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Everything posted by OrbitalBuzzsaw

  1. Oh. I'm going to upload them as individuals and as a bulk file (will require BDA, Generic Inline Cockpits, and maybe Modular Rocket Systems) Maybe KerbalX...
  2. Build an air-launched orbital hypersonic boost-glide vehicle like the X-15A2. It should be capable of a Munar landing w/ kerbin return. Must be launched from a drone aircraft, and either attached to a wing, or in a cargo bay, the latter being preferable. PLEASE make it land on skids from Kerbal Foundries!
  3. You can't put files on Google Drive, at least not that I'm aware of. Also, I'd like to put screenshots in. How do I do that? Also, can you test these out and see if they have issues? Other than low TWR mean. That's just a consquence of not using MRS .625M engines (for sake of all-stock players and/or nooblings [I actually started playing waaaaay back in 0.21 I just didn't make an account, which is why I still Bottle Rocketeer atm]) Also, the F-3A 'Shortsword' and F-4 'Zip' fighters, along with the T-31 'Kearman II' (A, B, and C variants) should be up later, and I am working on a Mark 3 long range transport. Also, to get out of the C-2, and still be able to get back in,retract the gear. Cheers' Buzzsaw
  4. Some other craft should be up sometime this week once I figure out what's wrong with Drop Box or change to Github or something (no not Curse, don't worry. Yes, I do agree, Curse is a curse, because I am sane)
  5. Thank you for liking my post

  6. Hello! Welcome to Buzzsaw Aerospace Korporation. Since 0.21, Buzzsaw Aerospace has been developing numerous aerospace concepts, and the first deemed ready for sale are available now! Craft Repository All "F" planes need BDArmory. C-2 'Skyliner' The C-2 Skyliner is a light transport and/or biz jet. It is fairly mauverable, and has about 40kms of Delta V, and a TWR of 0.63 on 4 J-20 Juno 0.625M Jet Engines. 1.1 Compatible! Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/9pp1uf7mr3qvr8y/C-2%20%27Skyliner%27.craft?dl=0 Pic - http://imgur.com/FfmH57c T-1 'Whoosh' The T-1 'Whoosh' advanced trainer is a very maneuverable jet, designed as a replacement for the Aeris 3A. Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/b6h5fxtonsd58mo/T-1%20%27Whoosh%27.craft?dl=0 Pic - http://imgur.com/sZgIgWR T-2 'Zipply' The T-2 Zipply is a basic jet trainer, the airplane that Kerbonauts use before they graduate to the T-1 (No, I don't know how that works either) 1.1 Compatible! Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ud6tlyovvajxh7/T-2%20%27Zipply%27.craft?dl=0 Pic - http://imgur.com/B4u23mq CF-5 'Jumbo Carrier' The cargo aircraft to accompany the C-3, the CF-5 (The board decided to skip C-4 for obvious reasons) is a heavy cargo jet WARNING : has a weird glitch with the roll surfaces. Also, DO NOT go above ~200m/s as it loses control. Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/7lm8a8dj4kikomg/CF-5%20%27Jumbo%20Carrier%27.craft?dl=0 SP-1 'Hyper Star' My first reasonable SSTO. Gets into orbit with about 650m/s left. Has trouble breaking Mach 1. Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/78m3kit74i41hzv/SP-1%20%27Hyper%20Star%27.craft?dl=0 CF-6 Flying Hype Freight Train Freight version of C-3 Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/1dvzni0gnp12wph/CF-6%20%27Flying%20Hype%20Freight%20Train%27.craft?dl=0 C-5 Xec The C-5 is a larger biz jet. It carries 6 passengers to the C-2's 4. Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/m39sph22beftcvk/C-5%20%27Xec%27.craft?dl=0 CX-8 Supersonic Transport The CX-8 is an experimental high-speed business jet. It carries only two passengers, but is much longer range than its predecessors. Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/26fbgyhlxyyygm4/CX-8B%20Supersonic%20Transport.craft?dl=0 L-3 'Konanza' The L-3 Konanza is a well-loved general aviation craft MODS: SXT, TweakScale Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajym0z8goi01jqm/L-3%20%27Konanza%27.craft?dl=0 C-10 Flying Hypetrain II The replacement for the C-3, now with landability! Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/6wahui4f91pkth2/C-10%20%27Flying%20Hypetrain%20II%27.craft%20copy?dl=0 X-21B 'ITS FLYING!?!?' Okay, I don't even know what this is... Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/sn77qg8ndfpek22/X-21B%20%27ITS%20FLYING%21%27.craft%20copy?dl=0 F-3A 'Shortsword' My best fighter design to date. Carries 6 Sidewinders as-is, but I have used it in an A-10 type role of ground unit support (Tank vs. tank using AI. Don't ask) Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1lnmczeozosviu/F-3A%20%27Shortsword%27.craft%20copy?dl=0 F-5 'Thunder' A ground-attack plane for wrecking everything... Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yqrn6p7lcu6zgwl/F-5%20%27Thunder%27%20%28GA%29.craft%20copy?dl=0 Air-to-air variant - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4kzo56rkypfuq8c/F-5%20%27Thunder%27%20%28Air%20To%20Air%29.craft%20copy?dl=0 Sky Reaper SSTO Spaceplane Line The Sky Reaper series of Mark II SSTO Spaceplanes serves general purpose LKO operations Download - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sk8wxutxcka6qg9/AABp-kYpj_cani820HCoZLx4a?dl=0 F-7 '86' I tried to make an F-86 replica. It didn't work. I made this. 1.1 Compatible! Download - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1c3wckewx0s7p4v/AAAy1VjoZgL5t3r7FQXmyufEa?dl= F-8 'Fly16' Yes, it's an F-16, don't ask. Download - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0to73h38x7tfk0t/AADGOIUe2d1qqLnfl7rFiYmDa?dl=0 Mods : ALG, BDA XH-1 A fully-serviceable, if basic, helicopter Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/jvpzrdsdd88whnx/XH-1.craft%20copy?dl=0 MODS : KAX P-4 'Korsair' F4U Corsair replica-ish. Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yrphdfsa2fabpok/P-4%20%27Korsair%27.craft%20copy?dl=0 MODS : KAX
  7. Hi, anyone who's reading this

    Buzzsaw Aerospace has spent the past week constructing and testing several new aircraft designs, and  The latest product deemed ready for sale is the C-2 "Skyliner" light transport and/or bizjet. Several other aircraft will be available in the new Buzzsaw Aerospace Korporation Aerospace Showroom, including the T-1 Whoosh advanced jettrainer and its stunt plane and K2 landing capable variants, the F-4 Zip light fighter, which is yet to be bested in AI vs AI dogfight testing with any aircraft. The F-3A supermauverable air-to-air combatant will be available as well. Other new offerings include the T-2 basic trainer and the I-1 Zoombang interceptor.

    1. OrbitalBuzzsaw


      Ongoing attempt to build Munar Landing Capable SSTO continues

  8. I found a weird bug which I am naming Skynet Pilot Flight Computer. What happens is that after a fight the AI Pilot won't turn off/let me take control of the plane.
  10. I, for one, am glad that there is a new repository based on KerbalStuff. It is sad that KS died, but it's great that SpaceDock is semi-functional just days after poor Kerbal Stuff went offline... EA is a nightmare "customer confuser" is a better term for EA's Customer Service
  11. Since KerbalStuff sadly shut down, will you be providing a download from GitHub, Curse, etc?
  12. Someone please make a texture replacer thing with Gerbils for hiring
  13. Do you have a developer to take over?

    1. lo-fi


      *Aqua* is keen, Gaalidas is busy with college. Could probably use another brain if you're keen too? I'm out of action as far as continuing anything goes, but available to help with code unpicking and handover.

    2. OrbitalBuzzsaw


      I'm learning Python atm, but in a few months I may be able to be a beta tester/ Mac compatibility tester and/or assistant dev.

    3. OrbitalBuzzsaw


      In the near distant future, I may be able to be the main dev

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