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Operation Captain Viridian

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Everything posted by Operation Captain Viridian

  1. I have a suggestion: Can you rework the deploy limit on the Humpback Class Tail Cargo Ramp? I am trying to make highly flexible, high capacity space-planes, but the way the ramp currently works forces me to use extremely high landing gear. On most other mods (and even in the main pack) the first roughly 70% of the deploy animation/limit is the actual unfolding of the part, with the remaining 30% being the part fully deployed, allowing you to adjust the ramp slope from level with the air-frame to the maximum deploy. However, the way the ramp is currently implemented, the entire animation is used unfolding the ramp, meaning there is no way for me to adjust the final height of the ramp. I request this for three main reasons: A: I want to use these legacy parts because they fit my aesthetic better, so I am limited to this option only. B: With the cargo ramp as it is, I have to and my giant space-plane on stilts basically, and it makes landings much harder than low to the ground landing gear. C: My large, long mobile base designs get beached on the peak of the ramp at this height. All I would like is a new variant or rework of the existing one that allows the cargo bay to be usable nearly flush to the floor, like the orignal mod did. I hope this isn't too hard for you to implement/work on, as it is a feature I desperately need. Thank you for your time! Edit: Also I forgot to mention: The current design of the ramp is a little narrow. I would appreciate a version that extends to nearly the width of the floor of the cargo bays. Thank you again!
  2. You could probably use a texture similar to the "stayputnic", considering that's the only stock "bare metal" look.
  3. Can you make a version of this mod to be compatible with the Kerbin-Side Complete Continued Mod? This has so many cool features and bases i would like to see in the other mod an vice versa, mabey you could redevelop this as an expansion for that mod, possibly just having 2 version, One with just the revamped KSC and another one with all the other launch sites and bases found in this mod.
  4. I final have been able to squeeze a good looking rover into a mkII cargo bay, but If I launch a full craft (with the rover as a payload, docked within the aircraft) and disengage docking ports, then it wont drive (but when launching the rover separately as its own vehicle, not docked to anything, It works fine). The only problem I could forsee is the wheels being clipped into position somehow bugs them out (yet when using the smallest wheels without clippage, it still has the same problem) ]\ Any assistance is appreciated. -Viridian
  5. What is the biggest, best-est, and hardest thing you have every built in ksp? Please post it with a picture (more if you have them) and a short description. MODDED CREATIONS ARE WELCOMED GREATLY! Many types of creations are welcome. Be creative. In particular, try making a ground vehicle (including hover craft), a planetary base, or an interplanetary space craft. I don't mind if it is something else though, as I welcome creativity. Links to other posts similar to this post are appreciated. Also, please post the craft file and mods used if you can so half this post isn't occupied by requests for a craft file. Till then, happy building and whatnot to you all
  6. Heres are two tips: 1 post a link to the second project on this page, and 2 JUST DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!! (no procrastination allowed!)
  7. Actually that is already a part of B9 aerospace mod (the root mod for 1.0.5)
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