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Everything posted by Tomycj

  1. Is it the mod that changes the crew recruitment system? Because if it is, there is a huge glitch/exploit: You can hire kerbals with a negative cost, effectively gaining money. For example, you can hire a kolonist with courage 0 and stupidity 100, level 2, for -42.000 funds !!! Curiously, increasing the level gives you more money. Bulk hire selector at 10 allows you to gain up to 420000 funds with ONE kerbal. ps: can anyone explain to me what does the bulk hire selector does?
  2. "Every time I come back to my Minmus base, the radiators are nearly overheated" Happens to me too, I'm pretty sure it is a stock thing, but not if thats a bug or intended behaviour
  3. What is required in a base for an engineer to refill the Tundra modules with machinery automatically? I have a base with some of them, a few engineers and machinery to spare stored, but when their machinery drops to 1999/2000, they dont seem to be automatically refilled, does it take some time? Does it need to drop below some %? Also, machinery can't be transported via PL right?
  4. Wich hab-modules did you use? And thanks for the rest of the info, looking at other player's bases will sure help me to understand.
  5. Hello, I need some help with the kolonization of Mun, I have an almost self sustaining base and I'm trying to get the 500% kolonization bonus (infinite home time). Ok, here I go (bad english alert): Does PL currently work between crafts in orbit and landed ones? Do both craft count for increasing the kolonization %? Do only pilots counts for increasing that % or are some others that help? Does the % Increase only over time or it will instantly increase if I carry there a lot of crew? Does it increase faster the more crew I have on the planet? Do I need a specific module to make the crew count towards this %? . How much crew would I need aprox. to colonize Mun in like a year or so? Do other planets have different % increase rates? Also, wich modules are recommended for a big supply production plant? Wich ones for holding large ammounts of crew? The inflatabe agroponics seems to have the fastest production rate, and the stock utility hitchhiker seems to be more efficient than even the hab. ring... I've been looking for info in the wiki and other tutorials, but I'm not sure if the info is updated or I couldn't find very much of it. Thanks a lot beforehands for your help!
  6. I have the last version of mks, a logistics duna module with a pilot. The craft has a full container with PL enabled, the PL tab is sill empty. If there is a source producing that resource, it stops because the container is full. If I have the same setup in the planet but needing the resource for something STILL the PL tab is in blank. Nevermind, I reinstalled it and it now works
  7. My last game I completed the tech tree with kerbin system exploration (a mun mission and several to minmus) + a mission to Duna and back (visiting 1 biome) + a mission to Ike and back (Landed in 2 biomes). Now I think the tech tree can be unlocked only by exploring minmus, mun and kerbin very well. I focused on: science tech + bigger rockets > probe tech. I also think science experiments are a priority.
  8. I have a pretty old pc (32 bits) and I've had the same crashing issue with 2 or 3 mods since 1.0.5, but in the new version it crashes in the VAB all the time! And I have only kerbal engineer installed. It also crashes sometimes in flight, thing that never happened in 1.0.5, the weird thing is that anyways my fps have increased a Little in 1.1
  9. I have the same bug with a career started in 1.0.5: The contract is about launching a new Space Station with a viewing cupola, at first all conditions are met, but if I reload the craft (for example going to the space center and back) the condition about having that part in the vessel appears as not met. I tried reloading, restarting the game, etc. Now the same happens but with a satellite not recognizing it's accelerometer
  10. Hola comunidad! Simplemente me dieron ganas de jugar con alguien "multijugador" compartiendo el archivo de la partida cada vez que se juega. Comenten si están interesados, pero preferiblemente busco a gente que sepa por lo menos aterrizar en Mun. Tengo interés por saber si resultará muy distinto a jugar solo, ya que ningún conocido mío juega habitualmente. La idea es que cada vez que alguien haga un avance, le pase la carpeta con el save a los demás, los detalles siempre los podemos acordar más adelante.
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