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Posts posted by Velve666

  1. 11 minutes ago, R-T-B said:

    Potentially, but not reverting a small amount like one version.  You need to go WAY back to get into trouble.  I generally ensure things stay compatible within the last month of releases or so, and often things work for far further.

    Since I push out fixes so fast, it's almost always a safe bet if something "just broke" to try the release immediately before.  There is no danger in trying that.

    Okay thank you, I started this JNSQ playthrough on KP-v108 I think. So I am up about 10 minor versions so I just had to ask to have an idea of where the limits are, you are releasing versions at the speed of light and thats amazing! 

  2. 1 hour ago, R-T-B said:

    My philosophy has always been to get the fixes out as fast as possible.

    Unfortunately, sometimes a new bug creeps in during all that. :D Last release has some coloration bugs in some mods terrain and fog, the cause has been found and it will be fixed shortly.  Just FYI if anyone is experiencing that.  JNSQ seems particularly...  green at the KSC.

    Yeah JNSQ looking mighty green, if anyone wants the yard looking normal just use 117 for now.

    I got a question, does updating an ongoing save cause any issues reverting between Kopernicus releases, updating and such?

  3. Spoiler

                "name": "KerbalEngineerRedux"
                "name": "KerbalJointReinforcementNext"
                "name": "KerbalAlarmClock"
                "name": "StageRecovery"
                "name": "Toolbar"
                "name": "ToolbarController"
                "name": "ClickThroughBlocker"
                "name": "DMagicOrbitalScience"
                "name": "ContractRewardModifier"
                "name": "OuterPlanetsMod"
                "name": "UniversalStorage2"
                "name": "ScienceAlert"
                "name": "SCANsat"
                "name": "CommunityTechTree"
                "name": "ModuleManager"
                "name": "Kopernicus"
                "name": "ModularFlightIntegrator"
                "name": "CommunityTerrainTexturePack"
                "name": "CommunityResourcePack"
                "name": "KSPInterstellarExtended"
                "name": "PatchManager"
                "name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch"
                "name": "BetterBurnTime"
                "name": "HideEmptyTechNodes"
                "name": "HeatControl"
                "name": "TexturesUnlimited"
                "name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core"
                "name": "TweakScale"
                "name": "DistantObject"
                "name": "DistantObject-default"
                "name": "Strategia"
                "name": "CustomBarnKit"
                "name": "ContractConfigurator"
                "name": "WaypointManager"
                "name": "StockVisualEnhancements"
                "name": "Scatterer"
                "name": "SVE-LowResolution"
                "name": "KabramsSunFlaresPack-White-Low"
                "name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements"
                "name": "Scatterer-config"
                "name": "RemoteTech"
                "name": "Chatterer"
                "name": "ProceduralFairings"
                "name": "ProceduralFairings-ForEverything"
                "name": "ContractsWindowPlus"
                "name": "CapCom"
                "name": "ProgressParser"
                "name": "ContractParser"
                "name": "FinalFrontier"
                "name": "RealPlume"
                "name": "RealPlume-StockConfigs"
                "name": "SmokeScreen"
                "name": "KSP-AVC"
                "name": "RealChute"
                "name": "FerramAerospaceResearchContinued"
                "name": "InfernalRoboticsNext"
                "name": "KAS"
                "name": "KIS"
                "name": "EasyVesselSwitch"
                "name": "AmpYearPowerManager"
                "name": "REPOSoftTech-Agencies"
                "name": "USI-LS"
                "name": "USITools"
                "name": "CommunityCategoryKit"
                "name": "TransferWindowPlanner"
                "name": "TriggerAu-Flags"
                "name": "UKS"
                "name": "FirespitterCore"
                "name": "USI-Core"
                "name": "Konstruction"
                "name": "GroundConstruction-Core"
                "name": "AT-Utils"
                "name": "ConfigurableContainers-Core"
                "name": "CraftManager"
                "name": "KXAPI"
                "name": "ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation"
                "name": "ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch"
                "name": "ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech"
                "name": "ContractConfigurator-Tourism"
                "name": "KeepItStraight"
                "name": "ManeuverNodeEvolved"
                "name": "TrackingStationEvolved"
                "name": "TacFuelBalancer"

    2 hours ago, Poodmund said:

    @scottadges, @StickyScissors and @Velve666, were any of you using any other mods that interact with Kopernicus at all? i.e. Planet Packs, Terrain mods etc.

    The issue is known but trying to isolate causation cases to identify the best solution.


    See spoiler ^

  4. 2 hours ago, StickyScissors said:

    I don't understand it...why does having OPM installed, even all by itself, cause a massive lag spike/freeze when entering map view. In 1.6.x and before, there used to be a bit of a speed bump in loading, but not nearly as huge as now/1.7.x.



    Experiencing this issue now and narrowed it down to OPM. Perhaps Kopernicus issues?


    This is about a 2 - 5 second freeze between scene transitions and renders the mod unusable for now at least for me, I switch between map view a lot and a 5 second freeze is just too much.

  5. I personally stick to no more than 2 SRB's. Most of my rockets look really dull, with a fairing covering up the payload on almost all but the heaviest lifts. 

    Within the fairing however is where I design some cool payloads. I really love designing unique probes. Every one is built from scratch and I use alot of various girder segments to give it some body. Then add the science pieces as convieniently as possible for minimal EVA right clicking when returning to kerbin SOI

    Still pretty new to ksp so as the tech unlocks I might eventually move up to some more "kerbal" builds. 

    The balance of having little spare dV and minimalizing payload per mission requirement is keeping me occupied for now.

  6. Gave the mod a try and really loved the day or two I got out of it.

    Just the various parts not resetting got to me, now I know I can manually edit the modules template but im lazy and want to play my game with the little time I do have. It seems like quite a process. I do of course stand corrected, might be pretty simple.

    I do however use the simulation as standalone now, because that is something I felt was lacking....punisment for testing in my permadeath game. And for this I thank you has improved my experience by 43%. 

  7. I think its good theyre expanding to the tv stuff. Different market and all that. 


    Personally I can't imagine it will be anything like the pc version, I frequently struggle as it is to place small items in confined spaces. Props to anyone with the patience and capability to do that with their thumb. 


    Performance wise. If the physics are calculated to the same steps as pc. I wouldn't get my hopes up of building anything large. I have no clue what they run at OP mentioned "8 cores" think thats more a marketing gimmick.


    // actually just had a look....yeah 8 cores but at 1.75gHz. Thats not all that great. 


  8. 1 minute ago, regex said:

    No, 1.1 works just fine for me, even the wheels are at least bearable.

    At least they're still round right.

    A bit of On-topic characters to fill this white space....1.05 modded, having fun is a stupid statement. Its a game, I could be scooping up dog poo at this very moment so yes I'm having fun. 


  9. 3 hours ago, bewing said:

    I fly planes just fine. If you can't fly a plane, then you have designed it wrong.

    Yes, the landing legs are buggy now after the brand new physics engine for the game was introduced. They will be fixed shortly. There is no need to get bent about it. You can continue playing the previous version (which had plenty of bugs that have been fixed in the new version), or you can adapt to the new reality in the meantime until the leg bug gets fixed, or you can take a break from the game until then. Your choice.

    I flew planes just fine too.

    Don't come in here questioning my ability to do something I have been doing since pre v0.25. Perhaps I should rephrase, I can fly a plane in the new version, the problem is getting it off the runway. I wonder what it could be? I put wheels on, aligned them correctly. Oh gosh darn must be a silly little bug. Well luckily it only prevents me from using 50% of the game content.  Perhaps I misread that post v0.90, the game was half price.

    The physics feel the same, the wheels however do not.  I am struggling to understand why people put up with the latest version? Instead of telling me to not get bent about it would you mind explaining the changes to you personally that warrant playing 1.1.2 over say 1.05 (Since this was originally what my post was about). 






  10. How is this acceptable?

    You can't fly planes anymore, you can't walk near your own ship? Are people around here just contempt with waiting for "bugfixes"  that in turn, induce more abhorrent behaviour elsewhere. In this thread not one person exhibited any negative emotion to something that used to work and now doesn't. "fixing the wheels" is a laugh...."rather land on your engines" ? Am I the only one reading comments like this one and not feeling disgusted? 

    I understand the process of patching a game and user input/feedback, but don't introduce more problems and coin it as a new version number. Personally I am disappointed and slowly turning away from KSP. 

    I love all the new implementations, the UI, among others, and respect the effort gone into actual problems , but exploding legs and non functional landing gear is not a trivial matter to me.

  11. Hi there, you could simply terminate the debris in the tracking station one by one, but for this scenario I am assuming you are looking for realism. 

    My friend spent about 8 hours clearing his debris through de-orbiting them with the claw. He was new to rendezvous and I suggested it would be good practice. 

    Other than that I would think prevention would be your best bet. Although I wouldn't worry too much about it as you would have to be controlling a ship nearby the debris physics bubble for anything to happen.

    Unless you have any debris on a highly elliptical orbit that intercepts your station the debris would also not be traveling terribly fast relative to your stations orbit. 


    I wouldn't worry too much about it. 

  12. I'm no expert but i would say the bottleneck is your CPU, I run an i3 thats 2.26ghz and since ksp is limited to single core calculations I would assume your performance is pretty much the same as mine. You can play around with the "max physics delta time per frame" setting. Lowering it to 0.03 should help that is assuming you have accidentally mistaken sliding it to the left as a perfomance increase. 

    You can wait out the 1.1 release, as you have an i7 your performance should increase a lot. As for using a different OS I cannot help you there. 

  13. You could look into the mod "SETI", thats as much help as i can be I'm afraid, as I have tried to build a game fitting the description you posted, yet i felt I had no idea what i was doing. SETI has so many additional balancing mods and I would prefer to keep the game relatively stock.

    So I second your post as there may be someone who could give an easier explanation or alternative.

  14. Performance for low end users please. I would rant for many paragraphs but I am holding it back.

    1.1 is going to allow you guys to optimize the game a bit (emphasis on bit), frankly, I rarely feel frustrated to the point of having to have my say. But after learning that PORTRAIT panels are the cause of extreme lag on my vessels with many kerbals, I just don't know how to translate my thoughts on the poor performance without coming across as a "you know what". 

    I apologize for the following paragraph but,

    less focus on elements/additions modders could implement, and more on the core code and API that they do not have access to. A performance increase is available with unity 5, we don't need more "insert vulgar word here with four letters". Gameplay is fun the "play" part is not up to par with the game.

    I realise I ended up ranting a tad more than expected, but i feel i am just echoing what the majority of the user-base feels without their innate urge to praise the slightest of changes/improvements most of them did'nt even know they needed. You have the code, work on it for the new unity release please. 


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