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Everything posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. Can I have an element named after me (TheEpicSquared)?
  2. -18 - My troops are doing well. We are marching forward at a steady pace, and retaking lost ground. Morale is high, as we feel we will soon win this war. Cpt. Squared, 2nd Negative Squadron
  3. -18 - Day 130 My support has arrived! Morale is high, we might gain some ground after all. It will be a welcome change from the monotonous standstill that has been the norm for the last few days.
  4. -16- Day 128. Things are going relatively well. Not much else to add.
  5. -16- The positives have used their troops well. However, I now know of their strategy. It is a good thing I learnt how to tap in on telephone calls. This new intel has boosted morale. Cpt. Squared, 2nd Negative Squadron
  6. -17- Day 127. Curses! I have just received news that the positives have also gained reinforcements. No matter, I will continue to fight. Morale is not as high, however I am still true to my cause. Cpt. Squared, 2nd Negativity Squadron, Awaiting help.
  7. -16- Day 126. War is terrible, yet I must keep going. Why? I do not know. I only know that I mustn't give up, I must keep fighting. The reinforcements have not yet arrived; I look forward to the day I see them jump down into the trenches alongside me. It is soon Christmas, and I hope that just for a few days the war can be forgotten and that both the positives and the negatives can just sit down for a meal together. Perhaps then we could settle our differences without the ghastly loss of lives. Signing off for today.
  8. -16- Day 125 in the trenches. It seems the positive fighter has refused our offer. Not much I can do about it except to keep on pushing. I have called reinforcements (@Mycroft@DarkOwl57@adsii1970@Wildcat111) but it is not known if they will arrive in time. Until then I must defend the trenches to the best of my ability. Signing off.
  9. -16- Day 124 in the trenches. A positive fighter is almost out of food and water. We have sent a message to him, telling him to surrender and join us. He will be well fed, and he will be an useful addition to our troops. Signing off for the day.
  10. @adsii1970 I pointed that out on the previous page, I think. EDIT: @Dman979 said it was a revert point, which is why we're at -14 instead of +90something
  11. Wait... -32 + 1 doesn't equal -32. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that should be a revert point, making -32 the last valid number. @Dman979 what do you think?
  12. Ah. Well then I'll continue with -11- *Jeremy Clarkson's smug face*
  13. Hold on... @TheKosmonaut -10 + 1 does not equal -8. That means the last valid is @Deddly's-11, right?
  14. @NSEP That's cause Deddly found a loophole in the rules
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