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Everything posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. "Maneuvering Nodes" "Calling Orbital Mechanic" "Thanking NecroBones" "Remembering Ladders" "Specifying Impulse"
  2. In order: KER KAC Transfer Window Planner BetterBurnTime Interstellar Fuel Switch (that's the one that lets you change the fuel configuration right?) GravityTurn Procedural Parts Procedural Wings Infernal Robotics Kerbal Konstructs KIS/KAS Docking Port Alignment Indicator
  3. Nice! I also have a suggestion, which I think ties into both career and science mode. The tech tree should be made sensible. So the tech tree would start off with low-performance SRBs, winglets, cameras and simple science experiments like thermometers, before moving on to parachutes, enabling recoverable vehicles. At this point, there would not be any probe-core like system, so the actions (like parachute firing, for instance) would have to be programmed in before launch. After that comes a rudimentary guidance system, better winglets, and LFO systems. The next tiers would improve on this tech and introduce new systems like the RAPIERs and nuke engines. Oh, and some airplane parts should be available from the start of the game, since in real life planes existed way before rockets did.
  4. I only send kerbals on expeditions if I know I can bring them back soon. So no landing a kerbal on Eve, hoping that someday I'll be able to make a return vehicle capable of doing the job. Also, I make sure that if something goes wrong, I can bring the kerbals back fairly quickly (the later part of this post (with the Mun landing) exemplifies thiis quite well...) <-- Shameless self-advertising is shameless
  5. Banned for having only having 2 6s instead of 3 in your username.
  6. We do each stage separately right? And then add up the times when all the stages are complete?
  7. How?!?! Tell me your secrets! Are there jet engines underneath that make the craft hover?
  8. Banned for having an excessively long location.
  9. *Chutes open at the same time as engines ignite* "Damn staging!" ~ Me, countless times.
  10. "Time to launch a rescue mission for the rescue mission." ~ Me, countless times.
  11. CHAPTER 22: THE HYBRIDIUM Caldos Kerman was the head of Kerbin World Airlines, the dominant superpower in herding kerbals around Kerbin in tin cans flying through the air. Currently, he was at the Kerman Lake airport, waiting for his connecting flight to the Kerbal Space Center. He was heading for a meeting with Hardfield about the possibility of using suborbital space capsules as a form of mass transport. He was sure that the ordinary kerbal would pay good money for a chance to travel into space, and reach faraway destinations in a fraction of the current time. Caldos had arrived at the Kerman Lake airport from the South Pole Station, where he was staying as he was looking for a good location for an airport. The PA system announced, "Kerbin World Airlines flight 556 to KSC is ready for boarding at gate A-23, I repeat, KWA-556, boarding at gate A-23." Caldos sighed and got up from the uncomfortable plastic chair and followed the bright yellow-and-black to gate A-23. Through the giant windows, the shiny new Kossak K-200 that was KWA-556 was surrounded by maintenance staff, who appeared to be huddling around the tip of the right wing. A luggage car, loaded up with bags, approached the rear of the plane and unloaded its cargo into the hold. Just another day at the airport, Caldos thought. As he absentmindedly showed his ticket to the security officer and passed into the jetway, he couldn't help thinking of his early career, when he himself was a pilot of the old propeller planes that always were so loud and lively places to be in. His fantasies were gone in an instant when he stepped out of the warm and stuffy jetway into the nice cool air-conditioned air of the K-200 cabin. He found seat 10D and strapped himself in as he looked at the huddle of kerbals sealing up a dent in the wing with aluminium tape. A few minutes later, everyone else had boarded and the repairs were complete, and so the plane taxied to the runway. A few seconds later, the engines roared and the K-200 started to speed down the runway. It only took roughly 30 seconds for it to reach takeoff speed and rotate. Then, it was airborne. The flight was uneventful for the most part, and some time later it was nearing the KSC. Caldos looked out the right wing. Nothing special outside the window, just the clouds far below. Then, a movement caught his eye. The aluminium tape had partially peeled off and was now flapping in the wind! However, this was quickly forgotten as another object came into view. Caldos had never seen anything like it. The object was flying just a bit above the right wing, and closing in fast. It was completely grey and appeared to be a perfect cube! How's it flying? There's no source of propulsion! Caldos thought, astonished. Before he could do or say anything, the cube silently turned towards Caldos, exposing what must have been the front windshield of the object. Inside, at the controls, was a... creature. A humanoid, but with an astonishingly big head and pure black eyes. Caldos quickly snapped a picture with his phone. Then, the plane passed through a cloud. When it was back in open sky, the flying object was gone. Caldos leaned back in his seat, breathless at what he had seen. Then, a voice, distorted but amazingly clear at the same time, emerged in his head. "Hello Caldos... we are not here to to harm you. Do not be scared." Then, the voice became distorted and unclear. "We do not *static* hurt you. We *static* want *static* help you. We are *static* friends. *static* want to cooperate." "But we first need to test you. Your *static* set of skills. Get ready." The voice in Caldos's head fell silent. And then the aluminium tape on the wing ripped cleanly off and instantly severed the hydraulic pipes. Shards from the pipes ripped a hole through the fuselage and suddenly everything was being sucked towards the hole in the cabin. Caldos instantly realized the severity of the situation. Without hydraulics, the control surfaces didn't work. Without pressure, the plane would need to descend quickly to allow breathing to be possible. With no working control surfaces working, that would be a bit difficult. Caldos could barely hear himself think over the noise and chaos in the cabin. But through all the commotion, one thought could be heard, clear as day. "We are the Hybridium" ***
  12. Due to excessive schoolwork () the next chapter will be fairly short and will not have any screenshots, due to me simply not having enough time to play KSP. Also, the next chapter will not include any rocketry, but instead will serve as a little narrative to enhance the story. Also, should I put following chapters in spoilers? I know that with slow internet connections, the screen tends to keep on jumping down as pictures load. Should I put chapters in spoilers?
  13. [I promise this isn't shameless self-advertising ]
  14. Yup, next launch attempt is tomorrow I think. Not sure of the time yet
  15. Most certainly not! I'm just finishing up the DOV/DDLAV vehicles, and then the next chapter should be up.
  16. The CYGNSS satellite constellation is launching on an air-launched Pegasus rocket. Watch it here! https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/#public UPDATE 15 Dec 2016: Launch successful!
  17. I completely agree with this. It would give so much depth to launching rockets. Although, I agree that it should be toggleable (I, however, would keep it on). EDIT: Yay! This is my 500th post! EDIT 2: @ZooNamedGames Was it by chance Airforceproud95? I've seen it as well and it's pretty funny.
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