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Everything posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. For the cross-continental rally, same vehicle throughout. I'll ask @Oliverm001x to add that to the general rules.
  2. I guess if people wanted to use landing gear, that would go into the fuel only category. I don't think many people will make a craft for that category, but we have it just in case. Oh, and the exclusive thread for the cross-continental rally will be created tomorrow.
  3. I'm working on a cross-continental rally at the moment, and I'll make a new thread for it as well as post it here when I'm done. EDIT: Here's the save file, the thread for it will be created tomorrow thread has been created: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/51esn08h184rtrh/AADEj35YVyqXYjqQT7YdDRf5a?dl=0
  4. Everything in the save, unfortunately. And with just a day left to rebuild and test my rover, I've lost interest. EDIT: However, I'm making my own rally at the moment, and I'm almost done. I just have to make a dropbox account and upload the save file, make a thread, and I'm done. I'll announce it here (if that's ok with you @Triop) and on the Official Kerbal Racing Season thread, by myself and @Oliverm001x.
  5. Unfortunately, I will have to pull out of this race, due to a random corruption in the save file. I went into it and found that all my craft had been deleted, I couldn't launch anything, and when I restarted KSP the save file had deleted itself.
  6. Yup, progress has been slow on my part, as I've been caught up in the Dakar challenge. However, I've got the screenshots done, so chapter 24 should be out by Monday
  7. I'm thinking of starting my own rally. Not from KSC2 to the pyramids (I'll leave that to whoever is doing that), but from the KSC to some other place.
  8. The fact that the CoM of engines (especially the Rapier) is outside of the actual part annoys me to no end.
  9. I was actually thinking about this the other day when I was deleting hundreds of debris from the tracking station. I'm glad I'm not alone
  10. I'm pretty sure modded and stock are in different categories. I also remember reading something about there being different sub-categories - electric only, fuel/electric, etc. @Triop, am I right?
  11. I think a monthly race would be too much, maybe every 2-3 months? Anyway, lets not discuss it here, or this thread would get derailed
  12. Continued development my vehicle for the Kerbal Dakar Rally 2017 I would put in a picture, but my friend is participating as well and I don't want him to steal any ideas... *cough* @Oliverm001x *cough* *cough*
  13. I wonder if someone could make a Kerbal Dakar 2018, with a new track... @Triop, what do you think?
  14. @Triop 1 final question: Each stage lasts for 1 week, right? So you can submit times for stage 1 from 01/01/17 to 07/01/17, stage to from 08/01/17 to 15/01/17, etc... right? Thanks
  15. Whew. Just finished doing stage 1 and 2, and I must say, stage 2 is an absolute nightmare . By the looks of it, so is stage 3. Overall, though, I'm happy with my times. They're probably not the fastest, but I'm just glad I managed to finish the first 2 stages. However, I'll have to come up with a way to right my rover if it flips, and I'll have to redesign the front wing so it doesn't impact the ground.
  16. I've got the K-250 and the K-300 done and uploaded to KerbalX, so they should be posted here by the end of the week (I need to get chapter 24 of my mission report (link in sig) done first)
  17. For the K340, are you sure only having 6290m/s of Dv is enough to circumnavigate Kerbin? It doesn't seem possible with that little
  18. @Triop, 2 3 questions. First, are the pictures in the OP the final rally paths, or have they been changed? I remember reading something about the paths changing a while ago. Second, is it ok if after finishing a stage, I quicksave and then immediately quickload? This resets the mission clock I believe, and it will make timing each stage much easier. EDIT: Also, we have a week for each stage, right? Thanks
  19. Unfortunately, chapter 24 will have to wait until tomorrow, as I got caught up with Civ 6 and the Kerbal Dakar Challenge
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