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Everything posted by TheJangleMan

  1. I accidentally clicked quote on this, and couldn't remove the quote....
  2. Hey, I'd like the feature to be able to change the object the planet is orbiting ! and plus, the altitude shown is wrong, it always shows one number! so this happens! http://prntscr.com/cditur
  3. I didnt see a way to fix it though! sorry... I will look into that...
  4. I dunno, works well with my 32 gig ram setup, I'm guessing around 16 GB of ram...
  5. No no no, you can cancel it, but if you try it, and fail, THATS when you lose money, there's a 100% cash refund on the planning. They should care where you go because it's supposed to bring balance to the system so that you won't get money for no reason.
  6. Thanks for the report, I'll see if I can fix that in the next update.
  7. The amount it gives you will always be lower than the amount you have on hand when you begin the plan and can go to negatives if you fail the Plan
  8. So, first of all its called the "Planning Center" here, you can set trajectories for orbit, or landing, and you can select along the orbit line where everything is for optimal trajectories. Now, for the Funding mode, you will get more funds the more precise you are on following the bold line and a bonus if in the administration building, you set it so that the line is thinner. (you can also set it thicker for less money on each plan) The building will be totally seperate from the tracking station. The amount you get will always be less than or equal to what you had on hand before the Plan! If you fail a plan, you can have a possibility of going bankrupt! There further the distance you plan, the more it costs to "research", meaning your money is the limit! There should be a set-up fee too... Hope you consider soon! Thanks to NightHog for saying we should be able to set up waypoints before launch! I did most of the technical thinking, but huge shoutout to NightHog for activating my thinking process and spawning this idea!
  9. 512kb profile banner? yeah, thats ridiculous. sure, I'll have an extremely low quality banner! (a.k.a. cover photo)

    1. TheJangleMan


      512kb would work for profile picture, 1024kb would work for banner!!!!!

  10. The second ksp finishes installing to a separate directory, I can do some more tests on K.G.R 

  11. well, with VTOL's if you want to make it perfectly balanced without decaying over time and needing adjustment by centering the center of mass on the center of vessel and the center of thrust through those two.
  12. We need a Center Of Vessel,no no, not center of mass, center of VESSEL. takes the height of the craft divides by 2 goes up that much, stores the variable, then repeats for each axis, then puts in the variables so that it shows up in the three dimensional space given. With this specific addition, we could make amazing Vertical Take Off Landers fly but have amazing designs on them, we could make things that were once unbalanced become PERFECTLY balanced by adding more weight on another side. This brings me to my second request, WEIGHTS, these would be used to help balance your vessels. It would also mean that with mods that add hinges and stuff, you could balance something like a mech EASILY, by focusing the center of weight on the center of Vessel. I hope you proceed in adding my request.
  13. So, every time I get a new message or reply on something, I never get a notification, email, or desktop notification! as well as when I'm typing a message, it will stay at "saving" forever and I'd need to either close every forum page I have open, or logout and do the same!
  14. Please, use my discord for the quickest way to contact me! It feels as though this forum is broken and it never sends me an email or notification not even a desktop notification of when someone replies or messages me!
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