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Jeb-head-mug kerman

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Everything posted by Jeb-head-mug kerman

  1. Updated version of the Hornet! Just made it in time!https://kerbalx.com/JebHeadMugKerman/Endre-Er-Sx-13-Hornet-III
  2. Finally got the plane ready! My entry the ENDRE ER SX 13 'Hornet' It is in the Heavy fighter class, and should be quiet manouverable, and is also very stable. It is also quite fast, capable of doing 234 m/s in level flight! It is armed with 2 Hispana's and 2 more 20mm guns (of the name of which I can't remember:). I based the design of the Mosquito bomber. The poor Dummy tried its best but it was not fast or manouverable enough! Here it is!https://kerbalx.com/JebHeadMugKerman/Endre-Er-Sx-13-Hornet-II UPDATED VERSION!!!!:https://kerbalx.com/JebHeadMugKerman/Endre-Er-Sx-13-Hornet-III http:// http:// http:// fighting the dummy I am quite happy with it, considering this is the first successful craft I have made in FAR.
  3. My thanks! My plane now flies as it should, and all it needs is some more manouverability! I'll post it tommorow.!
  4. Well, I've found it actually does stall whenever I pull the elevator. Anything I can do to fix that?
  5. Help! My plane keeps oscelating up and down whenever I use the elevator!
  6. I am an avid pilot of R/C model aircraft, and before long it got me wondering if it would be possible to fly a plane in ksp with a rc transmitter. It would make things a lot easier to say the least! Anybody know if this is possible?
  7. Ah, well! I unfortunately completely screwed up my gravity assists (As I've never done them before) and gave up, but I shall soon try again! I had TONS of fuel but I was just going so fast I couldn't slow down. If you could tell me how to go about them, I would be very grateful!
  8. Oh gods, I've just launched my rocket, and I am thinking 'thus is gonna be so easy!' This is because I still will have 7500 m/s of fuel left after the Jool encounter! I think my rocket could do an Eeloo mission....
  9. Thanks! In that case I might go to Vall, and how could I go about doing gravity assists?
  10. Thanks AHHans! My plan was to land on Bop and mine there as I thought that would be necessary, so you think that might not be so? And also, would I have to use gravity assists to land on Bop with the amount of fuel I have and get back?
  11. Hello! Recently I've been working on my Aquarius rocket, meant to go to Bop and back, and I just wanted to know how much m/s of fuel I need and of how to get to Bop. My rocket is a single laugh vehicle based slightly on SpaceX's starship, and has 8295 m/s of fuel in orbit, and 5 NERV motors. Thanks for any help!
  12. Ive built a plane capable of speeds of up too 3500 m/s, and I will try to fly it tomorrow for this challenge!
  13. I did several hours of ksp today! And now my eyes are SO tirhttp://ed. So, today I started the first part of perhaps my most daring mission yet. I launched the 'H.A.D.E.S', a interplanetary ship designed to carry one kerbal to the surface of Eeloo. This is especially hard for me as I don't have much experience in docking and interplanetary travel(almost none), as I have only ever launched 2 small stations and landed only on the Mun, Minmus and Duna very recently. So first I relaunched the EOS 'Sydney', the Eeloo lander and the craft that will return my kerbals to Kerbin. I say 'relaunched' as there were a number of problems with the first launch last week. After getting it into a stable orbit of 85km, I went back to the VAB and built the 'H.A.D.E.S' Starship itself. It is basically a bunch of fuel tanks and 5 Nerv motors. I launched the 'Hades' and after a bit of fiddling about I got an encounter with the 'Sydney'. For some reason, I couldn't get the 'Sydney' to dock with the Hades, as it just kept bouncing of the cocking port. But after a while, the two ships were safely docked together. AFter setting up my manouver node, I started the 20m burn to Eeloo. And here I made another mistake, as I started the burn two late, and in doing so lost a lot of fuel. After some thought I stopped burning and started a new node. After several years journey, the 'Hades made it into Eeloo's grasp. Next week I shall try to land the 'Sydney'! Here are some pics: http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// 10000000000 Miles away from home. http://
  14. Might I ask what visual mods do you use? Because your game looks amazing!
  15. Yes, I agree! This challenge was an awesome idea. It's a shame I didn't find it earlier though. It would be great if it would be revived!
  16. Wait, so do the crew cabins have different amounts of passengers than what it says in the game? If so, what is the crew count for the 1.5 size cabin?
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