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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. So. Picture this. You start up a new career save, enter the tracking station and admire the cleanliness of Kerbin orbit. No satellites, debris, stations or abandoned Jool transfer craft. Speaking of Jool, you focus on the Joolian system, and what do you see? A perfect representation and map of every aspect of each and every celestial body in the Joolian system (and the rest of the Kerbol system, for that matter). Every ocean, every landmass, every anomaly, without any geographical satellites. What I think is that in a new save, you should not initially know the surface of a planet or moon since you have never been there. Makes sense, right? I think that instead, there should be those coloured dots (like when you zoom out really far in map view) - red for Duna, purple for Eve, and so on. The map view should remain this way until you can get a mapping satellite in polar orbit around the body you want to map, using some sort of stock camera (if a mod can do it why not the stock game?).


    So what do you all think? :)  

  2. Another question. For small payloads, eg cubesats, wouldn't it be cheaper to have them as primary payloads on an upgraded falcon 1 (merlin 1d+ engine instead of merlin 1c for example), instead of having them as secondary payloads in the falcon 9? I imagine it would also be better for the satellite producers since they would not have to wait until the big primary payload is finished to launch on a falcon 9 months or even years away, instead they could expect a sooner launch of just a month or 2 of waiting time. 

    Any thoughts?

  3. 9 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

    spacexstats converts times and dates into your local time zone.  Since there's no time, just a date, it's probably assumed the launch will happen at 12:00 am on that day, UTC.  For me, it comes up with the 26th.  After mousing over the date, I selected UTC, and it showed the 27th.

    Yea my time zone is CET, so it's 27th for me :)

    Is there any more information on the 2018 mars mission? The only info I found was from 2 weeks ago when the tweet actually came out.

  4. Hello! It's me again! I've been loving your mod, and I have a very long-term suggestion: I was thinking that since SpaceX's Mars plans are coming out in September (told you it was long term) why not make a BFR/MCT stockalike replica? Also one less long-term idea, could you possibly make a radial decoupler? I've been trying to make Falcon Heavy rockets but the stock decouplers just don't look right. Also maybe a Falcon Heavy nosecone? Thanks :)

  5. 22 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

    You kept too many layers of of folder. Take the TundraExploration folder from the end of that address and put it in Kerbal Space Program\Gamedata

    Thanks! I'll check it out

    EDIT: well sh*t... It gets stuck loading the rodan cockpit

    Any ideas?

    EDIT 2: Never mind I got it working thanks for all the help guys!

  6. On 4/11/2016 at 10:00 PM, tygoo7 said:

    Is it Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TundraExploration\(things like Flags, Parts, ect.)?

    Since I'm not really a files person, here is the exact location: Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Tundra_Exploration_-_Stockalike_Dragon_V2_and_Falcon_9-0.8.1-1.zip\Tundra-Exploration-DragonV2-0.8.1\GameData\TundraExploration\(flags, parts, etc)

    Sorry for the late reply, I've been really busy with school and whatnot

  7. On 4/10/2016 at 2:00 AM, tygoo7 said:

    I'll be streaming in a few minutes. https://www.twitch.tv/tygoo7

    Double check you installed it this way. KSPDirectory\GameData\TundraExploration

    EDIT: Stream ended.

    So quick update on the update. It appears that NearFutureSolar is not yet updated to 1.1 and many people still don't even have 1.1 because they bought it through the store. What this means, is that I'm probably going to hold the update until 1.1. I'll then be able to work on the other things that were planned like the science parts and update some of the part shaders.



    Yeah so here is where the mod is: Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and the parts still didn't show up in the VAB or the SPH. I'm playing on the 64-bit version of the 1.1 prerelease, if that helps.

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