry physics. I hope you at least like the intro!
  2. @aquilaspqr ok, but the effort you are making for yourself in attempting to tweak the game to use KSP stock stuff is much harder than the effort needed to simply learn to use the realistic stuff provided by RSS/RO. But good luck to you in your version of the game, it's all good.
  3. But this is a great idea. When talking about crewed space flight, particularly recurring trips to the moon, it is necessary to shield or limit exposure and it would be nice to know the cumulative radiation exposure over a mission lifetime and even the lifetime of the crew (multiple mission cumulative effects should be tracked). The same thing for missions outside the Van Allen belts where much higher natural doses of radiation occur than in low Earth orbit, not to mention the effect of solar storms. Kerbalism does consider these effects, but as you said, not with accurate real solar system data.
  4. Hi All, For those who have difficulty with Realism Overhaul, I wonder if you could benefit from my series, Rocket Science Advanced. Follow it and you won't have any trouble reaching orbit in your career game. I am playing a career game in the series with only 30% funding and so far, so good. You shouldn't have to hack anything, it works just like the real thing, which is not easy, but is quite doable. Don't lose hope, you can do this. Here is the link, I hope you like it (We will be going to orbit in the series very soon). Rocket Science Advanced
  5. Hi everyone, Rocket Science Advanced is a new Youtube channel dedicated to explaining some of the science behind our world's space programs. We use the physics/engineering we learn in previous episodes to successfully (sometimes) build and fly missions in a heavily modified version of KSP. In this we use Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, and Real Progression Zero together with all their required mods, plus many others. We also use TAC Life Support, Kerbal Construction Time, Remote Tech to add both realism and challenge. We will be comparing (once we get there in the game) different methods for getting to Mars and establishing a permanent presence there. If you like science/math you will like this. If you don't, but you want a challenge, you may also like this. While probably meant for a more mature audience, I invite any and all to give it a try. There will be regular content added (and my skills should also improve on the video side) so I hope to establish a space-loving community, especially one that is interested in the human colonization of mars (the moon too, sure) in real life. Rocket Science Advanced PS. I wrote (and copyrighted) the music used (except of course within the KSP game itself). The music is the hardest part because I need to try to crank it out for every other episode or you might get bored hearing the same stuff all the time. Any feedback is appreciated. There are only 3 episodes there now, but I promise many more are coming. PSS. I may be a bottle rocketeer on this forum, but just so you know, I have 30 years experience as an Aerospace Engineer.
  6. Hi Everyone, I have posted the trailer for a series coming next Friday called Rocket Science Advanced (Rocket Science 101 was taken by NASA). It is part science/math to explain the critical design challenges in various areas of the world's space programs. This uses Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, and Real Progression Zero to add more realism to simulations. Roughly half the episodes are flight/gameplay and half are science-tech oriented (with some engineering thrown in). I hope you like it. Parallax59 PS. It is very expensive to license other's music for videos, so I wrote my own music. https://youtu.be/yuv5_wO-lDQ
  7. Hi Guys and thanks. The required/useful mod list is posted on Realism Overhaul's page on their release forum. That is what I go by. Then RP-0 and any extras you want (some work, some don't). I am using version 1.1.3 because a lot of mods may not have caught up to version 1.2 yet. At some point I may switch versions (what a pain to port a game like that), but we'll see. Specs on my system: iMAC Retina 5K (I can't use this resolution on the videos though... they would be too big). 4GHz intel Core i7 processor. 16 Gb RAM. AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4GB video card.
  8. Hi Everyone, I have posted the trailer for a series coming next Friday called Rocket Science Advanced (Rocket Science 101 was taken by NASA). It is part science/math to explain the critical design challenges in various areas of the world's space programs. This uses Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, and Real Progression Zero to add more realism to simulations. Roughly half the episodes are flight/gameplay and half are science-tech oriented (with some engineering thrown in). I hope you like it. Parallax59 PS. It is very expensive to license other's music for videos, so I wrote my own music. https://youtu.be/yuv5_wO-lDQ
  9. ok, here is a link to the files requested. Thanks for looking at this! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l25wgqpauy5ndqf/AABmEn_SiI1Uy3xdoAtasFZNa?dl=0
  10. But I have exactly this problem and can't figure it out. I only have one module manager dll and it is 2.6.25 for the 1.1.3 ksp version. I ported my game from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 and everything worked fine but not the contracts. I installed all the recent 3 CC updates, but still no joy. Any ideas? Some recent contracts wouldn't complete and it is as if there are two separate RP-0 games going on... one that I ported and as if a new one started also. So, if it "thinks" my contract can't be offered yet, it doesn't complete it.
  11. I love this mod! I think this is much better than MechJeb's implementation. However, it would be a HUGE improvement to allow starting orbits to have inclinations other than zero. I don't ever start at the equator (launching from Cape Canaveral in RSS), so I need my numbers (especially direction and timing) to be relative to an inclined departure orbit. How hard would that be to add?
  12. I just made a 1.1.3 RSS/RO/RP-0 install and have a separate 1.1.2 install (almost identical) and a career game using KCT. When I fired up the game a few times during my install (I am not a Mac so don't use CKAN) I got the error message from KCT with something like the game will be unplayable in this state. So I copied my 1.1.2 KCT files over and then only replaced the .dll plugin with the 1.1.3 version. That cleared up the error and everything is functioning, except... the upgrades I made in 1.1.2 are gone (VAB ships in the queue, pending research, research and build points reset, and even the launchpad was downgraded from what it should say in the save). Is there a file from my 1.1.2 game I can copy over to 1.1.3 or something I should take out of my 1.1.3 Save Folder or something I can edit? Sorry, I don't know how it should all work. If you want to see a log file, which one and where is it stored? If I knew that I might figure it out, but the KSP.log file has never done me any good.
  13. Hi, weird problem here: my Tracking Station won't upgrade. It is now in Level 1 (this is an RSS/RO/RP-0 install). So I click to upgrade and it says that it is already being upgraded. But that doesn't appear in KCT at all and after two years of building rockets and researching techs, it still continues with the same message. I made the mistake of using KSCSwitcher and it scrambled a lot of KCT items. So I removed the Switcher, (it also deleted my VAB and Research upgrades, but after I purchased an upgrade point they magically returned!) but now am in a no-mans-land on upgrading the tracking station. Is there something I can edit to reset the flag that it is being upgraded? Then I could try it anew, hopefully that will work. Edit: It seems it was waiting for a launch pad upgrade that I didn't ask for, but must have had to do with KSCSwitcher. Once that bogus launch pad upgrade finished (it didn't actually upgrade anything, just went through the motions as if it would), it did in fact place the tracking station in the queue and did upgrade it. Moral: Don't use KSCSwitcher for now because it does not support KSP 1.1.2 (waiting for all the mods to catch up to 1.1.3 before I update KSP). Hopefully, all is back to normal with KCT... I don't think it was at fault here at all.
  14. I am having trouble in R&D purchasing individual parts. Once the node is researched, it requires me to purchase all parts in the node. Is there a cfg I can edit or something else I can do to allow purchase of individual parts? Please disregard, figured it out.
  15. @pellinor Updating the B9PartSwitch seems to have done the trick. Thanks! I used to install KSP-AVC, but it used to complain about itself and until recently I couldn't find an update. I have it now though. If that would have saved all this time to figure it out, it sure would have been worth it. The good news in all of this is that TweakScale works as intended and it is one of my most relied-upon mods!
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