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Everything posted by Mycroft

  1. I like your idea. I would actually beg to differ on that point. I've seen with my own two peepers people who have like 50 mods have their game constantly crashing under the tremendous load. Also check out Scott Manley's video about too many mods on YouTube.
  2. I was actually not aware that I needed that mod, nor had I even heard of it. I'll certainly get it, but I believe (and think you do too) that players oughtta be able to download a fully functioning, self contained mod, so if this is a requirement, maybe include it in the download. I think it's more important to be user friendly than be small. Take for example B-9 Aerospace. Huge mod, but also hugely popular, since it's user friendly. Only reason why I mentioned IVAs is because it prohibits EVAing. Same with the "module has no hatch" bug. The look of the IVA is extremely unimportant, I agree. I'm just saying that I'd like it to be THERE, even if it's all black, so Kerbals can go EVA. I did mention the black ones merely because, though low priority, I think they're still things to be fixed.
  3. Okay so I do actually have the Firespitter mod, the one that came with this package, and these tanks still will not work. However, some tanks do work as intended, so I'm not sure what's going on with that. Also I'm just basically posting this as a general FYI, not directed at anyone specifically. I understand that many of the IVAs were never done, but I just wanted to clear up exactly which ones they were. I would actually disagree with you on the inline docking port. If a part holds crew, I would say it needs a IVA, if only so that it doesn't swallow your Kerbals up, but mostly to allow EVAing. Since the docking port has a crew capacity, I would say it counts as a crew module, though I can't really see where Kerbals would fit. I don't pretend to know squat about making IVAs, or fixing hit boxes, but I'll try to get you a picture of the problem. I'm sure there are forum users who are able to help you. Once again, my post was pretty much just an FYI. I would personally advise against it. Now I'm far from any kind of expert on modding, but if you want my opinion, here it is. The more mods you download, the less performance you can get out of your game, kinda like part count. Splitting up this lovely mod seems to me to be an unwise idea. I can just see the confusion now: "so exactly what combination of OPT mods do you have?" It's easier just to have one big mod. Actually, part of the reason I like it is because of how many parts it offers. If it had been multiple tiny mods, I almost certainly would have skipped it over as too hard to install. I'm quite sure that if you do this, others will feel the same, reducing your mod's popularity greatly. Now I do have an idea. You could organize the files in such a way that you have like your main folder and then subfolders for each mod you were thinking of splitting it up into. It could be arranged so that by default, you download all the parts for the casual player, and if you want to customize it you can go into the file system and delete whatever folders you want. You could put directions for how to customize it on its website (saying for example which file holds what parts, and which to delete if you want x configuration), getting the best of both worlds. Now there would be some confusion, granted, but I believe it would make your mod more popular, IMHO, since it appeals to both the casual player since you get all the parts by default, and to the more in depth player, since you can go back and delete the sections you don't want.
  4. Just curious... I have 1.1.2 and I'd like to get this mod. Will it work?
  5. Okay, so I threw together a comprehensive list of bugs that I have found in this wonderful mod so far (from your average, not too smart player. I won’t be talking about .config files): 1. Cockpits. Most seem to be missing IVAs altogether, and are listed here, but not in order unfortuantely. Some have other glitches, also listed here (I deliberately left out the Mark 3 Airliner Cockpit): A. The OPT B-QS01 cockpit. Missing IVA. B. The OPT C Space Shuttle cockpit. Missing IVA. Hitbox issues, the nose sinks into the ground up to the windshield. C. The OPT J Space plane cockpit. In External View, there appear to be ‘bars’ of static that block the Kerbal’s faces. [Note: IVA textures are minimal] D. The OPT MK2 Cockpit. Missing IVA. E. The OPT L Space Shuttle Cockpit. Beautiful IVA, but EVA does not work, as the game claims: “Module has no hatch" F. The OPT 2.5mISP Shuttle Cockpit. Blank IVA. G. The OPT A Space Shuttle Cockpit. Missing IVA. H. The OPT K TAV Shuttle Cockpit. Blank IVA, minor hitbox glitches. I. The OPT ISP Shuttle Cockpit 2. Blank IVA. 2. Fuel Tanks. A. The OPT J Fuel Tank 4m and 2m, and OPT J Bicoupler. Hold no fuel. Structural only. B. The OPT K Fuel Tank 6m, the OPT K Hollow Fuselage, and the OPT K Hollow Fuselage 3m. Hold no fuel. C. The OPT L Hollow fuselage, and the OPT L Bicoupler. Hold no fuel. D. The OPT J to 2.5m connector, the OPT J to 2.5m connector variant, the OPT J to L Adapter, the OPT J to L Adapter 3m, the OPT J to MK 2 Adapter, the OPT J-K Adapter, and the OPT J-K Adapter 3m, all hold no fuel, yet are in the fuel tanks section. E. The OPT Mk 2 Nose holds no fuel. 3. Utility. 1. The B-Inline Docking & Utility Bay. Missing IVA. 2. The OPT J Inline Docking Port. Missing IVA. 3. The OPT J Crew Tank. Missing IVA. 4. The OPT L Crew Tank. Missing IVA. These are all the bugs I found. Otherwise, love the mod. Perhaps could work on getting more IVAs designed if that’s not already on the to do list (which I’m sure is long)? EDIT: I am aware that the size L is low-priority, however, I included it because it has a few genuine bugs.
  6. Awesome! I actually just noticed that little message just before seeing this. Thanks! I just wanted to make sure i got the install right.
  7. It makes me sad when people remove parts from mods I like the L-series. I love it when people add stuff tho.
  8. It seems that the C size cockpit has some hitbox issues, if you all don’t already know.
  9. Will definitely look into it. Thanks again! Edit: That would explain why it broke there, not somewhere else. Oh! I just remembered! I had problems with the landing gear randomly detaching in orbit and floating away.
  10. Hmm. I’ll have to try that. I did not know that wheels in 1.1.2 have problems. I thought they had been fixed. Thanks!
  11. Uhm. I’ve had the mod for a few days now, and I believe I may have noticed a potential bug. I don’t pretend to know much about how mods work, but this appears to be a problem. So, I made a gargantuan spaceplane with a wet mass of 324,435 kg at launch, with approx. 15km/s Delta-v having reached a 100 km orbit. It has a size L cockpit attached to a size L Crew Tank (which I’ve always wondered how come its at least twice the size of the Mk 3 passenger module with half the crew capacity) and it has two XL Landing gear spanning the border between them. It works beautifully till orbit, but if I switch to the space center and come back, the cockpit explosively detaches from the rest of the ship as soon as physics is applied. The debug console gives me this error: "[Error]: Ignore collision failed. Both colliders need to be activated when calling IgnoreCollision” So far, the only workaround I have found is to have Unbreakable Joints activated ALL the time, otherwise it will break up in my absence. I don’t like using cheats, and I was wondering if anyone else was having the same problem, and if there was any way I could edit the .config file to install a more permanent fix/patch. I checked, and I have the newest version. Any help appreciated. Edit: Other than that, its an awesome mod, and I love it.
  12. Okay, so, ummm… I just installed it, and I only have a few of the listed parts. I’ve only got the Mk3 Airliner cockpit, the OPT B Cargo Bay Mk 2, the OPT Drop Tank, the OPT “ARI-75b” Engine, the OPT Dark Drive, the OPT J-61 Advanced TurboRamjet, and the OPT J-92 Advanced Scramjet. Nothing more. I’m pretty sure I installed it right. I downloaded the file, the copy/pasted the whole thing into the Game Data Folder, and then started the game. What should I have done differently, if anything? I tried restarting the game, with the debug window open and it had lots of ‘could not load x because file does not exist’ error messages. Oh, and I have all the parts researched except for the RTG. I’ll restart my computer next, see if that does anything. Please help! Edit: Okay… restarting my computer didn’t work. I looked a bit closer at the debug menu and it says that its main problem is compiling the models of the parts. Gonna try re downloading it. Edit (again): YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! Okay. Calm down. I finally figured out (dummy) that you have to treat OPT and Firespitter as two separate mods. Oh I feel so dumb. Sorry about all the panic and fuss, and LOVE the mod already!
  13. Thanks for the link, and also the heads up. I’ll make sure not to have it be an integral part of my space program. EDIT: By the way, this looks to be a frikin’ AWESOME mod!
  14. Two questions: 1. Could I get a link to the Spacedock site? 2. Is it compatible with 1.1? Thanks!
  15. OMG! Just got Kerbal Alarm clock and found out I have a Jool window in seven days! Gaaah! Can somebody help me come up with a viable lander system that can get back from Jool? I can get there, just not back. Any and all help tremendously appreciated. Thanks, Mycroft 33 Edit: Sorry! Should have said ‘Jool system’. I haven’t picked a moon yet, but it won’t be Laythe.
  16. If I could interject, heres a forum that might help: How to get to the moons, with an example (sandbox) rocket that can do it. Sorry to interfere.
  17. I would personally recommend Scott Manley. He has a ton of very comprehensive, in depth analysis, well reputed tutorials.
  18. @SmashMan, If you have KSP 1.1 or newer, KSPedia is an in-game wiki that is extremely helpful for things like orbital maneuvering basics such as achieving Mun Orbit. Also, if you click on the Tutorials button at the main menu, it has an amazing two part tutorial on how to go to the Mun and back. Finally if all else fails, I personally would recommend watching Scott Maney’s 'Tutorial For Beginners’ on Youtube. Starhawk, Dman979, thanks a bunch for those tips. @Starhawk, I was aware of Kerbal Engineer’s feature. Sorry, looking back, I realized I actually said the wrong thing (as usual). I was actually looking for what the phase angles need to be. Really sorry for the confusion & inconvenience.
  19. Hey guys, what mod should I get that will tell me current in-game phase angles of the various planets? Oh, and what is ‘argument of the periapsis’?
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